June 24 2016

Serving the Since 1876 ry Weekly ust 's Dairy I nd orld W CHEESE REPORTER Vol. 141, No. 1 • Friday, June 24, 2016 • ...

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ry Weekly ust

's Dairy I nd orld W

CHEESE REPORTER Vol. 141, No. 1 • Friday, June 24, 2016 • Madison, Wisconsin

Senate Ag Panel Leaders Agree On Compromise GMO Labeling Bill Congress Won’t Pass Measure By July 1, So Vermont’s Labeling Law Will Go Into Effect Washington—The chairman of and top Democrat on the Senate Agriculture Committee on Thursday reached what they called a bipartisan agriculture biotechnology labeling compromise solution. “This bipartisan agreement is an important path forward that represents a true compromise. Since time is of the essence, we urge our colleagues to move swiftly to support this bill,” US Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), the committee’s chairman, and US Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), the panel’s top Democrat, said in a joint statement. The compromise legislation was praised by, among others, the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) and the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food (CFSAF), but was criticized by Consumers Union. The compromise legislation would require the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to estab-

Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest Winners Named; Auction Scheduled For Aug. 11 West Allis, WI—First, second and third place award winners in the Wisconsin State Fair Cheese & Butter Contest were announced today. Dairy companies from around the state submitted 340 cheese and butter entries. Contest judging took place here Thursday. The 2016 Grand Master Cheesemaker, along with this year’s other winning cheese and butter makers, will be recognized during the Blue Ribbon Cheese & Butter Auction here Thursday, Aug. 11. The auction, which features the sale of the blue-ribbon entries, is a fundraiser for the Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board. Auction proceeds fund scholarships

in the link, with the disclosure option to be selected by the food manufacturer;  Provide alternative reasonable disclosure options for food contained in small or very small packages;  In the case of small food manufacturers, provide an implementation date that is not earlier than one year after the implementation date for regulations promulgated under the legislation; and on-package disclosure options, in addition to those available for large companies, to be selected by the small food manufacturer, that consist of a telephone number and a website; and  Exclude food served in a restaurant or similar retail food establishment, and very small food manufacturers. For the purpose of regulations promulgated and food disclosures made pursuant to this legislation, a bioengineered food that has successfully completed the pre-market federal regulatory review process could not be treated as safer than, or not as safe as, a non-bioengi• See Senate GMO Bill, p. 10

United Kingdom Votes To Leave European Union; Impact On Dairy And Ag Uncertain

Licensed US Export Cheese Imports

First 5 months 2006 - 2016; millions of lbs.

105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 2016



• See UK To Exit EU, p. 9

• See More Milk In May, p. 6


ans, Dairy UK’s chief executive. “Dairy UK did not take a side in this debate because we knew that regardless of the result, we would continue to operate in a global dairy marketplace and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to give the public nothing but the best of UK dairy.” In March, the UK’s Food and Drink Federation (FDF) released results of a poll of its members which showed 70 percent support for Britain to remain in the EU, noted Ian Wright, FDF’s director general. In light of those results, the majority of FDF members will regard the EU exit referendum outcome as “a disappointing result for the food and drink industry. Now FDF will work on behalf of our members and all those across


London, England—TheUnited Kingdom (UK) this week voted to leave the 28-nation European Union (EU), raising numerous questions about the future of the UK’s dairy industry as well as trade both with remaining EU countries as well as other countries. The UK is the third-largest milk producer in the EU, behind only Germany and France, according to a report released early this year by Dairy UK. Almost half of the milk purchased by UK dairy companies and cooperatives is processed into liquid milk. After liquid milk the key UK dairy products are cheese, powders, condensed milk, butter and cream, Dairy UK noted. “The UK dairy industry is adaptable, resilient and determined, with the skills and innovation to rise to the many challenges we encounter,” said Dr. Judith Bry-

Washington—US milk production in the 23 reporting states during May totaled 17.45 billion pounds, up 1.2 percent from May of 2015, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) reported Tuesday. April’s milk production estimate for the 23 reporting states was revised down by 13 million pounds, so April output was up 1.1 percent from April of 2015, rather than up 1.2 percent as initially estimated. Production per cow in the 23 reporting states during May averaged 2,019 pounds, 21 pounds above May of 2015. That’s the first time ever that production per cow in the 23 reporting states averaged more than 2,000 pounds in a single month. The previous record for monthly output per cow, 1,998 pounds, was set in May of 2015. The number of milk cows on farms in the 23 reporting states in May was 8.644 million head, 11,000 head more than in May of 2015 but unchanged from both April and March of 2016. For the entire US, May milk production was estimated at 18.645 billion pounds, up 1.2 percent from May of 2015. Production per cow in the US averaged 1,999 pounds in May, 23 pounds above May of 2015. The number of milk cows on US farms in May was 9.327 million head, 3,000 head more than May


• See Wisconsin State Fair, p. 11

lish a national disclosure standard for bioengineered foods. Not later than two years after the date of enactment of the legislation, USDA would have to establish a national mandatory bioengineered food disclosure standard with respect to any bioengineered food and any food that may be bioengineered. This regulation promulgated by USDA would:  Prohibit a food derived from an animal to be considered a bioengineered food solely because the animal consumed feed produced from, containing, or consisting of a bioengineered substance;  Determine the amounts of a bioengineered substance that may be present in food, as appropriate, in order for the food to be a bioengineered food;  Establish a process for requesting and granting a determination by USDA regarding other factors and conditions under which a food is considered a bioengineered food;  Require that the form of a food disclosure be a text, symbol, or electronic or digital link, but excluding websites not embedded

Milk Production Rose 1.2% In May; Milk Cow Numbers Unchanged; CA’s Output Fell 2.8%, WI’s Output Rose 4.2%

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June 24, 2016

CHEESE REPORTER Past Issues Read this week’s issue or past issues of Cheese Reporter on your mobile phone or tablet by scanning this QR code.

Cheese Reporter Publishing Co. Inc. © 2016

2810 Crossroads Drive, Suite 3000 Madison, WI 53718-7972 (608) 246-8430 • Fax (608) 246-8431 http://www.cheesereporter.com DICK GROVES Publisher/Editor e-mail: [email protected] 608-316-3791 MOIRA CROWLEY Specialty Cheese Editor e-mail: [email protected] 608-316-3793 KEVIN THOME Advertising & Marketing Director e-mail: [email protected] 608-316-3792 BETTY MERKES Classifieds/Circulation Manager e-mail: [email protected] 608-316-3790 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS: Bob Cropp, Neville McNaughton, Dan Strongin, John Umhoefer You can e-mail our contributors at: [email protected] The Cheese Reporter is the official publication of the following associations: California Cheese & Butter Association Lisa Waters, 1011 Pebble Beach Dr, Clayton, CA 94517 Central Wisconsin Cheesemakers’ and Buttermakers’ Association Janice Norwood [email protected] Cheese Importers Association of America 204 E St. NE, Washington, DC 20002 Eastern Wisconsin Cheesemakers’ and Buttermakers’ Association Barb Henning, Henning’s Cheese 21812 Ucker Road, Kiel, WI 53042 International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association 636 Science Drive, Madison, WI 53711 Missouri Butter & Cheese Institute Terry S. Long, 19107 Factory Creek Road, Jamestown, MO 65046 Nebraska Cheese Association Ed Price, Fremont, NE 68025 New York State Cheese Manufacturer’s Assn Kathyrn Boor, 11 Stocking Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 North Central Cheese Industries Assn Lloyd Metzger, SDSU, Box 2104, Brookings, SD 57007 North Dakota Cheese Makers’ Assn Chuck Knetter, Medina, ND 58467 Ohio Swiss Cheese Association Darlene Miller, P.O. Box 445, Sugar Creek, OH 44681 South Dakota State Dairy Association Howard Bonnemann, SDSU, Box 2104, Brookings, SD 57007 Southwestern Wisconsin Cheese Makers’ Association Myron Olson, Chalet Cheese Coop, N4858 Cty Hwy N, Monroe, WI 53566 Wisconsin Association for Food Protection Bob Wills PO Box 620705, Middleton WI 53562 Wisconsin Cheese Makers’ Association John Umhoefer, 8030 Excelsior Drive, Suite 305, Madison, WI 53717 Wisconsin Dairy Products Association Brad Legreid, 8383 Greenway Blvd., Middleton, WI 53562

EDITORIAL COMMENT DICK GROVES Publisher / Editor Cheese Reporter e: [email protected] tw: @cheesereporter

...whether deserved or not, organic milk enjoys a ‘halo’ that conventional milk does not. And so sales of organic milk keep rising, even as prices keep climbing, albeit more slowly than conventional milk prices have at times in recent years.

Are Stable Retail Prices Helping To Boost Organic Milk Sales? Fluid milk is a pretty good bargain for US consumers these days, but that’s not necessarily translating into improved sales. On the other hand, organic fluid milk is kind of expensive (at least relatively speaking), but organic milk sales are continuing to increase. These points raise at least three questions. First, does consumer demand rise and fall when retail prices for conventional milk products fall and rise? Second, do organic milk sales rise no matter what happens with retail prices? And third, when it comes to consumer demand, is it better to have relatively consistent or slowly rising prices rather than prices that are relatively low from time to time but also relatively high at other times? Regarding that first question, by pretty much any measure, retail milk prices for fluid milk are a bargain right now. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports CPIs (Consumer Price Indices) for three fluid milk categories: whole milk (where 198284=100), milk, and milk other than whole (for the latter two, December 1997=100). As we reported last week (for more details, please see “CPI For Dairy Products Falls To Lowest Level In Almost Three Years,” on page 1), the CPI for whole milk in May was 200.588, down 0.2 percent from April, down 5.3 percent from May of 2015 and the lowest whole milk CPI since February of 2011 (which was also the last time it was under 200). And how are sales responding to these low retail whole milk prices? Pretty impressively, as it turns out. According to figures from USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, during the first four months of this year, whole milk sales were up 4.8 percent from the first four months of last year, and flavored whole milk sales were up 7 percent. On the other hand, May’s CPI for fresh milk other than whole was 142.518, up 0.2 percent from April but down 5.5 percent from

May of 2015. Whereas the CPI for milk other than whole was above 150 during each of the first five months of 2015, it’s been under 150 during each of the first five months of 2016, and under 145 in March, April and May. And how are sales responding to those low prices? Again according to AMS figures, during the first four months of 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, sales of reduced fat (2 percent) milk were down 1.9 percent, sales of lowfat (1 percent) milk were down 3.9 percent, and sales of fat-free (skim) milk were down an eye-opening 10.3 percent. So the answer to our first question, about whether consumer demand rises and falls as prices fall or rise, is: it depends. Our guess is that whole milk sales are benefitting from some of the ongoing favorable news about the “newly discovered” health benefits of dietary fat, as well as the fact that whole milk simply tastes better than fluid milk products that have had some or (especially) all of their fat removed. Related to that point, it’s notable that CPIs for the three different fluid milk categories tracked by the BLS were all at or near record highs back in 2014, but whole milk sales actually increased 48 million pounds from 2013 (sales of reduced fat, lowfat and skim milk all declined in 2014). As far as organic milk is concerned, according to figures collected by federal order market administrators, retail prices for organic milk during the first half of 2016 were running maybe 10 to 20 cents per half-gallon higher than a year earlier, while AMS figures show that organic milk sales during the first four months of this year were 4 percent higher than during the first four months of last year. Going back to 2013, market administrators’ figures show that retail organic milk prices have risen fairly slowly and without a lot of volatility (for example, in 2015, average retail organic whole milk

prices averaged $4.29 per half-gallon for the entire year, with a low of $4.18 per half-gallon in January and a high of $4.34 per half-gallon in July). The general consensus is that organic fluid milk sales have been rising in recent years, so it could be concluded that organic milk sales do in fact increase no matter what happens with retail prices. Finally, what about the impact of retail price volatility on fluid milk sales? There are a number of ways to look at this, but we’ll mention just a couple of them. First, retail milk prices were relatively high back in 2007 and 2008, then fell in 2009 and 2010 before rebounding in 2011 through 2014 and then falling last year. And milk sales fell in 2007 and 2008 before rebounding in 2009 and 2010 and then dropping for the next four years (the total decline from 2010 through 2014 was more than 4 billion pounds). It could be argued that milk sales fell over the 2010-2014 period because prices were relatively high, or because prices had become relatively high again and consumers started to get tired of the rollercoaster nature of milk prices. Second, whether deserved or not, organic milk enjoys a “halo” that conventional milk does not. And so sales of organic milk keep rising, even as prices keep climbing, albeit more slowly than conventional milk prices have at times in recent years. Can any of this information be used to boost conventional milk sales? Unfortunately, under current milk pricing formulas, milk prices are going to continue to fluctuate, at times significantly, and sales are going to respond accordingly. It’s pretty difficult to see anything positive as far as retail fluid milk prices and sales trends are concerned (whole milk is a notable exception). Milk is a bargain right now, but sales are declining anyway. A year from now, it might not be a bargain anymore, but sales will probably still be falling.

CHEESE REPORTER (Publication Number: ISSN 0009-2142). Published weekly by Cheese Reporter Publishing Co. Inc., 2810 Crossroads Drive, Suite 3000, Madison, WI 53718-7972; Phone: (608) 246-8430; Fax: (608) 246-8431. Subscriptions: $140.00 per year in USA; Canada and Mexico: $195.00 per year; other foreign subscribers, please write for rates. Advertising and Editorial material are copyrighted material. Any use without publisher’s consent is prohibited. Cheese Reporter does not endorse the products of any advertiser or any editorial material. POSTMASTER: If undeliverable, Form 35579 requested. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, WI. Address all correspondence to: Cheese Reporter, 2810 Crossroads Drive, Suite 3000, Madison, WI 53718-7972

June 24, 2016

Seminar Explores Ways To Protect Common Food Product Names Threatened By EU Chicago—The Consortium for Common Food Names (CCFN), at a seminar held here Tuesday, advised US food and beverage companies how to preserve the use of common cheese, meat and wine terms long considered generic in the US and many other countries. Officials from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) raised awareness of the problem of overprotection of geographical indications in US export markets and how this protection might impact the use of common names. More than 70 food company representatives, intellectual property attorneys and others attended the seminar. Speakers and panelists stressed that there are ways to protect the threatened names, including seeking guidance from CCFN, an independent, international alliance whose goal is to work with leaders in agriculture, trade and intellectual property rights to foster the adoption of high standards and model geographical indication guidelines around the world. Examples of the names at risk are numerous, but most alarming, CCFN noted, was the clear message that geographical indication over-reach by the European Union (EU) appears to be a never-ending proposition that could include numerous terms and images that are not directly threatened at this time. “Protecting the right to use these common food terms, whether they are Parmesan cheese or valencia oranges or chateau or bologna, is vital for the growth of the US food and beverage industries in the United States,” said Jaime Castaneda, CCFN’s executive director. “The seminar explained the tools available to companies to help protect the names they have long relied on.” Seminar attendees learned the major considerations the USPTO and other intellectual property authorities use in awarding trademarks and geographical indications, as well as the extent to which generic use is a factor. Individually, USPTO representatives attending the seminar provided information to interested companies about export considerations, including seeking protection for trademarks in overseas markets. Earlier this year, the European Commission released a concept paper on GIs for the ongoing EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. According to the concept paper, EU stakeholders, when asked to provide inputs in the framework of TTIP submissions, listed a number of obstacles in the current US system of protection perceived as pre-

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venting EU GIs to be adequately and effectively protected in the US, and notably:  The level of protection, notably for agricultural products and foodstuffs, is lower than for wines and spirits.  Costs of registration under the trademark regime: many EU GI associations do not have the financial resources to cover costs associated with the registration under the US trademark system.  Absence of enforcement by administrative action.  Some EU GIs face the issue of prior trademarks, when the same or similar names have already been registered as trademarks (or as part

of a composite mark) by a third party with no genuine link with a GI.  Several EU GIs cannot be protected because their respective names (or part of them) are considered in the US to have acquired an alleged generic nature. In the EU’s view, what is at stake on GIs is not a question of principle — both the EU and the US recognize GIs and both promote protection of their respective GIs — but the achievement of key substantive objectives that would guarantee an appropriate protection of EU and US GIs, including:  Rules guaranteeing an appropriate level of protection for EU GIs;  Administrative enforcement against misuse of EU GIs;

 Establishment of list(s) of GI names, to be protected directly through the agreement at the level and with the type of enforcement foreseen in the agreement (the EU included numerous GI names in an annex attached to its concept paper; cheeses on the list included, among others, Feta, Asiago, Fontina, Gorgonzola, Taleggio, Neufchatel, Kasseri, Munster, and Queso Manchego); and  Specific arrangements in case of specific GI names. The concept paper proposed to begin identifying, on the basis of the specific shortcomings it identified with regard to the protection of GIs, possible ways that would enhance such protection, starting from an analysis of available legal instruments in US legislation.

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equipment manufactured by APT. ACV Features Include: The Original and Patented Agitator Blade Panel Design featuring three agitator panels made up of horizontal and vertical blades. This design has been proven to deliver enhanced cheese yields. Our Patented Fluid Accessible Seal Design features a seal assembly having a fluid accessible clean-in-place chamber. USDA has approved the ACV with full CIP status. Our Patented Agitator Seal Assembly features a seal assembly that is adjustable when the seal has worn over time. All seal material is 3-A accepted.

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www.apt-inc.com | 877-230-5060 | Minnesota | Idaho | California For more information, circle #1 on the Reader Response Card on p. 14

Page 4


Dairy Picture Brighter Than Last Month Dairy Situation & Outlook by Bob Cropp Despite relatively strong milk production, increasing stocks of dairy products and weak exports, dairy product prices surprisingly have strengthened in June. On the CME, butter which averaged $2.0554 per pound in May is now $2.36. Barrel cheese and 40-pound block cheese which averaged $1.3529 per pound and $1.3174 per pound respectively in May is now $1.5450 and $1.5125 respectively. Nonfat dry milk which averaged $0.7880 per pound in May is now $0.88. And Western dry whey has strengthened and is trading as high as $0.26 per pound. So we can expect the Class III price which was a low of $12.76 in May to be near $$13.25 in June, and the Class IV price which was $13.09 in May to be near $13.79 in June. Sales of butter and cheese have been good particularly in foodservice. But, exports have been weak with April exports compared to a year ago lower by 19 percent for nonfat dry milk/skim milk powder, 33 percent for cheese, 44 percent for butter, 13 percent for dry whey products and 22 percent for lactose. Compared to a year ago, April stocks of butter were 28.3 percent higher, total cheese stocks 11.8 percent higher, nonfat dry milk stocks just 1 percent higher, but 17.1 percent higher than the five- year average for this date, and dry whey stocks were 4.6 percent higher. So the question is, will these dairy product prices hold or even increase more? If so, milk prices will be considerably higher for the remainder of 2016 than what has been forecasted. USDA’s June forecast still had the Class III price

averaging for the year $13.40 to $13.80 and the Class IV price averaging $13.15 to $13.65. Class III averaged $15.80 last year and the Class IV price averaged $14.35. Both Class III and Class IV futures have responded to higher dairy product prices. Currently Class III futures jump to $15.05 for July and then in the $16’s August through November with December in the high $15s. Class IV futures jump to $15.59 for July and then the $16’s for the remainder of the year. The price of corn, soybean meal and alfalfa hay have all increased. So these higher prices are much needed to improve margins for dairy producers. Whether these dairy product prices hold or improve even more and increasing dairy producer prices will depend a lot upon the level of milk production. Butter and cheese sales are expected to remain strong. USDA’s report of May milk production shows a continuation of relatively strong milk production with May being up 1.2 percent from May a year ago. But, the report shows milk cows have stopped increasing and have been at 9.327 million head for the past three months, and were just 3,000 head higher than a year ago. The increase in milk production is being driven by more milk per cow. Last year milk per cow increased well below trend at just 0.6 percent. Milk per cow for May was 1.2 percent higher than last year. The regional pattern in milk production remains as it was last year and thus far this year. Milk production remains very strong in the Northeast with production

Dr. Bob Cropp is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

up 4.9 percent in New York, 6.9 percent in Michigan, but just 0.3 percent in Pennsylvania. Milk production also remains strong in the Midwest with production up 2.3 percent in Iowa, 2.2 percent in Minnesota, 9.5 percent in South Dakota and 4.2 percent in Wisconsin. The picture is somewhat mixed in the West with California continuing to see milk production 2.8 percent lower, New Mexico down 3.8 percent, Washington’s production unchanged, and increases of 2.3 percent in Arizona, 1.8 percent in Idaho, 1.4 percent in Texas, 4.1 percent in Colorado and 2.2 percent in Oregon. This improvement in dairy product prices and milk prices is driven by expected strong butter and cheese sales, but also by an expectation that milk production could slow down due to lower milk prices, but also weather. Weather forecasts show that with La Nina conditions there is a high probability of hot and humid temperatures and dry conditions for the Central, Midwest and Northeast regions. Grain prices have also moved higher for the same weather conditions. These weather conditions would reduce milk per cow lowering milk production, lower milk composition, and reduce grain yields as well as forage supply increasing feed costs. There is also signs that world milk production may start to slow. Low milk prices appear to be affecting milk production in New Zealand and Australia and starting to do so in the EU. As world milk production slows world dairy product prices will improve.

June 24, 2016

from our archives 50 YEARS AGO

June 24, 1966: Madison—A prominent figure in the field of dairy bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison professor William Frazier, announced his retirement next month. From Frazier’s laboratories have come much of the fundamental bacteriological research that has permitted modernization of today’s dairy industry. Tampa, FL—When it comes to milk, the type of container, design and graphics are becoming increasingly important to retail sales, it was reported this week. Supermarkets are contributing to the rise of single-service containers for many types of drinks by their reluctance to handle bottle returns and deposits.


June 21, 1991: Washington— Consumption of total beverages away from home increased slightly between 1987 and 1990, but restaurant milk consumption has declined substantially over that same period. Milk consumption declined 23.8 percent away from home between 1987 and 1990, and accounts for only 2.3 percent of all beverage consumption away from home. Madison—Dick Baker of Baker Cheese Company, St. Cloud, WI, was elected president of the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association here this week. Baker, who has most recently served as WCMA secretary, succeeds Glen Dedow of Lone Elm Sales, Inc., who has served as president since 1988.


June 23, 2006: Washington— A leaflet campaign urging Starbucks to stop buying milk made with artificial growth hormones began this week in 23 cities across the US. Spearheaded by consumer group Food & Water Watch, activists are handing out flyers in cities from Portland, OR to Brooklyn, questioning the human health impact of rBGH.

For more information, circle #2 on the Reader Response Card on p. 14

Madison—Elmer Marth, 78, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a wellknown expert in dairy microbiology and dairy food safety, died this week. During his career, Marth received the National Cheese Institute Laureate Award, the Kraft Teaching Award, and the Borden Award for dairy science research.

June 24, 2016

Arthur Schuman, Inc., Changes Name To Arla Foods Ingredients Opens New Dairy Protein Schuman Cheese, Launches New Brand mistic approach to cheesemaking,” Hydrolysates Plant Yellow Door Creamery said Allison Schuman, a fourthVium, Denmark—Arla Foods Complements Company’s generation family member with an Nr. Ingredients recently opened a new, active role in product innovation. dedicated dairy protein hydrolyFlagship Brand, Cello, “Yellow Door brands evoke the plant in Nr. Vium, Denmark. By Offering Platform For senses through unique formats, sates The 40-million-euro facility can flavor profiles and blends,” Alli- produce approximately 4,000 tons Experimentation Fairfield, NJ—Arthur Schuman, Inc., a fourth-generation Italian cheese company, is introducing a new company name: Schuman Cheese. Arthur Schuman started the business, which was incorporated in 1946 as an importing business. Today, the family-owned operation has expanded into cheese manufacturing and processing, with a network of partner cheese companies and customers around the world. “Seventy years of operations brings growth, and it brings change,” said Neal Schuman, Arthur Schuman’s grandson and the company’s current CEO. “First and foremost, our new brand honors our proud history and the dedicated employees who have helped make my grandfather’s dream a reality. “At the same time, it underscores our innovative and forwardthinking spirit and helps ensure we are poised to keep building on that momentum,” Schuman added. Product innovation is a central part of the company’s growth plans. As part of its 70th anniversary celebration, Schuman Cheese is introducing Yellow Door Creamery, a new brand that complements its flagship brand, Cello, by offering a platform for experimentation. “By taking an experimental approach to a traditional category, Yellow Door Creamery leads with an off-the-beaten-path and opti-

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son Schuman continued. “This maverick, trendsetting approach provides cheese lovers, influencers and home chefs with amazing, one-of-a-kind cheeses.” A series of hand-rubbed Fontinas, including Habanero & Lime, are among the first Yellow Door Creamery products. Also part of the rollout: a pair of Blue cheese products under Yellow Door Creamery’s Brilliant Blue brand, including crumbles and sliceable individual servings. These new products will be showcased at the Summer Fancy Food Show, scheduled for June 26-28 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, NY. Another example of Schuman Cheese’s innovation, Cello Whisps, made from Cello Parmesan, were introduced last fall. Now the crispy baked cheese snacks will also be offered in Cello’s new Cheddar Cheese flavor. “We are thrilled to offer snack lovers a preview of Cello Whisps’ new vibrant Cheddar flavor at the Fancy Food Show this year,” said Ilana Fischer, vice president of innovation and strategy at Schuman Cheese. “Cheddar Whisps, along with our popular Parmesan Whisps, demonstrate our success in delivering an additive, gluten- and wheat-free, sugarfree, pure snack that contains only a single ingredient: our very own cheese.” For more information, visit www.schumancheese.com.

of whey and casein hydrolysates a year, for applications in the infant, clinical and sports nutrition categories, the company said. Existing production of hydrolysates by Arla Foods Ingredients at other locations will now be transferred over to the new site at Nr. Vium. The new facility features stateof-the-art manufacturing technology as well as pilot plants, analytical laboratories and research and development facilities, according to Arla Foods Ingredients. It also includes a dedicated packing line for filtered products. “Our new factory has been built from the ground up, with the single aim of producing the best dairy protein hydrolysate ingredients available anywhere in the world,” said Anders Steen Jorgensen, business unit director pediatric at Arla Foods Ingredients. “Our solutions offer scientifically documented health benefits, excellent solubil-

ity, superb microbiology and uniform quality. Now we can also offer them in much greater volumes with complete security of supply.” Milk protein hydrolysates are proteins that have been through a natural enzymatic process, during which the intact protein is cut into small peptide fragments, Arla Foods Ingredients explained. Compared with intact proteins, they offer reduced allergenic potential, easier digestion and faster absorption. These attributes mean they provide excellent functional health properties in clinical and infant nutrition. Meanwhile, Arla Foods, the parent company of Arla Foods Ingredients, recently opened a new state-of-art distribution terminal with a combined 10,000 square-meter warehouse with cooling areas and office buildings in Heidenau near Hamburg, Germany. The new facility will service the northern and eastern regions of Germany with Arla products. In the future, the new distribution center in Heidenau will stock products from no less than 30 Arla dairy sites around Europe. A team of 40 employees daily moves 1,200 pallets around the incoming/outgoing goods section.

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For more information, circle #13 on the Reader Response Card on p. 14

For more information, circle #3 on the Reader Response Card on p. 14

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June 24, 2016


More Milk In May (Continued from p. 1)

of 2015 but unchanged from both April and March of 2016. California’s May milk production totaled 3.553 billion pounds, down 2.8 percent from May of 2015 and the lowest level of May milk production in the state since 2010. The decline in California’s milk production in May was due to 6,000 fewer milk cows and 50 less pounds of milk per cow. California’s April milk output was revised down by 2 million pounds, but was still down 3.3 percent from April of 2015. Wisconsin’s May milk production totaled 2.635 billion pounds, up 4.2 percent from May of 2015, due to 1,000 fewer milk cows but 85 more pounds of milk per cow. Wisconsin’s April milk output was revised up by 6 million pounds, so production was up 4.9 percent from April of 2015, rather than up 4.6 percent as originally estimated. May milk production in New York totaled 1.29 billion pounds, up 4.9 percent from May of 2015, due to 2,000 more milk cows and 90 more pounds of milk per cow. New York’s April milk output had been up 5.3 percent from April of 2015. Idaho’s May milk production totaled 1.256 billion pounds, up 1.8 percent from May of 2015, due to 5,000 more milk cows and 20 more pounds of milk per cow. Idaho’s April milk production had been up 2 percent from April of 2015. Pennsylvania’s May milk production totlaed 965 million pounds, up 0.3 percent from May of 2015, due to unchanged milk cow numbers and five more pounds of milk per cow. Pennsylvania’s April milk output had been up 0.5 percent from April of 2015.

Michigan’s May milk production totaled 955 million pounds, up 6.9 percent from May of 2015, due to 11,000 more milk cows and 90 more pounds of milk per cow. Michigan’s April milk production was up 6.5 percent from a year earlier. May milk production in Texas totaled 925 million pounds, up 1.4 percent from May of 2015, due to 3,000 more milk cows and 15 more pounds of milk per cow. Texas’ April milk production had been up 1.6 percent from April of 2015. Minnesota’s May milk production totaled 844 million pounds, up 2.2 percent from May of 2015, due to unchanged milk cow numbers and 40 more pounds of milk per cow. Minnesota’s April milk production had been up 2.7 percent from April of 2015. New Mexico’s May milk production totaled 680 million pounds, down 3.8 percent from May of 2015, due to 13,000 fewer milk cows but five more pounds of milk per cow. New Mexico’s April milk output had been down 3.5 percent from a year earlier. Washington’s May milk production totaled 577 million pounds, unchanged from May of 2015, due to unchanged milk cow numbers and unchanged output per cow. Washington’s April milk output was revised down by 7 million pounds, so production was down 0.9 percent from April of 2015, rather than up 0.4 percent as initially estimated. All told for the 23 reporting states in May, compared to May of 2015, milk production was higher in 16 states, with those increases ranging from 0.3 percent in Pennsylvania to 9.5 percent in South Dakota; lower in six states, with those declines ranging from 0.6 percent in Illinois to 4.6 percent in Utah; and unchanged in Washington.

Milk Production by State STATE

May 2015

May 2016

% Change Change Cows


3654 3553




2528 2635



New York

1230 1290




1234 1256



Pennsylvania 962



















New Mexico


















































South Dakota 200
























millions of pounds

1,000 head

US Milk Production 2016 vs. 2015 in millions of pounds








Guggisberg, Pearl Valley Take Top Honors In Ohio Dairy Month Cheese Contest Sugarcreek, OH—Guggisberg Cheese Company of Millersburg, OH, took first place in the Swiss cheese class at the recent 2016 Dairy Month Cheese Competition. This is the first of three contests held by the Ohio Swiss Cheese Association (OSCA) to determine this year’s Grand Champion and Reserve Champion. Pearl Valley Cheese of Fresno, OH, took second place in the Swiss category, followed by Broad Run Cheese of Dover and Middlefield Original Cheese, Middlefield. Pearl Valley also took first place in the Open class for its Marble Cheese entry. Guggisberg Cheese took second place for its Baby Swiss entry, followed by Middlefield Original Cheese with a Mild Cheddar entry. Other cheeses were entered by Bunker Hill Cheese, Mild Cheddar, Butter, Gouda and Alpine; Middlefield Original Cheese, Marble; and Pearl Valley Cheese, Colby, Baby Swiss and Lacy Baby Swiss. All cheese was judged Grade A, and contest judges were former cheese makers John Jorg and Mike Felton, along with cheese buyers Doug Randles and Jonas Troyer. Last year’s Grand Champion Rosette was awarded to Guggisberg Cheese, and Reserve Champion honors went to Middlefield Original Cheese For more information about the annual competition, visit the Ohio Swiss Cheese Association at www.ohiocheesemakers. com.

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June 24, 2016

Trading Now Open On Global Dairy Trade’s New 24/7 Dairy Trading Platform Auckland, New Zealand—GDT Marketplace, the new 24/7 dairy trading platform launched by Global Dairy Trade (GDT), is now open for trading. GDT Marketplace is a new online trading platform which directly connects buyers and sellers and facilitates transactions of any dairy product, at any time, in any quantity, GDT explained. New Zealand’s Fonterra, which owns GDT, has been confirmed as the foundation seller at the launch of GDT Marketplace. GDT said recently that it is working with a small group of additional sellers interested in joining the platform. Initially, the buyers on GDT Marketplace will be determined by the sellers as they invite their customers, both international and domestic, to register and then purchase products via GDT Marketplace. Once GDT has moved through the progressive rollout of GDT Marketplace, anyone with a serious intent to purchase dairy products will be able to join the platform and seek eligibility from sellers. For more information on GDT Marketplace, visit www.globaldairytrade.info. Meanwhile, during the second quarter of this year, price indices for all eight products traded on the semi-monthly Global Dairy Trade dairy commodity auction were higher than in the first quarter, according to GDT’s recently released “GDT Quarterly” report. The increase in price indices between the second quarter and the first quarter ranged from 6.3 percent for whole milk powder to 23.7 percent for Cheddar cheese, the report noted. The weighted average price for Cheddar cheese

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in the most recent GDT auction (held last week) was $2,882 per metric ton ($1.31 per pound). In addition to Cheddar cheese, three other GDT price indices rose more than 20 percent in the second quarter compared to the first quartter: anhydrous milkfat, up 20.1 percent to a weighted average price of $3,619 per ton ($1.64 per pound); lactose, up 22.2 percent to a weighted average price of $754 per ton (34.2 cents per pound); and rennet casein, up 22.1 percent to a weighted average price of $5,116 per ton ($2.32 per pound). On an annual basis (comparing the second quarter of 2016 to the second quarter of 2015), lactose and anhydrous milkfat showed the most significant price increases, at 43 percent and 36 percent, respectively. The butter price increased 6.3 percent over that period, while the other product groups showed decreases ranging from 2.9 percent for skim milk powder to 21.3 percent for rennet casein. The second quarter of 2016 was characterized by a steady increase in the GDT price index; five of the six trading events in the second quarter showed increases. This compares with the first quarter of 2016, when the GDT price index declined in five of the six trading events. The second quarter experienced a 5 percent higher average rate of participation per trading event, compared with the first quarter of 2016, although the average number of winning bidders was 3 percent lower over this period. Consistent with previous quarters, skim milk powder and whole milk powder attracted the highest number of participating bidders, 134 and 127, respectively.

European Commission OKs Protected Status Of Germany’s Allgauer Sennalpkase, France’s Soumaintrain Cheeses Brussels, Belgium—The European Commission recently approved the registration of two new cheese product names from Germany and France as Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI). The German cheese approved for PDO status is Allgauer Sennalpkase, a hard cheese which is produced using traditional, artisanal methods directly on the “Sennalpen” (Alpine summer dairy farms) in the Allgau from unpasteurized cows’ milk and processed by hand. Since Allgauer Sennalpkase is only produced during the grazing season from May to October (180 days) in the Alps, grazing on the mountain pastures is the main source of feed for the cows. They must graze on the Alps for at least 80 days. The grass from grazing may be supplemented with hay, and the fodder may be enhanced with high-energy or high-protein elements, such as cereals, protein crops and others. The milk used for the production of Allgauer Sennalpkase comes from cows of the Braunvieh breed typical in the region and their cross-breeds. Only raw

milk from one or more milkings on the respective Alp may be used. Only natural rennet and lactic acid bacteria cultures may be used to coagulate the milk. No chemical additives or preservatives are added to the cheese, except salt (obligatory) and “red smear” bacteria (optional) to help develop the taste and rind. The French cheese approved for PGI status is Soumaintrain, a soft cheese with a washed rind. Predominantly lactic, it is made exclusively from whole cow’s milk, and has a ripening period of 21 days. The historic birthplace of Soumaintrain is located in the far north of Bourgogne where it borders the department of Aube. It is characterized by know-how dating back to the Middle Ages regarding production of soft, predominantly lactic cheeses with washed rinds. The development of the specific technique for washed-rind ripening is well suited to the climatic conditions of the geographical area. Historically, ripening took place in the open air. Moisture from the air led to the development of undesirable surface flora. Washing the cheeses prevented this flora. This technique is still in use. It is the regular removal of the surface flora that gives the cheese its pale color. These days, the rind is washed at least four times during the ripening phase.


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Page 8

June 24, 2016


Indictment Charges Saratoga Cheese’s Chairman With Allegedly Fraudulently Soliciting Money From Investors Albany, NY—New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman on Monday announced the arraignment of Lawrence D. Rosenbaum, of Albany, NY, on a 27-count indictment charging him with fraudulently soliciting over $1 million from more than 10 investors to invest in the production of kosher and halal cheese in upstate New York and bio-energy companies he claimed would provide services in New York state and Costa Rica. Rosenbaum is accused of luring investors, many of whom he had established relationships with over his decades-long career as an insurance broker, and then diverting their monies for his own personal use. He is charged with grand larceny and securities fraud, among other charges, and if convicted faces up to 20 years in prison. According to statements made by prosecutors in court Monday, Rosenbaum is an insurance broker who owned and operated Rosenbaum Financial Services in Albany, NY, for decades. In approximately 2001, Rosenbaum formed a limited liability company, Saratoga Cheese Company LLC, which he claimed would develop a halal and kosher cheese plant in the Capital Region, using local dairy products and a cheese coagulator that he had learned about when he was

an exchange student in Germany decades earlier. In 2006, Rosenbaum reformed this entity as Saratoga Cheese Corporation, with the stated purpose of developing a cheese manufacturing facility in Cayuga county, NY, prosecutors stated. Also according to prosecutors, Rosenbaum created additional related entities, including Saratoga Milk Corporation, which he claimed would oversee the milk production for his cheeese facility, and Saratoga Bio Gas Corporation and Bioenergies of the Americas, which he claimed would develop alternative energy uses in New York and Costa Rica for the waste from the cheese and milk facilities. According to prosecutors, between April 2006 and October 2012, Rosenbaum allegedly solicited over $1 million in private investments in Saratoga Cheese Corporation and its related entities by promising investors substantial returns and shares of stock in his corporations. He then allegedly used his various corporate entities as personal bank accounts, diverting over $600,000 himself by writing checks payable to himself, transferring funds to other accounts, and making numerous cash withdrawals. None of the production or processing facilities for which Rosenbaum solicited funds were ever built, prosecutors stated. Rosenbaum was arraigned Monday in Albany County Court and was being held on $250,000 in bond or cash bail.

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Six members have been appointed to fill vacancies on the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board, with terms effective July 1 through June 30, 2019. Newly appointed members are STEPHEN JONES, Chicago, IL, Region 4, and PAUL CORNEY, Dallas, TX, at-large processor. Newly reappointed members include: JAMES WALSH, Lynnfield, MA, Region 1; ALAN BERNON, Kansas City, MO, Region 7; JEFFREY SPRINGER, Dallas, TX, Region 10; and BRIAN DeFELICE, Orrville, OH, at-large processor. The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) has elected KAREN SCHMIDT, professor of animal sciences and industry at Kansas State University as vice president of its Dairy Foods Division. After her oneyear term, Schmidt will become ADSA president. Her research area as focused on the quality and functionality of dairy foods, dairy proteins and functional foods. In 2011, Schmidt was the recipient of the Milk Industry Foundation Teaching Award. BRANDON NELSON, director of innovation and technical services at Daisy Brand, has been elected to a three-year term as

LORA SPIZZIRRI has joined 915 Labs as vice president of packaging solutions, responsible for managing the company’s Packaging Solutions Program from design to production. She will also manage the internal packaging team at the new 915 Labs Food Innovation Center, set to open at the end of the year. Spizzirri most recently served as director of packaging research and design at Kraft Foods Group. Spizzirri also served as Kraft’s director of product/packaging development and dairy technology, leading a renovation of its Philadelphia Soft Cream Cheese line that included reformulation, packaging redesign and shelf display improvements. Spizzirri also held management positions at General Foods. RENE DEDONCKER has been appointed managing director of Fonterra Australia, effective immediately. Dedoncker began his career with Fonterra in 2005 in the company’s Australian Foodservice sector. Most recently, Dedoncker served as acting managing director of global brands and nutrition. He also worked for Mars Corporation.

RECOGNITION WYKE FARMS of Somerset, England, has won the Environmental & Corporate Sustainability Award at the European Business Awards. The company was honored at the European Business Awards June 17 in Milan, Italy. Wyke Farms describes itself as the largest independent cheese maker in the United Kingdom, selling more than 28.6 million pounds of Cheddar annually in the UK, and exporting to over 160 countries.

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JOE FLYNN has been appointed international business manager for Scotland’s Graham’s Family Dairy. Flynn has over 25 years of experience in consumer brand management. He joins Graham’s Family from Baxter’s Food Group, where he oversaw the company’s international business. Before that, Flynn worked for Premier Foods plc, and was with A.G. Barr plc for 22 years, where he managed and developed distributor and franchise operations worldwide. Graham’s currently exports butters, Cottage cheese, Cream cheese and Quark to Ireland, Denmark, France, Spain, United Arab Emirates and Belgium, and plans to strengthen trade in these territories while expanding into other markets.

ADSA director, Dairy Foods. Nelson served as a research scientist at Schreiber Foods for two years before joining Daisy Brand in 2007. BARRY BRADFORD, a professor at Kansas State University, has been elected to a three-year term as ADSA director, Production Division.

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June 24, 2016

Page 9


July 22 Is Entry Deadline For World Dairy UK To Exit EU (Continued from p. 1) Expo Championship Dairy Product Contest Madison—Entry forms and fees for the 2016 World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy Product Contest must be received by Friday, July 22. The contest is open to any cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, gelato, sour cream, whey, Cottage cheese, fluid milk, buttermilk, sherbet, dairy-based dips and cream manufacturing plant in North America. International processors are also eligible to enter the contest. Judging for this year’s contest, hosted by the Wisconsin Dairy Products Association (WDPA), will take place here Aug. 23-25. Judging day for cheese and butter entries will be Monday, Aug. 23. Yogurt, Cottage cheese, fluid milk, dairy-based dips, whipping cream and other Grade A products will be judged on the following day. Ice cream, sherbet, gelato, whey products, nonfat dry milk and creative/innovative technologies will be judged on Wednesday, Aug. 25. A $55 entry fee is required for each product. All entries must be shipped to arrive between Aug. 15-19, and overnight shipping is recommended. All contest entries must be submitted by a company or manufacturer. Those with multiple plant locations can ship as many entries as they wish from each separate location. There are also no restrictions on the number of entries a company may submit. This year’s cheese category features 27 separate classes. Each entry must be in its original form as hooped, and cheeses cannot be cut or sampled with a trier, minus a few exceptions. Each cheese entry must consist of at least 10 pounds of product, and each cream cheese entry must weigh at least one pound. There are four classes in the butter category this year, including a Flavored Butter class. All entries must contain at least 80 percent milkfat, and must weigh at least 10 pounds. For fluid milk, this year’s contest features 10 classes. Each entry

must consist of a minimum of two half-gallons, and only 2 percent milk is allowed in the White Milk class. Any fat level is acceptable in the Cultured Milk class. The yogurt category has six classes this year, and each entry must consist of at least 64 ounces of product. There are no restrictions on the fat level for entries, and any type of sweetener source is allowed. The Cottage cheese category has three classes, with any curd size acceptable. The dairy-based dips category will include six classes, and each sour cream or sour creambased dip entry must consist of a minimum of two 16-ounce containers. For the ice cream, sherbet, frozen yogurt and gelato category, the contest will have 10 separate classes. Each entry must be at least one gallon and comply with federal compositional standards. Any fat level is acceptable, and the product must be shipped on dry ice. The whey category will include six classes, and each entry must consist of a minimum of a halfpound container, except for wheybased sports/energy drinks that should be at least six 8-ounce containers. Only flavor and color will be judged. The nonfat dry milk category has one class and each entry must weigh at least a half-pound. Entries must be shipped in laminated paper/plastic bags or in screwcap plastic containers. Finally, the creative and innovative technologies category is an open category for highlighting creative uses of dairy products. \ The submitted entry must contain a minimum of 25 percent dairy, and must consist of at least six 16-ounce containers or equivalent volume. Winners in each class will be auctioned off on Tuesday, Oct. 4 at the World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy Product Contest Auction at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. For full contest details or to enter online, visit www.wdpa.net.

our industry to find a way through this very challenging period that we face,” Wright said. For right now, the UK remains a full member of the EU and all existing trade and other arrangements continue unchanged, including in the UK’s international supply chains, according to the Provision Trade Federation, a UK trade association for the dairy and meat trade. The referendum result in itself does not automatically trigger any formal withdrawal process. “The vote to leave the European Union will inevitably lead to a period of uncertainty in a number of areas that are of vital importance to Britain’s farmers,” said Meurig Raymond, president of the UK’s National Farmers Union. “In order to keep prices down and to deliver the best possible choice for consumers, retailers’ top priority in the short term will be to ensure the continued ease and minimum additional costs of importing EU goods into the UK for sale to customers,” the British Retail Consortium (BRC) said in a statement. It is also important to remember that the process of leaving the EU will take a couple of years.

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FoodDrinkEurope, the organization of Europe’s food and drink industry, called the UK’s vote to leave the EU “a blow that will have repercussions” across all member states of the EU. The UK’s decision to exit the EU “has the potential to give rise to significant challenges for the Irish agri-food sector,” said Michael Creed, Ireland’s agriculture and food minister. “The UK is by far our largest trading partner in the agri-food sector. Ireland is also the UK’s largest destination for its food exports,” Creed noted. The main areas in which potential impacts are foreseen are in relation to currency fluctuations, tariffs and trade, the EU budget, regulations and standards, and customs controls and certification, Creed said. In 2014, Ireland exported 4.5 billion euros in agri-food products to the UK, primarily dairy products, beef and processed foods, according to a recent report prepared by economists from Teagasc. The UK is “by far” the largest export market for Irish cheese, and the UK market is also “very important” for Irish butter exports. Ireland’s imports of agri-food products from the UK are also “substantial,” the report noted.

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Page 10


Senate GMO Bill (Continued from p. 1)

-neered counterpart of the food solely because the food is bioengineered or produced or developed with the use of bioengineering. USDA would also be required to conduct a study to identify potential technological challenges that may impact whether consumers would have access to the bioengineering disclosure through electronic or digital disclosure methods. Also under the legislation, no state or political subdivision of a state could directly or indirectly establish, or continue in effect as to any food in interstate commerce, any requirement relating to the labeling or disclosure of whether a food is bioengineered or was developed or produced using bioengineering for a food that is the subject of the national bioengineered food disclsoure standard

that is not identical to the mandatory disclosure requirement under that standard. Each person subject to the mandatory disclosure requirement would be required to maintain such records as USDA determines to be customary or reasonable in the food industry to establish compliance. USDA could conduct an examination, audit, or similar activity with respect to any records required under these regulations. Also under the legislation, a food could not be considred to be “non-GMO,” “not bioengineered” or any other similar claim describing the absence of bioengineering in the food solely because the food is not required to bear a disclosure that the food is bioengineered. Responses To The Compromise Jim Mulhern, NMPF’s president and chief executive officer, commended Roberts and Stabenow “for their efforts to produce this

sound and workable approach that will reaffirm the federal government’s role in food labeling policy and prevent the chaotic mess that would arise from leaving this issue to the whims of 50 different states.” NMPF is also “pleased that the legislative proposal clearly stipulates that milk and meat from animals that consume feed grown from biotech seeds are not subject to the labeling disclosure provisions,” Mulhern continued. “We are confident that this agreement will allow food companies to provide additional information to consumers about the products and processes used in formulating their foods in a way that doesn’t stigmatize foods produced with biotechnology,” he added. “A patchwork of state labeling requirements would only create mass confusion among consumers and only continue to raise costs across the food chain, beginning with the producers through

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June 24, 2016

the processors,” said David Cooper, general manager of FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative. The compromise legislation “provides strong parameters to food labels while also building a foundation of sound science behind this policy.” “This is the solution needed for the entire food chain in our nation from farm to fork: consumers, farmers, food producers, manufacturers, retailers and small businesses,” said Pamela G. Bailey, president and CEO of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, and Charles F. Conner, president and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives and the co-chairs of the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food. “By offering increased transparency and disclosure in a clear and consistent manner, this legislation will ensure consumers who want to learn more about the products they buy have the ability to do so,” Bailey and Conner added. While Vermont’s on-package labeling mandate is still set to take effect on July 1, Bailey and Conner said they remain confident that, with the Roberts-Stabenow legislation, “a national solution can be passed into law by Congress before the negative impacts of Vermont’s law become pervasive.” “This deal is unacceptable to the nine out of 10 Americans who support mandatory GMO labeling,” commented Jean Halloran, director of food policy initiatives for Consumers Union. Consumers “have been clear that they want straightforward GMO labels that they can read and understand at a quick glance when shopping. This law would instead allow GMO disclosure to be done through scannable codes, phone numbers, or websites, making it difficult, if not impossible for the average consumer to find out what they want to know as they try to decide which kind of cereal or snack to buy,” Halloran added. “The bill’s requirements, limited though they may be, do not even apply to many forms of genetically engineered food,” said Michael Hansen, Ph.D., senior scientist at Consumers Union. The bill is designed to cover only food produced with traditional forms of genetic engineering, and leaves out emerging techniques like “gene editing,” Hansen continued. “This is not a labeling bill; it is a non-labeling bill,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director, Center for Food Safety. “Clear, on-package GE food labeling should be mandatory to ensure all Americans have equal access to product information so that they can make informed choices about what they purchase and feed their families,” Kimbrell continued.

June 24, 2016

Wisconsin State Fair (Continued from p. 1)

for students pursuing dairy-related degrees and support the House of Moo dairy education center, as well as the Wisconsin State Fair milking demonstrations. This year’s contest featured 27 cheese classes and one Butter class. The winning entries in each class include: Mild Cheddar First place: Dan Stearns, Agropur, Weyauwega, 99.75 Second place: Timothy Stearns, Agropur, Weyauwega, 99.05 Third place: Luke Kopecky, Land O’Lakes, Kiel, 99.00 Aged Cheddar First place: Luke Kopecky, Land O’Lakes, Kiel, 99.50 Second place: Terry Lensmire, Agropur, Weyauwega, 99.00 Third place: Dale Schmidt, Land O’Lakes, Kiel, 98.85 Colby, Monterey Jack First place: Team Alto, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, Colby Jack, 99.40 Second place: Marieke Penterman, Marieke Gouda Creamery, Thorp, Colby, 98.875 Third place: Team Alto, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, Monterey Jack, 98.85 Swiss Styles First place: Joey Jaeggi, Chalet Cheese Co-op, Monroe, 99.10 Second place: Neal Schwartz, Chalet Cheese Co-op, Monroe, 98.35 Third place: Mike Nelson, Chalet Cheese Co-op, Monroe, 97.60 Brick, Muenster First place: Dave Buholzer, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Brick, 99.45 Second place: Ron Bechtolt, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Brick, 99.15 Third place: Gary Grossen, Babcock Hall Dairy Plant, Madison, Brick, 99.125 Mozzarella First place: Pat Doell, Agropur, Luxemburg, low moisture part skim Mozzarella, 99.40 Second place: Roger Krohn, Agropur, Luxemburg, low moisture part skim Mozzarella, 99.30 Third place: Terry Lensmire, Agropur, Luxemburg, low moisture Mozzarella, whole milk, 99.00 String Cheese First place: Burnett Dairy Team, Burnett Dairy Co-op, Grantsburg, 99.55 Second place: George Crave, Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese, Waterloo, 99.05 Third place: Cesar Luis, Cesar’s Cheese, Columbus, 99.00 Blue Veined Cheese

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First place: Team Salemville, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, Salemville Reserve Blue Cheese, 99.125 Second place: Mike Berg, Imperia Foods, Montfort, 98.925 Third place: Team Salemville, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, Salemville Vintage Blue Cheese, 98.825 Feta First place: Steve Webster, Klondike Cheese Company, Monroe, 99.55 Second place: Jim Demeter, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, 99.45 Third place: David Lindgren, Lynn Dairy, Granton, 99.40 Pepper Flavored Cheese First place: John (Randy) Pitman, Mill Creek Cheese, Arena, chili pepper muenster, 99.225 Second place: John (Randy) Pitman, Mill Creek Cheese, Arena, chili pepper Quesadilla, 99.20 Third place: Andy Koenig, Burnett Dairy Co-op, Grantsburg, pepper string cheese, 99.10 Flavored Soft Cheese First place: Steve Buholzer, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Mediterranean Feta, 99.575 Second place: Jim Demeter, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Tomato & Basil Feta, 98.400 Third place: Steve Webster, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Peppercorn Feta, 98.350 Flavored Semi Soft Cheese First place: John (Randy) Pitman, Mill Creek Cheese, Arena, Caraway Brick, 99.40 Second place: John (Randy) Pitman, Mill Creek Cheese, Arena, Caraway Muenster, 99.25 Third place: Gary Gosda, Lake Country Dairy, Turtle Lake, Tuscan hand-rubbed Fontina, 99.200

Second place: Marc Druart, Emmi Roth USA, Monroe, Roth Pavino, 99.70 Third place: Myron Olson, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, Liederkranz, 99.600 Cold Pack Cheese, Cheese Food First place: Team Pine River, Pine River Pre-Pack, Newton, Swiss & Almond cold pack, 99.90 Second place: Pine River PrePack, Newton, Aged Asiago cold pack, 99.70 Third place: Pine River Pre-Pack, Newton, Horseradish cold pack, 99.600 Pasteurized Process Cheese First place: Associated Milk Producers, Portage, pasteurized process American, 99.55 Second place: Associated Milk Producers, Portage, pasteurized process Monterey Jack & American with red bell peppers and jalapeño peppers, 99.25 Third place: Associated Milk Producers, Portage, pasteurized process cheese food with jalapeño peppers, 99.200 Reduced Fat, Lite Cheese First place: Foremost Farms USA, Clayton, reduced fat Provolone, 99.50 Second place: Foremost Farms USA, Clayton, reduced fat Provolone, 99.425 Third place: John (Randy) Pitman, Mill Creek Cheese, Arena, reduced fat muenster, 99.375

Open Class: Soft & Spreadable First place: Lactalis American Group, Lactalis, Belmont, triple cream Brie, 99.20 Second place: Fred Wolff, Lake Country Dairy, Turtle Lake, Mascarpone, 98.85 Third place: Team Pine River, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, extra sharp Cheddar spread, 98.800 Havarti First place: Dave Buholzer, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Havarti, 99.70 Second place: Ron Bechtolt, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Havarti, 99.25 Third place: Steve Stettler, Decatur Dairy, Brodhead, Havarti, 99.225 Flavored Havarti First place: Ron Bechtolt, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Dill Havarti, 99.70 Second place: Ron Buholzer, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Dill Havarti, 99.375 Third place: Luke Buholzer, Klondike Cheese Co., Monroe, Dill Havarti, 98.90 Open Class: Semi Soft First place: Maple Leaf Cheesemakers, Monroe, Fontina, 99.50 Second place: Maple Leaf Cheesemakers, Monroe, mild Gouda, 99.30 • See Wisconsin State Fair, p. 11

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Smoked Cheese First place: Maple Leaf Cheesemakers, Monroe, Smoked Gouda, 99.55 Second place: Andy Koenig, Burnett Dairy Cooperative, Grantsburg, Smoked String cheese, 99.250 Third place: Chad Duhai, Zimmerman Cheese, South Wayne, Smoked Brick, 99.20 Flavored Hard Cheese First place: Team Henning, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, blueberry cobbler Cheddar, 99.375 Second place: Mike Matucheski, Sartori Company, Antigo, Sartori Reserve Chipotle BellaVitano, 99.350 Third place: Team Black Creek, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, Cheddar Parmesan, 99.200 Smear Ripened Cheese First place: Marc Druart, Emmi Roth USA, Monroe, Roth Private Reserve, 99.725

0.8 4

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5:07 PM

June 24, 2016






Deadline for UC Davis Applied Sensory, Consumer Science Course Is Sept. 15 Davis, CA—The University of California-Davis Extension is now accepting applications for its online Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Certificate Program through Sept. 15. Now in its 15th year, the Applied Sensory and Consumer Science Certificate Program consists of graduate professional-level courses approved by the UC Davis department of food science and technology. Course title start dates are as follows:  Foundations of Sensory Science: October 3, 2016  Sensory Evaluation Methods: January 2, 2017  Consumer Testing Methods: April 3, 2017  Application of Sensory Science And Consumer Testing Principles: June 26, 2017 The program is taught by UC Davis professor Jean-Xavier Guinard and Tragon Corporation chief sensory officer Rebecca Bleibaum. “Our program fulfills a clear need for professional development in this area of study, and the sharing of experiences and knowledge it allows is invaluable,” said program founder and UC Davis professor emeritus Howard Schutz. Upon successful and sequential completion of all four courses, each student will have completed 140 hours of instruction and earned 16






units of academic credit. Courses are between 10 and 11 weeks long, offering students enough time to apply the material learned to instructor-evaluated assignments designed to test mastery of the concepts and applications. “This was one of the best learning programs that I have been involved in,” said Kraft Foods’ Casandra Turner. “The teachings are invaluable and insightful.” “The program has broadened my knowledge base, which makes for a more efficient sensory scientist,” Tuner continued. Each course is $2,100, so students can plan to budget a total of $8,475, which includes the onetime nonrefundable certificate processing fee of $75. To apply, students must complete a short application describing how they discovered the program, current employment and experience with sensory science and consumer testing, and educational background. Prospective students will get an email from the program assistant in two to three business days to let them know what to expect next. The program is limited to the first 40 qualified applicants. For more information or to apply online, visit www.extension. ucdavis.edu/sensory or call (503) 757-8899.

Food Processing Suppliers Conference Scheduled For Sept. 19-21 In Chicago Chicago—The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) will hold its annual sales conference here Sept. 19-21 at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare. The conference kicks off Monday night with a welcome reception. On Tuesday morning, Ken Thoreson, president of Acumen Management, will open the speaker lineup with his presentation “Creating Intensity – The Keys to Building a High Performance Sales Organization.” Kelly Riggs, founder, president and chief sales officer of The Business LockerRoom will highlight the four biggest B2B selling mistakes, and Babette Ten Haken of Sales Aerobics for Engineers, LLC, will cover customer retention and the art of the second sale. Barbara Biamanco of Social Centered Sell-

ing will talk about social media selling for sales leaders, followed by a networking reception. On Wednesday, author Michael Nick will discuss bridging the gap between Boomers and Millennials, and author Shane Gibson will cover training for more effective sales negotiations. David Folwell of The Growth Company will wrap up with a session on increasing sales with drip marketing and retargeting. Registration for the conference is now open online with early bird pricing of $250 per person. FPSA has negotiated a discounted room rate of $199 per night at the Marriott Chicago O’Hare for all attendees. For more information on the 2016 FPSA Sales Conference visit www.fpsa.org.

Rutgers’ Introduction To Food Science Short Course Is Aug. 22-26 New Brunswick, NJ—Rutgers University will host a five-day introductory food science course here Aug. 22-26 at the Food Science Auditorium on campus. Instructors from both the food industry and Rutgers University will cover key issues in food chemistry, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, color, sensory, nutrition, microbiology and processing. Students will learn the skills and vocabulary required to better understand, develop and promote food products in a competitive market. They will also be introduced to core competencies that all food scientists must master, and earn Certified Food Scientist (CFS) recertification contact hours and New Jersey Public Health Continuing Education Contact Hours. The course may be taken as a series of individual one-day sessions or as a complete five-day program. The schedule is also follows:  Monday, Aug. 22: Introduction to Chemical Principles and Lipids  Tuesday, Aug. 23: Carbohydrates and Proteins  Wednesday, Aug. 24: Color Theory/Color Applied and Flavor/ Sensory  Thursday, Aug. 25: Nutrition Theory/Nutrition Applied and Food Microbiology Theory/ Applied  Friday, Aug. 26: Food Processing and Engineering. Students will learn the various operations and systems used to manufacture and process food, and food ingredients, to achieve desired quality and safety. Examples of current and emerging technologies will be described. The early registration deadline is Aug. 8, 2016. Cost to attend all five days prior to the deadline is $1,495. A one-day registration is $395 per person. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided in the registration fee. Registration is available online at www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/ current. For questions or more details, contact senior program coordinator Dalynn Knigge at (848) 9327315.

PLANNING GUIDE June 26-28: Summer Fancy Food Show, Javits Center, New York, NY. For details, visit www. specialtyfood.com. • July 11-12: WDPA Dairy Symposium, The Landmark Resort, Door County, WI. For details, visit www.wdpa.net. • July 16-19: IFT 2016, McCormick Place South, Chicago, IL. For more information, visit www.am-fe.ift.org. • July 27-30: ACS Annual Convention, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA. For more details, visit www.cheesesociety.org. July 31-Aug. 3: IAFP Annual Meeting, America’s Center, St. Louis, MO. For more information, visit www.foodprotection. org. • Aug. 10-11: IMPA Annual Convention, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, ID. For details, visit www.impa.us. • Aug. 23-25: WDE Championship Dairy Products Contest, Madison, WI. For more information, visit www.wdpa.net. • Sept. 11-13: NYS Cheese Manufacturers Association’s Fall Meeting, Watkins Glen, NY. For details, visit www.nycheesemakers.com • Sept. 27-28: ADPI Dairy Ingredient Seminar, Fess Parker Hotel, Santa Barbara, CA. For more information, visit www. adpi.org. • Oct. 19-21: IDF World Dairy Summit, Rotterdam, Netherlands. For details, visit www. idfwds2016.com • Oct. 31-Nov. 2: NDB, NMPF, UDIA Joint Annual Meeting, Gaylord Opryland, Nashville, NT. For more information, visit www.nmpf.org. • Jan. 29-Feb. 1: 2017 Dairy Forum, J.W. Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes, Orlando, FL. Visit www.idfa.org.

d's Dairy In orl d W Since 1876

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Serving the

June 24, 2016

Page 13



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING phone: (608) 246-8430 fax: (608) 246-8431 e-mail: [email protected]

The “Industry’s” Market Place for Products, Services, Equipment and Supplies, Real Estate and Employee Recruitment Classified ads should be placed by Thursday for the Friday issue. Classified ads charged $.75 per word. Classified ads payable in advance. Display Classifieds charged per column inch. For more information, call 608-246-8430.

1. Equipment for Sale FOR SALE: CEM Smart Trac II moisture and fat analyzer. Originally purchased in 2013. Excellent condition. Currently in use for your inspection. Complete system - $42,000. Email [email protected] or call 630-553-0202 with questions or interest. FOR SALE: 1500 and 1250 cream tanks. Like New. (800) 558-0112. (262) 473-3530.

1. Equipment for Sale

1. Equipment for Sale

3. Cheesecloth

8. Help Wanted

HIGH CAPACITY SEPARATOR: Alfa-Laval hmrpx 718 HGV hermetic separator. 77,000 pounds per hour separation/110,000 pounds per hour standardization. Call Great Lakes Separator at 920-863-3306 or email drlambert@ dialez.net.

GO DIRECT! CHEESECLOTH - All constructions, medical grade. Microfiber and dairy wipers too. Contact Lucy Bauccio at Monarch Brands by emailling [email protected] or call 267-238-1643

LOOKING FOR cheese maker that enjoys challenges. We currently use buffalo and cow’s milk in our operations. If you need or want a lifestyle change and know how to make cheese, check us out. If interested, send an email to [email protected]

MSA 200 WESTFALIA SEPARATOR. Just arrived. Perfect Bowl condition NO PITTING. Two for sale. Call Great Lakes Separators at (920) 863-3306 or e-mail [email protected]. SEPARATOR NEEDS - Before you buy a separator, give Great Lakes a call. TOP QUALITY, reconditioned machines at the lowest prices. Call Dave Lambert, Great Lakes Separators at (920) 863-3306; e-mail drlambert@dialez. net. FOR SALE: Car load of 300-400-500 late model open top milk tanks. Like new. (262) 473-3530

2. Equipment Wanted

Manways & Inspection Ports

WANTED TO BUY: Westfalia or AlfaLaval separators. Large or small. Old or new. Top dollar paid. Call Great Lakes Separators at (920) 863-3306 or email [email protected] ULLMER’S DAIRY EQUIPMENT is looking to buy used daisy hoops, midget hoops, A-frame presses, 20 lb block molds, water/milk silos, homogenizers, and separators. Please contact us at (920) 822-8266 or e-mail us at [email protected].

Sanitary, Heavy-Duty Prevents CIP Solution, Air and Powder Leakage

LOOKING FOR USED EQUIPMENT: Advertise here and on www.cheesereporter.com. Call 608-246-8430 for more information and

Evaporator Dryer Technologies, Inc. www.evapdryertech.com

4. Walls, Flooring

9. Consultants

EXTRUTECH PLASTICS Sanitary POLY BOARD© panels provide bright white, non-porous, easily cleanable surfaces, perfect for non-food contact applications. CFIA and USDA accepted and Class A for smoke and flame. Call 888-818-0118 or epiplastics.com.

Advertise your consultancy services in Cheese Reporter and www.cheesereporter.com. Call 608-246-8430 for more information.

10. Cheese & Dairy Products FOR SALE: Wisconsin 10 month aged StarK Kosher Parmesan and 3 month aged Asiago. Shreds, blocks, chunks, loaves. For more information email: [email protected]

EPOXY OR FIBERGLASS floors, walls, tank-linings, and tile grouting. Installed by M&W Protective Coating Co. LLC. Call (715) 234-2251

5. Real Estate

KEYS MANUFACTURING: Dehydrators of scrap cheese for the animal feed idustry. Contact us for your scrap at (217) 465-4001; email [email protected].

DAIRY PLANTS FOR SALE: http:// dairyassets.webs.com/dairy-plants. Call Jim at 608-835-7705

6. Promotion & Placement

14. Testing Services

PROMOTE YOURSELF - By contacting Tom Sloan & Associates. Job enhancement thru results oriented professionals. We place cheese makers, production, technical, maintenance, engineering and sales management people. Contact Dairy Specialist David Sloan, Tom Sloan or Terri Sherman. Tom Sloan & Associates, Inc. PO Box 50, Watertown, WI 53094. Call: (920) 261-8890 or FAX: (920) 261-6357; or email: [email protected]

Promote your microbiological, nutritional or food sample testing services here. Call Cheese Reporter at 608-246-8430 or email [email protected]

16. Products & Services Looking for hard-to-find products or services. Advertise at www.cheesereporter.com

SEPARATORS & CLARIFIERS Installation Installation & & Start-Up Start-Up Available Available • • 24/7 24/7 Support Support New New Inventory Inventory Arriving Arriving Dairy Dairy • • Unbeatable Unbeatable Pricing Pricing A L F A -L A V A L C I P U N I T S • M.R.P.X 418 HGV Cold Milk Hermedic Separator 30,000 pph Separation 40,000 pph Standardization • M.R.P.X. 418 H.G.V. Hermedic Separator 55,000 pph Separation 75,000 pph Standardization • M.R.P.X. 314 T.G.V. Separator 33,000 pph Separation 50,000 pph Standardization • M.R.P.X. 214 T.G.V. Separator 28,500 pph Separation 40,000 pph Standardization


Exact Weight Cheese Cutter

3010 TU-Way

Designed to cut cheese blocks into portions for packaging or further processing.

• SB 60 Clarifier - 90,000 pph Clarification Warm or Cold • M.S.A. 40 Clarifier - 60,000 pph Clarification Simultaneously cuts either two 40-lb blocks or up to four 20-pound Mozz loaves. • S.A.M.R. 15036 Clarifier - 60,000 pph Clarification

General Machinery Corporation

General Machinery Corporation

W E S T FA L I A T E A R DOW N U N I T S • M.M. 9004 - 20,000 pph Separation Call NOW at 1-888-243-6622 • M.M. 5004 - 11,000 pph Warm Separation Email: [email protected] • M.M. 3004 - 8,000 pph Warm Separation www.genmac.com • M.M. 13004 (bowls & pumps only) - 30,000 pph Separation DE L AV A L T E A R DO W N U N I T S • DeLaval 340 - 35,000 pph Warm Sep./1,750 pph Cold Sep. • DeLaval 372 AH - 12,000 pph Warm Separation • DeLaval 390A - 3,500 pph Cold Separation; 7,000 pph Warm Separation; 12,000 pph Standardization • DeLaval 392A - 5,500 pph Cold Separation • DeLaval 392A - 14,000 pph Warm Separation • DeLaval 395A - 20,000 pph Standardizing • DeLaval 510 - 10,000 pph Cold Separation • DeLaval 590 - 10,000 pph Cold/35,000 Standardization Clarification • DeLaval 525 - 25,000 pph Warm Separation • DeLaval 545 - 50,000 pph Cold or Warm Separation

WE S T FA L IA C IP U N IT S • M.S.B. 200 Separator 55,000 pph Separation 80,000 pph Standardization • M.S.B. 130 Separator 33,000 pph Separation 50,000 pph Standardization • M.S.A. 120 Separator 33,000 pph Separation 50,000 pph Standardization • M.S.A. 100 Separator 27,500 pph Separation, 40,000 pph Standardization

Call NOW at 1-888-243-6622 Email: [email protected] www.genmac.com

Western Repack We Purchase Fines and Downgraded Cheese

Reclamation Services • Cheese Salvage/Repacking • 640# Block Cutting


Call Dave Lambert at (920) 863-3306 • or Dick Lambert at (920) 825-7468 E1921 County Road J • Kewaunee, WI 54216 Fax: (920) 863-6485 • E: [email protected]

General Machinery Corporation Call NOW at 1-888-243-6622 Email: [email protected] www.genmac.com

Handling cheese both as a service and on purchase. Bring us your special projects

Western Repack, LLC (801) 388-4861

Page 14

June 24, 2016


Federal Order Class 1 Minimum Prices & Other Advanced Prices - July 2016 Class I Base Price (3.5%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Base Skim Milk Price for Class I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advanced Class III Skim Milk Pricing Factor . . . . . . . . . Advanced Class IV Skim Milk Pricing Factor . . . . . . . . . Advanced Butterfat Pricing Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class II Skim Milk Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class II Nonfat Solids Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$13.70 (cwt) $5.57 (cwt) $5.01 (cwt) $5.57 (cwt) $2.3789 (lb.) $6.27 (cwt) $0.6967 (lb.)

Two-week Product Price Averages: Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonfat Dry Milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dry Whey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$2.1359 lb. $0.7925 lb. $1.4432 lb. $0.2576 lb.

Base Class I Price was $13.70 per hundredweight for the month of July 2016. The price per hundredweight increased $0.56 from the previous month. Base Skim Milk Price for Class I was $5.57 per hundredweight for the month ofJuly 2016. The price per hundredweight increased $0.26 from the previous month.


DAIRY PRODUCT SALES June 22, 2016—AMS’ National Dairy Products Sales Report. Prices included are provided each week by manufacturers. Prices collected are for the (wholesale) point of sale for natural, unaged Cheddar; boxes of butter meeting USDA standards; Extra Grade edible dry whey; and Extra Grade and USPH Grade A nonfortified NFDM. • Revised

Style and Region

June 18


Northeast milk production is mostly steady, but some reports indicate a slight decline in some areas. Class I sales to various food service channels continue to move lower, as needs diminish. Manufacturingmilk supplies are above adequate, but increases in heat and humidity levels are lowering cow comfort and milk production. Milk production in the Mid-Atlantic is flat. Hot, humid conditions are bringing milk back into balance, as processors’ milk volumes are incrementally lower. The Southeast milk output continues to decline with very little need for conditional manufacturing outlets. Load rejections are occurring due to temperature issues. Class I demand is flat, which is typical for this time of year.


Demands for flavored milk and Class II dairy products are active, along seasonal patterns. Condensed skim sales to ice cream/frozen dessert and NDM processors are strong. Harvesting of good/excellent quality alfalfa hay is active. In New Mexico, farm milk production continues dropping due to the warmer climate. However, manufacturing volumes are sufficient to keep balancing plants busy. In addition, some out of state processing plants are helping to clear milk volumes.

HISTORICAL MILK PRICES - CLASS IV ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16













9.59 13.85 16.42 16.56 17.63 22.29 13.23 13.31

9.45 12.90 18.40 15.92 17.75 23.46 13.82 13.49

9.64 12.92 19.41 15.35 17.75 23.66 13.80 12.74

9.82 13.73 19.78 14.80 18.10 23.34 13.51 12.68

10.14 15.29 20.29 13.55 18.89 22.65 13.91 13.09

10.22 15.45 21.05 13.24 18.88 23.13 13.90

10.15 15.75 20.33 14.45 18.90 23.78 13.15

10.38 15.61 20.14 15.76 19.07 23.89 12.90

11.15 16.76 19.53 17.41 19.43 22.58 15.08

11.86 17.15 18.41 18.54 20.17 21.35 16.43

13.25 16.68 17.87 18.66 20.52 18.21 16.89

15.01 15.03 16.87 17.83 21.54 16.70 15.52

CHEESE REPORTER READER RESPONSE CARD (Print Your Name and Address Clearly Below)

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For information about the advertisements or new product information, circle the number below which corresponds to the ad or article in which you are interested. Issue Date: 6/24/16

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Circle, copy and FAX to (608) 246-8431 for prompt response


40-Pound Block Avg J









June 4


May 28

40-Pound Block Cheddar Cheese Prices and Sales

Weighted Price US Sales Volume US

1.4208 13,663,082

Dollars/Pound 1.3737• Pounds 14,786,714•

1.3350 14,292,357

1.3356• 15,719,802•

500-Pound Barrel Cheddar Cheese Prices, Sales & Moisture Contest

Weighted Price Dollars/Pound US 1.5781 1.5262• Weighted Price Adjusted to 38% Moisture US 1.5065 1.4538• Sales Volume Pounds US 9,676,803 10,619,996• Weighted Moisture Content Percent US 35.05 34.91


Some Midwest milk marketers report a small retreat in milk production this week. However, milk intakes remain high. Some manufacturers feel the availability of spot loads of milk is starting to disappear. A few market participants speculate difficulty finding spot loads will only affect those seeking large quantities. Spot loads were reported at flat to $3.00 under class. Industry contacts anticipate discounts to decrease in the upcoming weeks. Bottling demand is steady from retail outlets. Orders for bottled 2 percent and whole milk have surpassed 1 percent and skim milk for several manufacturers in the recent weeks. Cream demand is high. Ice cream manufacturers are pulling in large amounts of cream, as they approach their seasonal production peak. Spot loads of cream are more difficult to come by, especially at the beginning of the week. Manufacturers seeking spot loads of cream report finding better spot load availability at the end of the week.

$1.80 $1.75 $1.70 $1.65 $1.60 $1.55 $1.50 $1.45 $1.40 $1.35 $1.30 $1.25












Weighted Price US Sales Volume US

2.1926 2,983,965

Dollars/Pound 2.0920 Pounds 3,855,859



Dry Whey Prices

Weighted Price US Sales Volume US


Dollars/Pounds 0.2521





0.2499• 7,675,142

Nonfat Dry Milk

Average Price US Sales Volume US

0.7955 16,558,248

Dollars/Pound 0.7894• Pounds 16,531,229•

0.7674 26,285,469

0.7819 13,750,408


*Cash Settled

Date 6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

Month June 16 June 16 June 16 June 16 June 16

Class III* Class IV* Dry Whey* 13.21 13.79 25.350 13.23 13.79 25.350 13.21 13.79 25.325 13.22 13.73 25.325 13.24 13.73 25.950

NDM* 79.275 79.275 79.525 79.000 78.825

Butter* 216.000 216.000 216.000 215.500 215.875

Cheese* 1.4500 1.4500 1.4510 1.4520 1.4500

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16 July 16

15.04 15.26 15.07 14.91 15.01

15.35 15.50 15.59 15.59 15.59

26.600 27.225 27.525 27.725 27.725

87.675 88.675 90.250 90.000 89.700

237.475 238.500 236.750 236.750 236.000

1.6170 1.6380 1.6200 1.6030 1.6140

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

August 16 August 16 August 16 August 16 August 16

15.79 16.21 16.00 16.04 16.28

16.21 16.30 16.30 16.30 16.30

28.725 29.125 29.850 30.225 30.225

95.250 96.000 97.425 97.250 97.400

242.000 242.150 238.000 238.200 237.750

1.6830 1.7210 1.7010 1.7040 1.7260

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

September 16 September 16 September 16 September 16 September 16

15.87 16.24 16.24 16.40 16.72

16.53 16.62 16.62 16.62 16.62

30.725 30.725 31.050 31.375 31.375

98.625 98.650 99.525 100.000 100.275

244.500 243.975 239.675 240.000 239.175

1.6820 1.7180 1.7140 1.7300 1.7640

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

October 16 October 16 October 16 October 16 October 16

15.81 16.21 16.20 16.37 16.70

16.59 16.64 16.75 16.75 16.83

31.850 31.375 31.725 32.000 32.500

101.000 101.000 101.325 103.000 103.250

241.000 243.300 238.300 238.550 238.000

1.6790 1.7030 1.7030 1.7320 1.7560

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

November 16 November 16 November 16 November 16 November 16

15.82 16.05 16.10 16.25 16.56

16.70 16.80 16.80 16.80 16.84

32.000 32.000 32.850 32.850 32.975

103.225 103.525 104.375 104.750 104.975

239.000 239.000 235.000 235.000 235.000

1.6650 1.6910 1.6940 1.7040 1.7380

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

December 16 December 16 December 16 December 16 December 16

15.63 15.86 15.92 16.05 16.32

16.34 16.49 16.49 16.54 16.52

32.800 32.800 33.500 32.500 34.000

105.000 105.250 106.525 107.000 107.000

226.000 227.350 224.350 224.775 223.800

1.6510 1.6830 1.6900 1.6900 1.7179

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

January 17 January 17 January 17 January 17 January 17

15.65 15.88 15.89 15.93 16.15

16.22 16.29 16.30 16.30 16.30

32.800 32.800 32.900 32.900 32.900

109.000 109.000 109.500 110.950 110.600

215.975 216.000 214.450 214.450 213.525

1.6440 1.6690 1.6750 1.6760 1.7000

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

February 17 February 17 February 17 February 17 February 17

15.73 15.92 15.89 15.96 16.06

15.91 16.30 16.30 16.30 16.30

33.025 33.025 34.000 34.000 34.000

110.250 110.250 110.375 110.375 110.425

214.500 214.500 213.950 213.950 212.500

1.6580 1.6770 1.6800 1.6810 1.7030

6-17 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23

March 17 March 17 March 17 March 17 March 17

15.82 16.00 16.00 15.95 16.13

15.73 15.73 16.01 16.01 16.01

33.700 33.700 34.450 34.450 34.450

111.275 111.250 111.250 111.250 111.250

213.975 213.975 213.975 212.800 211.500

1.6770 1.6830 1.6870 1.6920 1.7070

6-17 June 16 6-20 June 16 6-21 June 16 6-22 June 16 6-23 June 16 Interest - June 23

16.00 16.08 16.05 16.02 16.25 32,119

15.81 15.91 15.98 15.98 15.98 3,436

35.000 35.000 34.250 34.250 34.250 4,206

111.025 111.025 111.025 112.050 112.050 5,934

208.475 208.475 208.475 208.475 210.000 6,541

1.6690 1.6880 1.6880 1.6880 1.7130 30,391

June 24, 2016

Page 15




Cheese production is active throughout the country. Some manufacturers are cutting back slightly as a way to manage large inventories. Recent strength in the cheese prices has aided cheese producers. However, western manufacturers do get the sense that buyers are shopping around, and don’t have a sense of urgency to make a purchase. Sales in the Northeast are reportedly lagging behind production rates, causing stocks to accumulate. Inventories are mixed. Some market participants believe the price difference in cheese between US and world competitors is too large for domestic cheese to compete in the international markets. Therefore, exports are light. The market undertone is steady.


Cheese production is mixed with some production declines due to slightly lower milk intakes, as heat and humidity impact areas of the East region. Orders for Mozzarella, Provolone and aged Cheddar are steady. Components and cheese yields are decreasing, with little likelihood to improve, before the fall season. Inventories are mixed. Wholesale prices, delivered, dollars per/lb: Cheddar 40-lb blocks: $1.9300 - $2.2150 Process 5-lb sliced: $1.7450 - $2.2250 Muenster: $1.9500 - $2.3000 Swiss Cuts 10-14 lbs: $2.9775 - $3.3000

MIDWEST AREA - JUNE 22: Although spot loads of milk are reportedly harder to come by, milk intakes remain high. A handful of manufacturers are choosing to slow down cheese production in an effort to manage inventory levels. Several contacts speculate Cheddar cheese varieties are filling a large majority of stock shelves. Strong sales have aided in many manufacturers efforts to relieve some of these inventory pressures. Midwest cheese sales are reportedly increasing this week. Specific varieties, including Mozzarella and Provolone, are moving well into both foodservice and retail outlets. Manufacturers report buyers requesting additional loads outside of contracts. Wholesale prices delivered, dollars per/lb: Brick/Muens 5# Loaf: $1.9000 - $2.3250 Monterey Jack 10#: $1.8750 - $2.0800 Mozzarella 5-6# (LMPS): $1.7000 - $2.6400

Process 5# Loaf: Cheddar 40# Block: Blue 5# Loaf: Grade A Swiss 6-9#:

$1.6375 - $1.9975 $1.6275 - $2.0225 $2.1675 - $3.1550 $2.4950 - $2.6125


With milk generally readily available, many western cheese makers report active cheese production. There are, however, some areas in the West that are beginning to see a slight downturn in cheese production as milk intakes slow seasonally. Active dairy promotions have helped maintain a strong domestic retail demand for cheese in cut and wrap and deli sectors. While international markets for US cheese are still a little weak, export assistance has helped at least maintain a foothold in export markets. Even with assistance and promotions, industry contacts say there is a lot of cheese available in storage. Enough so, that some end users are surprised prices in various market exchanges have strengthened over the last few weeks. A few cheese buyers say they are willing to buy cheese, but only when they can find a deal. They would rather work through their own existing inventories. There are also a few contacts that are speculating there is an inventory squeeze in play, with fresh blocks and barrels a little tight, and stocks of cheese with some age being long. Wholesale prices delivered, dollars per/lb: Process 5# Loaf: Cheddar 40# Block: $1.6325 - $2.0775 Cheddar 10# Cuts: Monterey Jack 10#: $1.8225 - $1.9825 Grade A Swiss 6-9#:

$1.6525 - $1.9100 $1.8125 - 2.0325 $2.5550 - $2.9850

FOREIGN -TYPE CHEESE - JUNE 22: EU production of semi hard cheese is being limited by decreasing milk production. Inventories are tightening and this is leading to price strength for EU domestic cheese sales. Many commercial customers would like to add to inventories, but are unable to find sellers, or find sellers offering agreeable pricing. The domestic cheese tightness was intensified due to exports of cheese in 2016 through April. Selling prices, delivered, dollars per/lb: Blue: Gorgonzola: Parmesan (Italy): Romano (Cows Milk): Sardo Romano (Argentine): Reggianito (Argentine): Jarlsberg (Brand): Swiss Cuts Switzerland: Swiss Cuts Finnish:

Imported $2.6400 - 5.2300 $3.6900 - 5.7400 0 0 $2.8500 - 4.7800 $3.2900 - 4.7800 $2.9500 - 6.4500 0 $2.6700- 2.9300

Domestic $2.0950 - 3.5825 $2.6025 - 3.3200 $3.4850 - 5.5750 $3.2850 - 5.4350 0 0 0 $3.0150- 3.3375 0


Butter churning is generally below plant capacity in much of the country. Spot cream availability is tighter. Some manufacturers are also reluctant to purchase cream at current premiums and are content to calibrate churning to contracted cream supplies. The Northeast price for bulk butter is reported 6 to 8 over the market.


Butter manufacturers’ churns are producing to provide for near term butter needs, as ice cream production increasingly pulls on regional cream supplies. Milk standardization and anticipated declines in farm milk output, which means less cream availability, encourages a resilient butter market. Manufacturing stocks are adequate. Butter processors are seemingly confident about the market’s butter demand and ability to move held butter stocks.


Central region butter manufacturers vary in production schedules this week. Cream is tightening and spot loads are harder to come by. Those producers unwilling to pay premiums for cream are cutting back on production schedules. Demand for bulk

butter is high. Industry contacts report obstacles trying to find fresh bulk butter on the spot market. A few contacts suggest frozen bulk butter is also increasingly hard to come by. Market participants speculate that stockholders are choosing not to sell current inventories to cover contractual and anticipated upcoming needs.

WEST - JUNE 22: Western butter production is steady to slower. Butter makers are generally able to get the cream they need, but are often finding spot loads of cream a little less available. The combination of lower milk intakes, lower butterfat components, and heavier use of cream by ice cream and Class II milk users are contributing to the tighter cream supplies. In most cases, butter manufacturers are content to use the cream they have from current sources. A few manufacturers are slowing their churn rates. Domestic retail butter demand is steady. Industry contacts suggest butter inventories continue to grow slowly, however, some end users further point out that manufacturers are hesitant to make new offers for bulk butter. They say butter manufacturers are seemingly content to hold stocks in advance of late year holiday purchases.

NATIONAL - CONENTIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS This week, total conventional dairy ad numbers increased 7% and organic dairy ad numbers increased 30%. Regionally, the Southeast reported the largest change in organic dairy ad numbers, 312%, as organic prices on average rose 87 cents. Conventional half-gallon flavored milk had a substantial rise in ad numbers, registering 452% compared to the previous week. Heavily advertised items in the dairy case continue to be 48- to 64-ounce containers of conventional ice cream and 4- to 6-ounce containers of conventional Greek yogurt. Organic butter in the 1-pound packaging showed a 172% rise in ad numbers and a $.01 increase in price this week. The US advertised price for 8-ounce conventional cheese blocks averaged $2.25, up 9 cents from last week; 8-ounce shred cheese averaged $2.24, down 7 cents from last week. Ads for 8-ounce organic shred cheese average $3.80, down 9 cents from last week; 8 ounce organic cheese blocks averaged $4.65, unchanged from last week. The average price for conventional yogurt in 4- to 6-ounce packages is $.53, up 6 cents from last week. Conventional yogurt ad numbers are up 8% from last week The price spread between organic and conventional half gallon milk is $1.18, the lowest this year.









Butter 1#








Cheese 8 oz block








Cheese 1# block








Cheese 2# block








Cheese 8 oz shred








Cheese 1# shred








Cottage Cheese








Cream Cheese








Ice Cream 48-64 oz








Flavored Milk ½ gallon 2.57 Flavored Milk gallon 2.88













Milk ½ gallon








Milk gallon








Sour Cream 16 oz








Yogurt (Greek) 4-6 oz








Yogurt (Greek) 32 oz








Yogurt 4-6 oz








Yogurt 32 oz








US: National Northeast (NE): CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT; Southeast (SE): AL, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV; Midwest (MID): IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI; South Central (SC): AK, CO, KS, LA, MO, NM, OK, TX; Southwest (SW): AZ, CA, NV, UT; Northwest (NW): ID, MT, OR, WA, WY

ORGANIC DAIRY - RETAIL OVERVIEW National Weighted Retail Avg Price: Cheese 8 oz block: $4.65 Cheese 8 oz shred: $3.80 Sour Cream 16 oz: $2.71 Cottage Cheese 16 oz: $3.62 Butter 1 lb: $5.51

Greek Yogurt 4-6 oz: Greek Yogurt 32 oz: Yogurt 4-6 oz: Milk gallon: Milk ½ gallon: Flavored Milk ½ gallon:

$1.35 $3.64 $1.32 $6.06 $3.98 $4.99

DRY DAIRY PRODUCTS - JUNE 23 NDM - CENTRAL: Low/medium nonfat dry milk prices in the Central region are steady to slightly higher on the top end of the mostly series and bottom end of the range. Industry contacts feel prices continue to firm, although a few market participants question the longevity of current price trends. Milk intakes remain high, keeping dryers running full production schedules. Several market participants report having large amounts of low/medium heat NDM in inventory. In the current market, however, they express light interest in making sales. Although domestic interest in low/medium heat NDM is mild, export interest is growing. Several market participants report increasing orders from international outlets. The market undertone is firming. High heat NDM prices held steady this week. Production is on an as needed basis for contracted buyers, as low/medium heat NDM production dominates dryer time. Several manufacturers report little to no inventory. Spot sales are intermittent as demand outside of commitments is light. The market undertone is steady. NDM - EAST: In the East, low/medium nonfat dry milk (NDM) prices are steady to higher across the price series, as light trading transpired in the f.o.b. spot market. Most NDM manufacturers’ prices have firmed. As a result, low/medium NDM customers are booking loads with anticipation of potentially higher prices developing. Most plants con-

tinue active drying schedules, as condensed skim milk supplies remain plentiful. Buyers/ end-users are looking around to bargain for the best offers. In general, stocks are mixed. At this point, indications are that some inventories hold ample volumes of lower cost NDM. High heat nonfat dry milk production at most processing plants is intermittent. With holdings in place to meet near-term customer requirements, a few manufacturers are able to postpone high heat production runs.


Prices for western low/ medium heat NDM are higher, following upward movements in various indices. The market undertone is steady to firm. Demands from bakers and cheese makers are good. Some industry participants are confused by the recent price strength at the CME, as supplies are readily available in the market. However, according to some processors, milk intakes in the region are dropping. Consequently, NDM supplies are getting tight and the market continues firming. Sales in the f.o.b. spot market are active this week. Some buyers/end users are confident about NDM future prices. A few processors are clearing inventories from several months ago at prices close to the bottom of the range. Low/medium heat nonfat dry milk production is ongoing as moderate condensed skim volumes are clearing into dryers.




6/20/16 6/01/16 Change

...................................... ...................................... ......................................

30,559 29,810 749

CHEESE 91,585 97,584 -5,999

Page 16

June 24, 2016


Wisconsin State Fair


(Continued from p. 11)

Visit www.cheesereporter.com for daily prices CHEDDAR 500-LB. BARRELS




MONDAY June 20

$1.5450 (NC)

$1.5150 (NC)

$2.3650 (-¼)

$0.8675 (+2½)


$1.5450 (NC)

$1.5125 (-¼)

$2.3600 (-½)


$1.5400 (-½)

$1.5125 (NC)

$2.3600 (NC)

$0.8800 (+1¼) $0.9025 (+2¼)


$1.5350 (-½)

$1.5125 (NC)

$2.3600 (NC)

$0.9000 (-¼)

FRIDAY June 24

$1.5350 (NC)

$1.5125 (NC)

$2.3450 (-1½)

$0.9000 (NC)

Week’s AVG Change

$1.5400 (-0.0050)

$1.5130 (-0.0130)

$2.3580 (+0.0475)

$0.8900 (+0.0480)

Last Week’s AVG





2015 AVG Same Week





Third place: Gary Grossen, Babcock Hall Dairy Plant, Madison, Gouda, 98.80 Open Class: Hard Cheese First place: Mike Matucheski, Sartori Company, Antigo, Sartori Reserve BellaVitano Gold, 99.55 Second place: Maple Leaf Cheesemakers, Monroe, aged Gouda, 99.50 Third place: Kerry Henning, The Artisan Cheese Exchange, Sheboygan, Deer Creek “The Fawn”, 99.475

MARKET OPINION - CHEESE REPORTER Cheese Comment: There was no block market activity at all on Monday. Two cars of blocks were sold Tuesday, the last on an offer at $1.5150; an uncovered offer at $1.5125 then set the price. There was no block market activity at all on Wednesday or Thursday. Friday’s block market activity was limited to an uncovered offer of 1 car at $1.5225, which left the price unchanged. The barrel price declined Wednesday on an uncovered offer of 1 car at $1.5400, and fell Thursday on an uncovered offer of 1 car at $1.5350. Butter Comment: The butter price declined Monday on an offer-based sale of 1 car at $2.3650, fell Tuesday on an uncovered offer of 1 car at $2.3600, and declined Friday on an offer-based sale of 1 car at $2.3450. NDM Comment: The nonfat dry milk price increased Monday on an unfilled bid for 1 car at 86.75 cents, rose Tuesday on an unfilled bid for 1 car at 88.0 cents, increased Wednesday on a bid-based sale of 1 car at 90.25 cents, and fell Thursday on sales of 6 cars at 90.0 cents. A total of 14 cars of NDM were sold during Friday’s trading session, but the price remained unchanged at 90.0 cents.

Flavored Goat Milk Cheese First place: Team Woolwich, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, cranberry cinnamon, 99.55 Second place: Team Woolwich, Saputo Specialty Cheese, Richfield, honey vanilla Chevre, 99.40 Third place: Aurélien Jolly, MontChevre-Betin, Belmont, blueberry vanilla, 99.35 Natural Goat Milk Cheese First place: John Slawinski, Clock Shadow Creamery, Milwaukee, Chevre, 99.75 Second place: Aurélien Jolly, MontChevre-Betin, Belmont, mini Bucheron, 99.55

Third place: Jean Rossard, MontChevre-Betin, Belmont, crumble plain, 99.45 Latin American Cheese First place: Dennis Schliem, Zimmerman Cheese, South Wayne, Queso Para Fundir, 99.675 Second place: John (Randy) Pitman, Mill Creek Cheese, Arena, Queso Para Fundir, 99.55 Third place: John Lewis, Chula Vista Cheese, Browntown, Chihuahua cheese block, 99.50 Sheep, Mixed Milk Cheese First place: Mike Matucheski, Sartori Company, Antigo, Sartori Limited Edition Pastorale Blend, 99.55 Second place: Robert Wills, Cedar Grove Cheese, Plain, Donatello, 99.00 Third place: Robert Wills, Cedar Grove Cheese, Plain, Montague, 98.20 Butter First place: Foremost Farms 3rd Shift, Foremost Farms USA, Reedsburg, salted Butter, 98.875 Second place: Foremost Farms 1st Shift, Foremost Farms USA, Reedsburg, salted Butter, 98.525 Third place: Team Chaseburg, CROPP Cooperative/Organic Valley, Cashton, organic european style cultured Butter, 98.325.

WHEY MARKETS - JUNE 20 - JUNE 24, 2016 RELEASE DATE - JUNE 23, 2016 Animal Feed Whey—Central: Milk Replacer:

.1300(NC) – .2125 (NC)

Buttermilk Powder: Central & East: .7500 (+4) – .8500 (+5) Mostly: .6700 (NC) – .7300 (NC)

West: .6200 (NC) – .7500 (NC)

Casein: Rennet:

$2.4000(+5) – $2.7000 (NC) Acid: $2.4400 (+¼) - $2.8000 (NC)

Dry Whey Powder—Central (Edible): Nonhygroscopic: .2200 (NC) – .2900 (NC) Dry Whey–West (Edible): Nonhygroscopic: .2100 (NC) – .3100 (+1) Dry Whey—NE: .2500 (NC) — .2875 (NC) Lactose—Central and West: Edible: .2200 (+2) – .3775 (NC)

Mostly: .2250 (NC) – .2700 (NC) Mostly: .2175 (NC) – .2800 (+2)

Mostly: .2300 (+1) – .3050 (+1)

Nonfat Dry Milk —Central & East: Low/Medium Heat: .7500 (+¼) – . 9000 (NC) High Heat: .8800 (NC) - .9800 (NC) Nonfat Dry Milk —Western: Low/Medium Heat: .7800 (+5) – .9000 (+1) High Heat: .9100 (NC) – 1.0000 (NC)

Mostly: .8000(NC) – .8525 (+¼)

Mostly: .8000 (+2) –.8700 (+2)

California Weighted Average NFDM: June 17 June 10

Price $0.7689 $0.7721

Total Sales 8,022,184 8,284,927

Superior Cooling, Shape, Production, and Flexibility

Whey Protein Concentrate—Central and West: Edible 34% Protein: .5700 (+2) – .7800 (+1) Mostly: .6500 (+4) – .7000 (NC) Whole Milk—National: 1.1800 (NC) – 1.3700 (NC) Visit www.cheesereporter.com for dairy and historical cheese, butter, and whey prices

HISTORICAL MONTHLY AVERAGE BLOCK PRICES ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16












1.3062 1.6269 1.3335 1.3180 1.8257 1.0833 1.4536 1.5140 1.5546 1.6965 2.2227 1.5218 1.4757

1.3958 1.4929 1.1989 1.3408 2.0023 1.2171 1.4526 1.9064 1.4793 1.6420 2.1945 1.5382 1.4744

1.8197 1.5317 1.1638 1.3823 1.8234 1.2455 1.2976 1.8125 1.5193 1.6240 2.3554 $1.5549 1.4877

2.1687 1.5413 1.1651 1.4628 1.8826 1.2045 1.4182 1.6036 1.5039 1.8225 2.2439 1.5890 1.4194

1.9925 1.4774 1.8155 1.7211 2.0976 1.1394 1.4420 1.6858 1.5234 1.8052 2.0155 1.6308 1.3174

1.7105 1.5065 1.1924 2.0100 2.0350 1.1353 1.3961 2.0995 1.6313 1.7140 2.0237 1.7052

1.4486 1.5035 1.1630 1.9138 1.9673 1.1516 1.5549 2.1150 1.6855 1.7074 1.9870 1.6659

1.5734 1.4249 1.2354 1.9554 1.7398 1.3471 1.6367 1.9725 1.8262 1.7492 2.1820 1.7111

1.5702 1.5639 1.2933 1.9929 1.8762 1.3294 1.7374 1.7561 1.9245 1.7956 2.3499 1.6605

1.5170 1.4470 1.2347 1.8957 1.7963 1.4709 1.7246 1.7231 2.0757 1.8236 2.1932 1.6674

1.6960 1.3756 1.3745 2.0926 1.7099 1.5788 1.4619 1.8716 1.9073 1.8478 1.9513 1.6175


Dec 1.5923 1.4224 1.3223 2.0083 1.5132 1.6503 1.3807 1.6170 1.6619 1.9431 1.5938 1.4616

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