Course Outline Implementing Cisco IOS Networks Security General Description Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IIN...

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Course Outline Implementing Cisco IOS Networks Security General Description Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) is an instructor-led course presented by Cisco training partners to their end-user customers. This five-day course focuses on the necessity of a comprehensive security policy and how it affects the posture of the network. Learners will be able to perform basic tasks to secure a small branch type of office network using Cisco IOS security features available through web-based GUIs (Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM)) and the command-line interface (CLI) on the Cisc routers and switches.

Outcomes At the end of the course, students will be able to:  Develop a comprehensive network security policy to counter threats against information security  Configure routers on the network perimeter with Cisc IOS Software security features  Configure firewall features including ACLs and Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewalls to perform basic security operations on a network  Configure site-to-site VPNs using Cisco IOS features  Configure IPS on Cisco network routers  Configure LAN devices to control access, resist attacks, shield other network devices and systems, and protect the integrity and confidentiality of network traffic

Course Details Course code: IINS 1.0 Duration: 5 days Starting time: 9am Finishing time: 4.30pm Lunch and refreshments are provided. (some exclusions apply)

Booking guidelines

 1300 86 87246

Contact our learning consultants on 1300 86 87246 and we will assist you with your booking.



For more information about any of our training courses, contact our Learning Consultants on 1300 86 87246 or email us on [email protected] Course Outline IINS 1.0 Version 1.0 Jan 2013

Visit us on the web at www.advancedtraining.com.au

Course Outline  Introduction to Network Security Principles  Perimeter Security  Network Security Using Cisco IOS Firewalls  Site-to-Site VPNs  Network Security Using Cisco IOS IPS  LAN, SAN, Voice, and Endpoint Security Overview

For more information about any of our training courses, contact our Learning Consultants on 1300 86 87246 or email us on [email protected] Visit us on the web at www.advancedtraining.com.au