MN APSE 2011 State Conference brochure

Tired of the same old conference formats? Tired of people talking at you? Tired of going to one predictable session foll...

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Tired of the same old conference formats? Tired of people talking at you? Tired of going to one predictable session followed by another? We are too! What if you could design your own conference agenda?

Minnesota APSE - The Network on Employment PO Box 23087 Richeld, MN 55423

Status Quo –– Status No!

Status Quo –– Status No! The 2011 Minnesota APSE State Conference Monday May 16, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. (RegistraƟon opens at 8:00 a.m.)

What would it look like?

St. Cloud What would the topics be that are of most interest to you?

Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites 75 South 37th Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301

Status Quo –– Status No! The Minnesota APSE State Conference Monday, May 16, 2011 9:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. (RegistraƟon opens at 8:00 a.m.)

St. Cloud

Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites 75 South 37th Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301

Keynote PresentaƟon: Dale DiLeo, President of Training Resource Network Tired of the same old conference formats? Tired of people talking at you? Tired of going to one predictable session followed by another? We are too! What if you could design your own conference agenda? What would it look like? What would the topics be that are of most interest to you? MN APSE is proposing a radical departure from the status quo of conferences. AŌer all, we’’re looking to change the status quo of employment for people with disabiliƟes. MN APSE wants create a conference that is responsive to the needs of the parƟcipants, pushes the envelope of ordinary conferences, and conƟnues to build a community of people who are dedicated to making employment the rst and preferred outcome for people who have disabiliƟes. Following a keynote address, conference aƩendees will engage in a community conversaƟon. Breakout sessions will focus on the top 4-5 topics generated from the conversaƟons. Dale DiLeo and content experts gathered by MN APSE will conduct workshops or addiƟonal conversaƟons based upon the input of the audience. This event is sponsored in part by the MN Governor’’s Council on Developmental DisabiliƟes.

About Our Keynote Speaker A widely sought-aŌer speaker and consultant, and well-known advocate for people with disabiliƟes, Dale DiLeo has provided training throughout the US and in Canada and Europe on community inclusion for persons with disabiliƟes. Dale has trained over 75,000 parƟcipants over the past 30 years, serving as the keynote for the European Union of Supported Employment in Oslo, Norway and presenƟng again in Barcelona, Spain. He has consulted with state and private agencies, universiƟes, professional associaƟons, and corporaƟons. He is the Past President of the Board of the AssociaƟon for Persons in Supported Employment (APSE), and is the lead author of that organizaƟon’’s highly respected Ethical Guidelines in Supported Employment. His latest book, Raymond’’s Room, focuses on ending the shameful segregaƟon of people with disabiliƟes in community life. Dale is President of Training Resource Network in St. AugusƟne, Florida. TRN is a publishing and consulƟng rm specializing in management, organizaƟonal change, educaƟon, training, rehabilitaƟon and supported employment. RegistraƟon opens at 8:00 a.m. RegistraƟon fee includes materials, conƟnental breakfast, lunch and refreshment breaks. A limited number of scholarships for individuals with disabiliƟes, their support person’’s or their family members are available thanks to the sponsorship of the MN Governor’’s Council on Developmental DisabiliƟes. For more informaƟon or if you require an accommodaƟon to parƟcipate, contact: Jolene Thibedeau Boyd at 952-851-6186 or [email protected] A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn, Hotel front desk: 320-253-9000 Ask for the MN APSE room rate of $79.95 per night, plus tax. Room block will be held through April 16, 2011.

Annual Conference Monday May 16, 2011

Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites 75 South 37th Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Complete Form and mail with payment to: MN APSE PO Box 23087 Richeld, MN 55423-0087 Conference Rates: $100 MN APSE/APSE Members $150 Non-APSE Members $50 Self-Advocates, Family Members or Support Persons for Self-Advocates All registraƟons, payment & accommodaƟon requests must be received by May 6, 2011. Name: _________________________________ OrganizaƟon: ____________________________ APSE Member # (if applicable): _____________ Address: _______________________________ City:______________ State:___ Zip: _________ Phone: _________________________________ Email:__________________________________ If you require an accommodaƟon, please describe below: __________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ † Check this box if ASL Interpreter is needed.