p e a c e

FREE [DOWNLOAD] P E A C E EBOOKS PDF Author :Guy Holmes / Category :Fiction / Total Pages : 320 pages Download P E A C ...

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FREE [DOWNLOAD] P E A C E EBOOKS PDF Author :Guy Holmes / Category :Fiction / Total Pages : 320 pages

Download P E A C E PDF Summary : Free p e a c e pdf download - the new york city of the not-too-distant future is a surveillance state thousands of video cameras are mounted on street corners and in subways and a special corps of elite nypd officers roam the city undercover with high-tech tranq-guns it s the era of peace an acronym for police enforced anti-crime environment and it s turned new york into a city where no crime -- from petty vandalism to first-degree murder -- goes undetected enter mac wells a cop whose legendary cool reserve masks a fierce loyalty to his colleagues and his city as one of new york s elite undercover agents he is part of a flagship anti-crime experiment that everyone wants to work and at first glance it seems to be doing just that -- crime is down the citizens are happy but strange and random acts of violence persist in a pattern that no one can decipher and when mac accidentally tranqs his partner during a subway crime he unwittingly stumbles upon a conspiracy that reaches to the highest echelons of the police department and the government now mac is forced to choose between his loyalty to his colleagues and his sense of justice -and to figure out whom to trust before he becomes the next casualty of a tragic accident p e a c e is a heart-pounding thrill ride that signals the debut of a potent new voice in the thriller genre breathlessly original p e a c e launches the dazzling career of a writer destined to rank alongside ed mcbain and david baldacci Pusblisher : Simon and Schuster on 2001-12-14 / ISBN : 9780743211901