LSE Workshop on Turkey 2020 Final

2nd LSE Workshop on Political Economy of Turkey 10-11 September 2020, Online (register here) Day 1: 10 September, 2020 ...

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2nd LSE Workshop on Political Economy of Turkey 10-11 September 2020, Online (register here)

Day 1: 10 September, 2020 (London time) 13:50-14:00

Welcome by organisers (Orkun Saka & Cevat G. Aksoy)


Session 1: Migration & Education | chaired by Cevat G. Aksoy (EBRD) Building Inter-Ethnic Cohesion in Schools: An Intervention on Perspective Taking Sule Alan (EUI), Ceren Baysan (Essex), Mert Gumren (Koç) & Elif Kubilay (Essex)* Discussant: Elisa Cavatorta (King’s) Mixing in Early Childhood: Evidence from Syrian Refugees in Turkey Semih Tumen (TED)*, Michael Vlassopoulos (Southampton), Jackline Wahba (Southampton) & Yves Zenou (Monash) Discussant: Salma Mousa (Stanford)


Session 2: Political Economy of Violence | chaired by Orkun Saka (Sussex) Female Employment and Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Syrian Refugee Inflows to Turkey Bilge Erten (Northeastern)* & Pinar Keskin (Wellesley) Discussant: Berkay Ozcan (LSE) Assessing the Impact of Irrigation on PKK Recruitment in South-eastern Turkey Ollie Ballinger (Oxford)* Discussant: Ian Levely (King’s) End of Day 1

*presenting author

Day 2: 11 September, 2020 (London time) 14:00-16:00

Session 3: Political Economy of Leadership | chaired by Cevat G. Aksoy (EBRD) Institutional Gridlock and Democratic Backsliding: Explaining Popular Support for Aspiring Autocrats Serkant Adiguzel (Duke)* Discussant: Florian Foos (LSE) Charismatic Leaders and Nation Building: Ataturk’s Role in the Formation of Turkish Identity Lydia Assouad (PSE)* Discussant: Asli Cansunar (Oxford)



Keynote Speech | chaired by TBA Professor Sule Alan (EUI)

Session 4: Discrimination & Segregation | chaired by Orkun Saka (Sussex) Discriminatory Lending: Evidence from Bankers in the Lab Michelle Brock (EBRD)* & Ralph De Haas (EBRD) Discussant: Selva Demiralp (Koç) Segregation of Syrian refugees in Turkey: Evidence from mobile phone data Simone Bertoli (Clermont), Caglar Ozden (World Bank)* & Michael Packard (Georgetown) Discussant: Seyhun Sakalli (King’s)


Concluding remarks by organisers

*presenting author

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Cevat Giray Aksoy (EBRD, King’s College London, LSE & IZA) Paul De Grauwe (LSE, CEPR & CESifo) Selva Demiralp (Koç University) Asli Demirguc-Kunt (World Bank) Refet Gurkaynak (Bilkent University, CEPR & CESifo) Timur Kuran (Duke University) Adeel Malik (University of Oxford) Berkay Ozcan (LSE) Dani Rodrik (Harvard University, CEPR, CESifo, IZA & NBER) Orkun Saka (University of Sussex, LSE & SRC) Waltraud Schelkle (LSE)