NSCC19 Conference Programme

11- 12 September 2019 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff “What matters to me” – Hearing the citizen's voic...

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11- 12 September 2019 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff

“What matters to me” – Hearing the citizen's voice


Day 1 Draft Programme: Wednesday 11 September 2019


Exhibition opens Time to sign in, collect your Delegate Pack, access the exhibition and sponsorship stands around the College main foyer and networking opportunity. Art performances will be held through the morning including a dementia choir, music groups and drama presentations, including the Oasis World Choir and Band.


Welcome and Conference opening The conference will officially be opened by the ADSS Cymru President, Sue Cooper and the Social Care Wales Chair, Mick Giannasi CBE.

12:00 – 13:00

Lunch – served in the Exhibition area

13:00 – 17:00 (approx.)

Seminars The first day of the conference features four parallel seminar streams, which must be booked in advance.


13:00 – 15:00 (approx.)

Seminar Room #1 / Seligman Studio

Seminar Room #2 / Simon Gibson Studio

Seminar Room #3 / Shirley Bassey Studio

Seminar Room #4 / Rowe-Beddoe Studio

Children’s Services hosted by the All Wales Heads of Children’s Services (AWHOCS)

Mental health and wellbeing: suicide and selfharm prevention hosted by the ADSS Cymru Lead on Mental Health

Developing and supporting a workforce for the future hosted by Social Care Wales

How the Transformation Fund is being used to support the development of new models of seamless health and social care hosted by WLGA and the Welsh NHS Confederation

Marian Parry-Hughes, Chair of AWHOCS

Avril Bracey, ADSS Cymru Lead on Mental Health

Mick Giannasi CBE, Chair of Social Care Wales

Chair to be confirmed WLGA / NHS Confed

Isabelle Trowler, UK Government’s Chief Social Worker for Children and Families

Professor Ann John, Professor of Psychiatry, Swansea University and the Public Health Wales Lead on Suicide and Self Harm

Regulation for success – Care Inspectorate Wales and Social Care Wales working together to improve outcomes David Pritchard, Hywel Dafydd, Social Care Wales Margaret Rooney, Care Inspectorate Wales

The Cwmtawe Cluster Whole System Approach, Seven cluster roll-out of the Whole System Approach, and Our Neighbourhood Approach - West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board

‘Commercial break’ videos From WeCare Wales campaign and Accolades finalists.

Me, My Home, My Community - Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board

11- 12 September 2019 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff

“What matters to me” – Hearing the citizen's voice Junior Smart, Working with gangs as a youth leader, trainer, academic, social entrepreneur, public speaker, innovator and ex-offender.

Emma Picton-Jones and the work of the DPJ Foundation, Supporting people in rural communities with poor mental health, especially men in the agricultural sector which experiences one of the highest rates of suicide.


How can we collaborate, share and celebrate success? Sarah McCarty and Andrew Bell, Social Care Wales and and two practitioners from the We Care Wales campaign. Sue Evans, Social Care Wales, and two previous Accolades finalists. Launch of 2020 Accolades

15:00 (approx.) – 15:30

Hibo Wardere, Survivor, campaigner and author on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Dr.Phil Cooper MBE, Nurse Consultant at North West Boroughs Healthcare Trust and CoFounder of State of Mind Sport supporting mental health and fitness; Phil Veivers, former rugby league player and world club champion coach

‘Commercial break’ - videos from WeCare Wales campaign and Accolades finalists. Caring for the people who care – how the health and social care workforce strategy is taking shape Jon Day, Social Care Wales Julie Rogers, HEIW Cathryn Thomas, Social Care Wales Helen Thomas, HEIW


Together for Mental Health in North Wales, Seamless Services for People with Learning Disabilities, Integrated Early Intervention and Intensive Support for Children and Young People, and Community Services Transformation North Wales Regional Partnership Board

Tea and Coffee

15:30 – 16:15

16:15 – 16:30

Implementing a Seamless System of Health Care & Wellbeing - Gwent Regional Partnership Board

Summary and Q&A led by the Chair

Summary and Q&A led by the Chair

‘Commercial break’ - videos from WeCare Wales campaign and Accolades finalists. Summary and Q&A led by Sue Evans, Chief Executive of Social Care Wales

Conference Reception followed by Conference Dinner Dance The conference reception and 3-course dinner will take place at the Hilton Hotel. Please note that this event will require a separate ticket to be purchased in advance.

A Healthier West Wales - West Wales Regional Partnership Board Delivering a Healthy, Caring Powys - Powys Regional Partnership Board Cwm Taf area Stay Well in Your Community, and Bridgend area Accelerating the Pace of Change for Our Integrated Services Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership Board

Discussion and Q&A led by the Chair

11- 12 September 2019 Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff

“What matters to me” – Hearing the citizen's voice


Day 2 Draft Programme: Thursday 12 September 2019 08:30

Exhibition opens Time to sign in, collect your Delegate Pack, access the exhibition and sponsorship stands around the College main foyer and networking opportunity.

09:00 – 09:30

Conference opens The conference takes place in the prestigious Dora Stoutzker Hall, and will be opened by ADSS Cymru President, Sue Cooper; with an address by our main sponsor, Direct Nursing Services.

09:30 – 09:45

Deputy Minister for Health and Social Services, Julie Morgan AM The Minister will present the social care and health priorities for Welsh Government.

09:45 – 10.30

Inspirational Speaker: Dr Kate Allatt What Matters to Me… If we truly unlock what really matters to patients, we can empower them to be the best versions of themselves in the community.

10.30 – 11:00

Katie Cooke Measuring the Mountain: What really matters in social care to individuals in Wales?

11:00 – 11:30

Refreshments and Exhibition Tea and coffee, access the exhibition and sponsorship stands and networking opportunity.

11:30 – 11:45

WLGA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care, Councillor Huw David Councillor David will provide a local government perspective on the social care and health issues facing local councils in Wales.

11:45 – 11:55

Hearing the Citizen’s Voice – Digital Stories The delegation will hear about the lived experiences of people who access care and support.

11:55 – 12:45

Keynote Speaker: Professor Sir Sam Everington OBE, GP Bromley by Bow Partnership, Tower Hamlets Sam Everington is a GP at The Bromley by Bow GP partnership, an innovative community organisation with more than 100 projects under its roof supporting wider determinants of health. He is an advocate for social prescribing and considered a founder of the social prescribing movement. He is also trustee of the King’s Fund.

12:45 – 14:00

Lunch and Exhibition + Fringe Events

14:00 – 14:15

Director of Social Services, Albert Heaney Director, Albert Heaney will present on the work of the Welsh Government Health and Social Services department.

14:15 – 14:35

Inspirational Speaker: Josh Llewellyn-Jones, OBE Josh Llewellyn-Jones is the youngest cystic fibrosis warrior to have climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro (17) the 5th person in the world to complete the 24-hour ‘World Physical Fitness Challenge’ and current World Record Holder for lifting 1-million kilograms in under 24 hours.

14:35 – 14:45

Hearing the Citizen’s Voice – Digital Stories The delegation will hear about the lived experiences of people who access care and support.

14:45 – 15:20

Inspirational Speaker: Lee Ridley, aka Lost Voice Guy Our award-winning inspirational speaker has achieved success as a comedian who has become a national inspiration for performers with disabilities. A Q&A session will follow.

15:20 – 15:30

Close of Conference ADSS President, Sue Cooper will close the conference, refreshments will follow.

15:30 – 16:00

Cream Tea Refreshments Cream teas to be served in the main foyer. Thank you for your attendance.