June 15 Newsletter 2

12 June 2015 Dear Parents/Carers Inspire and Achieve Awards Evening Invites have been sent out to all pupils who have re...

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12 June 2015 Dear Parents/Carers Inspire and Achieve Awards Evening Invites have been sent out to all pupils who have received an award that will be presented at our Awards Evening on Tuesday 14 July. Please can replies be returned to the school office by 23 June. Duke of Edinburgh Our Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Award pupils will be taking part in their assessed expedition on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 June. Pupils will be receiving details today of this expedition. There will be a Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) information evening for parents of pupils in Year 9, on Thursday 25 June at 6 p.m. in the Theatre. Please feel free to come along and ask any questions or raise any concerns you may have regarding the Award. Summer Showcase & Arts Exhibition Our Summer Showcase will take place on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 July from 7 p.m. onwards. There will also be an Arts Exhibition on both days, from 4.30 – 6.30 p.m., where parents and carers will have the opportunity to view our pupils’ fantastic art and photography work. Challenge Uniform Standards As we approach the summer break I need to remind pupils and parents of the need to maintain high standards of school uniform. A number of pupils have been forgetting ties and shoes which we challenge in school. If there are issues please contact your son / daughter’s Pastoral Manager. Clarification on PE Kit: From September we are introducing a new PE kit which is more practical and cost effective to parents and pupils. Our Year 7 pupils starting in September 2015 will automatically purchase this when they buy their uniform for Wellfield. However, for existing pupils the new PE kit is being phased in and will only need to be purchased when replacing old PE kit over the next year. I am aware some pupils may have misled parents into purchasing the new PE kit early. Parents meeting on proposed changes to School Session Times In follow up to the on-going consultation on the proposed changes to the school sessions times I would like to inform you that no parents attended the Governors meeting for Parents on Monday 8 June. I will keep you informed on the progress and outcome of the consultation and any decision the Governors make. Nurture Leyland Festival There is only a week to go until the Leyland Festival on Saturday 20 June. We have a walking float of cheerleaders taking part and the school will be in Worden Park joining in the 60’s / 70’s theme, so please

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come along and say hello and take part in some of the activities we will have on offer, including a costume photo booth, ‘Splat the Rat’, ‘Play your Cards Right and themed children’s face painting. Thank you for your continued support. Yours sincerely

Mr P Tolson Headteacher Dates for the diary: Sports Day

Thursday 18 June 2015

Year 10 Runshaw Sampling Day

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Year 11 Leavers Assembly

1.30 p.m., Tuesday 23 June 2015

Wider World Water Safety Day

Wednesday 24 June 2015

New Year 7 Welcome Evening

7 p.m., Thursday 25 June 2015

Stanley Park Athletics

Friday 26 June 2015

Year 9 & 10 Paris Trip

Tuesday 30 June – Friday 3 July 2015

Arts Exhibition

4.30-6.30 p.m., Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 July 2015

Summer Showcase

7 p.m., Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 July 2015

Brecon Beacon Activities Trip

Friday 10 – Monday 13 July 2015

Year 10 Work Experience

Monday 13 - Friday 17 July 2015

KS3 Chester Zoo Trip

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Rewards Trips

Monday 20 July 2015

Closure for Summer Break

1 p.m., Tuesday 21 July 2015

All pupils return for start of Autumn Term

Monday 7 September 2015