Celebrate 500K Raffle • Mail-In Opt-In Form Required Field =
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The Cisco Learning Network will give away four prizes per week, for four consecutive weeks. The raffle prizes are:
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March 9th: Cisco Learning Labs for ICND1
Email Address:
March 16th: Cisco Certification Practice Exam for ICND1
I would like to receive Learning@Cisco emails:
March 23rd: Cisco Learning Labs for ICND2 March 30th: Cisco Certification Practice Exam for ICND2
Yes No If yes, please indicate the topics you are interested in? Select all that apply: Learning@Cisco Newsletter Cisco Learning Network Store Newsletter Networking Design Data Center Routing and Switching Security Voice Wireless Storage Collaboration (Video) E-Learning Military Updates
Four prize winners will get one Cisco certification Exam Voucher for a written CCNA, CCNP or CCIE written exam, value not to exceed a retail value of $350 US dollar. Exam number ranges for candidate include the following: 640-816/822 ICND only 642/644-xxx o 640-864 642-732/742/813/832/902 640-460/461/553/721/722/760 640-802 350/352-xxx and CCDE 642/1322
Mail To: ATTN: 500K Raffle Cisco Systems Inc. 121 Theory Irvine, CA 92617
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Raffle Rules: Prize winners will be notified via email and be announced on Cisco Learning Network. By completing the Raffle Form, you agreed to the Raffle Official Rules. Awarded prizes are non transferable. Prize winners have until 12/31/2012 to redeem their prize. Prize winners will be asked if they can supply a photo for the exclusive use for the winning announcement on Cisco Learning Network.