Notice No

聖 士 提 反 書 院 附 屬 小 學 ST STEPHEN'S COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL To: Grade 1-6 parents From: Dr Agnes Wai, Principal th Date...

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聖 士 提 反 書 院 附 屬 小 學 ST STEPHEN'S COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL To: Grade 1-6 parents From: Dr Agnes Wai, Principal th

Date: 20 January 2017

Notice No. 15 The Spring Social Spring is the season of joy. At the best time of the year, let us put our work and worries behind and take this time to cherish our family and friends. ‘The Spring Social’, a school- sponsored activity is just right on time to fulfill this! On 4th March 2017 (Saturday) from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm, a picnic with fun fair will be hosted at Tang Shiu Kin Sports Field at St. Stephen’s College. Nothing better than lending a helping hand; nothing more fulfilling than charity.


deducting necessary expenses, all the fund collected will be allocated to St. Stephen’s Ethic Education and Life Education Fund which aims to develop the growth of our children. You are welcome to bring your children and friends to join the following events. Activities 1. Most Creative Picnic Campaign 2. Charity Bazaar

Remarks One family per unit.

Winner will be selected by the

Principal and receive a souvenir. Parents may donate brand new items to school directly. The school will then arrange to sell the donated items for fund raising. Interested parties, please complete the attached form.

3. Front yard sale

Interested parties, please complete the attached form.

4. Charity football match 5. Face painting

To be announced

6. Nails & Tattoo 7. Athletic games The school has also arranged 30 parking spaces ($2,000 each) to be used for this event. Parking spaces are limited. Should there be over 30 applications, lots will be drawn. Please complete the reply slip and return it to the class teacher on or before 17th February (Friday). Details of "The Spring Social" will be announced in due course. For inquiries, please contact Mr Eddy Kam or Ms Rose Cheung at 2813 8410. All the fees will be deducted from the parent's account through auto-pay in April.


春郊遊樂 春回大地,草木青蔥。讓我們暫且放下繁重公務,一家老少,約同三五良朋圍坐青草 地,邊欣賞藍天碧海,邊享受佳餚,在各類親子聯誼活動中,與眾同樂,不亦快哉!為此, 本校謹訂三月四日(星期六)上午十二時至下午四時於聖士提反書院鄧肇堅運動場舉辦「春 郊遊樂」 。然眾樂不如助人為樂,是次活動收入,扣除必要開支外,餘款將撥歸學校本年度 積極發展之德育及生命教育發展基金,協助照顧每個孩子的品格成長。 「春郊遊樂」活動豐富,主要項目表列如下: 活動名稱




家長直接捐贈全新物品,校方將安排人手售賣以作籌款, 參加者請填妥後頁回條



4.慈善足球大賽 5.畫花臉


6.塗指甲及彩紙紋身 7.其他競技遊戲 活動眾多,不能盡錄,望各家長踴躍參與,以達「與眾同樂」 、 「為善最樂」之目的。 另一方面,校方亦安排中學校園泊車位 30 個(每個港幣$2000),供家長認捐停泊;車 位有限,額滿即止。如認捐人數超越 30 人,將以抽籤決定。 請填妥回條內各項,於二月十七日(星期五)或以前,交回班主任為盼。有關「春郊遊 樂」之詳細安排及當日流程,將於稍後通知。如有查詢,請致電 2813 8410 與甘啟全主任 或張玫老師聯絡。 上述款項將以自動轉賬形式於 4 月份從家長戶口中扣除。 校長 衞燕華 二〇一七年一月二十日

回條 Reply Slip 請在□內加上√號,并填妥有關資料。 Please put√ in the appropriate box □ and fill in relevant information. 本人及家人、親友共

A. □


肇堅運動場舉行之「春郊遊樂」 。(費用每位港幣$20) I would like to participate in ‘The Spring Social’ held at Tang Shiu Kin Sports Field at St Stephen’s College on 4th March (Saturday). ( B. □

people in total)

本人願意捐贈以下物品供校方售賣作籌款之用 I would like to donate the following items to the School for charity sale. 捐贈物品為 The donated item(s) is/are 參考售賣定價 Reference price______________

C. □

數量 Number

本人願意參加「宅前售物」,攤位所需面積 I would like to do Garage Sale, with a booth area of

D. □

□ 1米 x

2 米 1 meter x 2 meters

□ 2米 x

2 米 2 meter x 2 meters


I would like to participate in the charity Parent-child football match. E. □

本人願意認捐停泊當天中學校園泊車位。 I would like to make donation to use a parking space in the College on that day.

學生姓名 Pupil’s Name:

班級 Class:

家長姓名 Parent’s Name:

聯絡電話 Tel:

家長簽名 Parent’s Signature:

日期 Date: