October prayer calendar print version

Please pray for our new Mission and Pastoral Group, therefore, as we try to put the new Diocesan Strategy into action he...

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Please pray for our new Mission and Pastoral Group, therefore, as we try to put the new Diocesan Strategy into action here in these more urban areas of the deanery and see our mission reaching both established and new communities. the visible church buildings are. Similarly with Nailsea and even Clevedon.

North Somerset Council is now planning more than 2,500 new homes in this area of the diocese over the next ten years. Some 1,000 of them are earmarked for Nailsea, 700 for Yatton, 550 for Portishead, 400 for Clevedon and others for surrounding villages. In part this is because the population is rising but it is also because more of us are living alone, moving more often and finding settled community harder to relate to.

Very recently The North Somerset Agricultural Society held their annual ploughing match. After a competitive day turning the soil, with both horses On a farm in the Portishead deanery a Lammas service (a gathering of the first grain of the harvest) was held where the congregation sitting on bales of hay, shared the freshly baked bread, and wine from simple pottery chalices. From the nearby orchard the children left their games, and climbed onto the high bales in the lambing shed for the final blessing. Only two fields away the rotating blades of the combine were cutting, threshing and cleaning the 2016 wheat crop. Rural communities live in harmony with the circles of the seasons, and this is often reflected in the patterns of worship in the rural church and activities and celebrations in the countryside.

This is true in different ways; people need to find rest both physically and spiritually. People need homes, somewhere to belong, to believe, to thrive. St Augustine famously said, “Our souls are restless ‘til they find their rest in Thee”. A profound truth in this restless generation.

Anita Simmons Lay Chair Portishead Deanery There is sadly a dark side to this harmonious way of country life. Rural areas often lack the basic services, people are isolated, and many farms are dealing with economic hardship, revealing previously hidden mental health issues and generational conflicts. There is so much to celebrate, and so much more to build upon in our rural communities. Without warning the music and singing of ‘Come Ye Thankful People Come’ filled the valley and everyone prayed together thanking God for the richness of country life, the gift of the soil, and of all of God’s creation. and tractors, the weathered ploughman returned from the fields to the farm yard where they joined the hedge layers to share a traditional ploughman’s lunch and mug of cider. A crowd of judges, stewards, and country and town folk alike, ate and drank with a hearty appetite and exchanged views on everything from the weather to the winner of the largest pumpkin. The weary leaning on thumb sticks, or sat on bales of straw, and others admiring the competition of vegetables, handicrafts and cooking.

Beside the furrows “We are writing in the hope that you and those whom you serve in Christ’s name might share with us in prayer between Ascension Day and Pentecost 2017 for the witness of Christians in this country. The aim is simple and threefold:

 To join in prayer with the whole family of God the Father

 To pray for the empowering of God the Holy Spirit

“As we utter the words that Jesus himself put on our lips, we pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ because we long for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as in heaven. In the Kingdom of God the hungry are fed, the poor hear good news and the oppressed find justice. In that Kingdom the broken are made whole, the sick are healed and the sinner is set free. In that Kingdom all can know right relationship with the Father, through Jesus, the Son, and so find the goal and purpose of their lives. In praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ we all commit to playing our part in the renewal of the nations and the transformation of communities.” There’ll be more stories, ideas,

 That we may be effective witnesses resources and information in the to God the Son, Jesus Christ. “We show our faith and trust in God in prayer. It is in prayer that God takes hold of our lives and works through us in ways we can barely imagine possible. Our praying is particularly

coming months, but for now we ask that each person signs up to receive information direct from the Archbishops by entering their e-mail address at www.thykingdom.co.uk.

Finding a home

This is an extract from the letter sent early September to all clergy from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York about Thy Kingdom Come 2017:

transformative when it is done in the company of others. Jesus prayed at the Last Supper that we, those who follow him, might ‘be one that the world might believe.’ There is an invitation then, to make a lasting difference in our nation and in our world, by responding to his call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.

But homes bring people – and people are our business. We welcome them and want them to find a settled home in well planned new developments.

Revd Noel Hector Rural Dean of Portishead

Earlier this year more than 100,000 Christians joined in over 3,000 events and services in churches and Christian communities across England to pray for our witness to Jesus Christ There was commitment from churches across the full diversity of Anglican parishes and in 2017 it is hoped this will grow internationally and across all denominations and streams.

The difficulty which arises in these communities within our deanery, of course, is that very frequently the historic church buildings find themselves cast adrift from where new and larger populations live. Next time you have a free afternoon, take time for a very pleasant walk around the new Port Marine and Village Quarter of Portishead but see where

Thy Kingdom Come 2017

Prayer calendar October 2016 Focusing on: Portishead deanery

Asking to listen Do you ever find yourself at a loss for words? With being asked to speak at lots of events or write pieces for magazines, I can find myself staring at a blank sheet of paper thinking ‘what shall I say’? Jesus spoke in the Gospels about not fearing having nothing to say as that will be the moment the Holy Spirit has been looking for to fill our mouths with the good news of Christ. Sometimes I think we fill our prayer with too many of our own words and forget that prayer is a two-way communication between us and God. Perhaps more of our prayer should be asking God what He wants to tell us rather than our usual list of requests. So as you bring to God these requests focusing on Portishead deanery, and other concerns, ask God what he might be saying to you through them. Maybe He wants you to be part of the answer to prayer yourself? Perhaps through giving your time, expertise, gift? Or it may be that He wants you to

continue to hold in your mind and heart that particular project, place or person for more than just today? Perhaps He wants you to follow up your prayer with a word of encouragement, a card to let them know you are thinking of them. It may be that there is something very specific that God appears to be saying as you pray. Why not begin a journal and write down those thoughts. Talk about them with a prayer partner or spiritual director. Ask God to help you discern what He wants you to do next. Prayer, as with any conversation, helps to deepen the relationship between the two concerned. And so, as you pray this month, recognise the opportunity not only to extend your knowledge and concern for the diocese and its life but also to deepen your personal relationship with God. Rt Revd Ruth Worsley Bishop of Taunton

Sat 1

Sun 2 Trinity 19

Mon 3

Tue 4

We pray for Caroline Mason from Holy Trinity Nailsea and Mary Duncan in Portishead who will be licensed as Readers with others today at the Cathedral. Bless them all in their ministry and bless Simon Hill as he is installed as Archdeacon of Taunton. We pray, Lord, for wisdom to see the chances to speak of your truth. Our hearts find solace in you alone, loving Lord. We pray for the combined Taizé and Communion service tonight at St Andrew Clevedon. Let each heart be open to the blessing of your presence. We are asked to pray for effectiveness too at St Andrew’s Clevedon as they re-organise parish administration and begin their preaching and teaching series ‘Paraclesis’. Holy Spirit, you work at the heart of all things for the coming of the Kingdom. At Wraxall and Failand benefice: we ask that the meditative prayer of the Julian group brings holy power to that community. O Christ, may our working week be shot through with your grace. Faithful one, abide with your servant Revd Ruth Legg as she retires; reassure the wardens and other members in the benefice of Pill, Portbury and Easton-in-Gordano that the parishes will continue to serve the people as they await a new incumbent. Keep our minds open today for a reminder that you are with us in all things.

Wed 5

Knowing you, Jesus, is to know true transformation. Situations, assumptions, relationships… all things are open to your saving grace. We pray that the Pilgrim course running in the East Clevedon benefice will help deepen discipleship.

Thur 6

As members of the congregations in Long Ashton prepare for 24 hours away together, we pray to you, God, that as you reach out to us so may there be new members come to join your faithful people there. Hear each of us as we pause for a moment to listen to you.

Fri 7

Holy Trinity, your abundance is displayed in all your creation. We rejoice in Yatton Moor Team Ministry’s continuing work to nurture young families into church life. Thank you for our own church families.

Sat 8

“Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute.” (Proverbs 31:8) May Christ, who recreates us in him, bless all those individuals, agencies, charities and NGOs during this ‘Speak Up’ week of action. Help us recognise the problem of climate change and work for the solutions, Lord, as stewards of your creation.

Sun 9

Let the spirit of discernment be with Flax Bourton as they establish a plan for mission today. With Bishop Peter we pray: Gracious God, may your Holy Spirit guide us into the future. Help us, throughout the diocese, to show uninhibited reliance on your grace and power as we seek the renewal of our lives. Give us courage, rigour, imagination and generosity in order that your kingdom may come and your abundant life be known by all. Amen

Trinity 20

Mon 10

Praise God for the increase of his own. As Trendlewood Church becomes more independent from its home parish of Holy Trinity Nailsea we ask a blessing on Steve Tilley and all who worship there. Bless Trendlewood’s shared ministry with St Andrew's Backwell - the new 'Andy's' congregation meeting in Backwell School.

Sun 16 Trinity 21

We pray for the people of Clevedon St John, as they prepare to re-advertise their vacancy. Trusting in your generosity, Lord, may they may remain in good heart as they wait for the right person to come forward to be their new priest. And as we await you in each moment, may our deeds draw us nearer to you.

Mon 17

We trust in the peace of the Lord, now and forever. We pray for St Andrew’s Backwell and their bid to expand the graveyard which will soon be full. We pray for rector Revd Margi Campbell, that she is refreshed by her sabbatical. We pray for Revd Peter Bailey and all the visiting clergy who will preside at St Andrew’s and St Bridget’s services in Margi’s absence. May we find moments of stillness and peace in our busy lives.

Tue 18

Lord, thank you for the Gospel of your servant Luke all involved in the work of healing today. We ask a blessing on the new initiative in Long Ashton to seek and discover new ways to serving their community for collaboration with the Doctors Surgery and Village Cafe to help the vulnerable.

St Luke the Evangelist

Wed 19

Lord, you came before us as a servant to demonstrate your glory and might. We ask that you invigorate and re-affirm all those people who serve the deanery of Portishead in many and various ways. Inspire us to know your will and respond to your love.

Thur 20

Lord, be alongside Revd Richard Greatrex and all those working in Flax Bourton. Comfort all who have lost loved ones or are lonely or who find it hard to love. May your suffering unite us in our sorrows and transform our minds to know life in your Kingdom today.

Fri 21

Lord, bless Revd Rob Eastwood Dewing, the new Team Rector in Portishead, as he continues to settle in the parish. May he know comfort and companionship there and be a light that blazes to your glory, leading the faithful and guiding the lost. Grant that we share in your glory and share your unconditional love in the world.

Sat 22

Father God, bless the prayer of St Peter’s Clevedon and hear us now as we join with them, saying: We seek to be empowered, committed to the service of Christ, to see individuals transformed by the experience of Christ, and to demonstrate God's love to the community through our service to it.

Sun 23

Yesterday, today and forever, you are the same, Lord of mercy and love. Bless St Mary’s Church in Walton which has offered up sacramental worship for over a thousand years. Thank you for the building’s beauty and grace as it stays open all day every day to provide a sanctuary of peace in the parish.

Trinity 22

Mon 24

We marvel how you are known in each and every generation, Jesus Christ. Let all those doing the Alpha course with Clevedon Churches Together discover something new in you, Lord. Bless the Christ Church building shared by Anglicans and Methodists and bless all our Christian sisters and brothers around the world as we pray the prayer you taught us now: “Our Father…”

Tue 25

Thank you Lord for the work of all those called to service. As vocations to ordained ministry increase, so may we hear your voice ever more clearly calling each of us to the fullness of life in you, in serving and loving.

Wed 26

Lord, bless the parish of Weston-in-Gordano with the riches of your Spirit as they offer choral worship and develop other forms of music and ministry for today. In the noise of busy lives, help us discern the chords that sing out your praise.

Thur 27

There are fifteen Church schools in Portishead deanery: bless them all Lord with your laughter and wisdom! Keep us learning more about you each day.

Tue 11

Holy Spirit, weaving connections, we give thanks for greater collaboration between the parishes of Tickenham and Christ Church Nailsea. Bless plans to complete the reordering of Christ Church and form us, the Body of Christ, to grow in grace and action.

Wed 12

Master, tenderly gather us up at the last. We pray for the new Children and Families Worker in Portishead, Fran Smetton, as she encourages the teams there. We look to see this work grow. As children, we look to your guidance, to your purpose for each of our lives.

Thur 13

‘Thank Your Vicar Week’ begins today. Father God, thank you for those who work to your glory, ministering to us as friends and leaders. Strengthen them with the knowledge that they point us to your heavenly Kingdom.

Fri 28

Spirit of Life, with Walton-in-Gordano we celebrate their ministry of welcome and pastoral care. In their active and fun church life may onlookers be intrigued to know more of your loving and subversive nature, Lord Jesus.

Fri 14

In Yatton Moor Team Ministry and in all the world we pray that the name of Jesus be known and exulted. As a new study group on the theme of the Eucharist begins as well as an Alpha Course running jointly with the local Methodist church there, we ourselves pray to learn something new each day of your ever-revealing person.

Sat 29

Thank you, Lord, for all David Commons’ work with Open Doors in Christ Church Clevedon, supporting Christians in countries where faith in you is illegal or oppressed. As he steps down, we pray for a replacement link person. May the persecuted know you share in their pain. May we profess faith in you more openly.

Sat 15

As Diocesan Synod meets this morning, we thank you for your heavenly rule and pray that your wisdom inspires the proceedings. May we be responsive to your love and obedient to your call.

Sun 30

Take six breaths. Exhaling on the seventh breath, know that the day itself blesses God and that Christ is Lord of All. Go in peace!

Trinity 23

Mon 31

Loving Lord, as the week begins, we ask a blessing on all who work in Portishead deanery – that their endeavours are fruitful and joyful. We each ask to know the joy of life with you in whatever we do today.

Send your prayer requests to: [email protected] Anglican Cycle of Prayer: www.anglicancommunion.org/resources/cycle-of-prayer.aspx