hp 48sx engineering mathematics library

FREE [DOWNLOAD] HP 48SX ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS LIBRARY EBOOKS PDF Author :John F Holland / Category :Mathematics / Tota...

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FREE [DOWNLOAD] HP 48SX ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS LIBRARY EBOOKS PDF Author :John F Holland / Category :Mathematics / Total Pages : 632 pages

Download HP 48SX Engineering Mathematics Library PDF Summary : Free hp 48sx engineering mathematics library pdf download - when surveying the computer technology available for working out mathematical problems one fact quickly becomes apparent-most personal and super- computers are not designed for computation without the aid of costly and often only partially compatible software programs most computer operating systems cannot perform mathematical computations mathematics textbooks and handbooks provide useful equations but they do not offer accessible means for evaluation the hp48sx an object-oriented computer containing a custom cpu and operating system is designed specifically for this task with a low-cost computer chip and an inexpensive calculator the hp 48sx engineering mathematics library an introduction to symbolic and complex computation with applications package offers users an affordable and versatile alternative for solving simple and complex problems key features offers single-button plotting of all hp 48 mathlib and all real and complex functions stored in the var directory-linear semi-log and log-log lots with titles and labeled axes creates 36 user-defined programmable command menus instead of offering users stock menu-driven commands supports many different fields of study including physicists and electrical mechanical and aerospace engineers where computation ranges from basic to advanced mathematics provides extensive symbolic algebra calculus and linear algebra tools features menus and a manual logically built around subject areas allows for over 300 tabulations of complex math functions most within 10-digit accuracy 100 statistical operations and tests plus 50 statistical probability distributions and their inverses 100 data and signal processing operations 200 vector and matrix commands plus 50 symbolic array commands 200 algebra operations including 3 powerful complex-coefficient polynomial root-solvers 50 data editing sorting windowing clipping and peak and valley analysis commands can solve a 40 x 40 linear system of equations with iterative refinement in under 4 minutes Pusblisher : on 1992 / ISBN : 012352380X