LAW & ORDER MCCOY & NEWMAN Page 1 of 3 A8 NEWMAN I don't remember. I was in a daze. MC COY Please show us how you he...

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NEWMAN I don't remember. I was in a daze. MC COY Please show us how you held the barong. McCoy picks up the barong and hands it to Newman. Newman holds it for a beat, looks at Gorton, then calmly sets it down. NEWMAN I told you, I don't remember. I was high on drugs, I was out of my mind with fear and grief. I'd just been told I killed someone I loved. Beat. McCoy looks at Ross. Ross nods. McCoy tries a new tack. MC COY Did Mr. Gorton warn you I'd try to put the murder weapon in your hand? It's an old prosecutor's trick -NEWMAN He told me to tell the truth. MC COY Good. Then let's try this again. (grabs the barong) Show us how you butchered your wife. Newman hesitates for a half-beat. MC COY Hold it. Unnerved, Newman takes the barong. MC COY One hand or two hands, Mr. Newman? NEWMAN ...Two hands. MC COY Show us. Newman grabs the handle with both hands. MC COY How many times did you strike Heidi's neck? NEWMAN I'm not sure. MC COY The Medical Examiner testified there were two blows to the neck. Is that what you did? NEWMAN Yes, that's possible.



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MC COY You were very angry, weren't you? NEWMAN No, what do you mean? MC COY The M.E. testified you struck her with such force, you took her head clean off. NEWMAN I don't know -MC COY You had plenty to be angry at her for, didn't you? She was keeping you from making a movie -NEWMAN It wasn't important. MC COY Eight years ago, you won an honorable mention at the New York Film Festival, didn't you? NEWMAN Yes. For my film 'Crooked Street.' McCoy walks to the prosecution table. Ross hands him a file. McCoy takes out a newspaper clipping. MC COY The critics said your 'daring foray into a new American neo-realism' marked you 'as one of the most promising artists of :he American cinema.' NEWMAN Yes. MC COY What's your latest movie about? Newman doesn't answer. MC COY Talking bears? NEWMAN Yes. MC COY A daring neo-realist foray into Jellystone Park? Does that fulfill your promise as an artist?



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NEWMAN No-MC COY Heidi Ellison was keeping you from fulfilling that promise, wasn't she? NEWMAN (getting angry) Not just her. You know what kind of crap they wanted me to make? MC COY But especially her. She could have let you make 'Madame Bovary,' couldn't she? NEWMAN (furious) She gave me a choice -- the bears or a picture about a dog who's granted three wishes... I couldn't believe it -MC COY Couldn't believe what, Mr. Newman? NEWMAN I had an actress -- bankable --attached to 'Bovary.' But Heidi offered her twelve million to do an asteroid movie instead Just because our marriage didn't work out. That vindictive bitch -- I could've made something...

Newman stops short. All eyes are on him. He sees what they see -- his right hand in the air, gesturing for emphasis, holding the barong.