
South Bethany Comprehensive Plan – Community Questionnaire 2011 List of Property Owners’ Comments For: Police Department...

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South Bethany Comprehensive Plan – Community Questionnaire 2011 List of Property Owners’ Comments For: Police Department: Parking Regulations

In this survey, responders were asked to provide written comments if they marked 2 or 3 ("Very Unsatisfied" or "Unsatisfied"). Although quite often positive comments and suggestions were provided, most of the written comments tended to be negative.

Comments – Parking Regulations: TOTAL: 70 Comments/860 Returns (8.1%) After each completed survey was returned to the Town, each completed survey was given a number for record keeping purposes. The number before each comment represents that number.

317- Illegal parking on Surfside Street. 314- All above OK. 258A- Too strictly enforced. Tickets given at beach for parking 1 foot into street from an indefinite edge of street. Appeal denied. Many residents at beach deny any parking by making entire property (street) into “their” parking area (all their driveway). This is very selfish and unkind to their fellow SB neighbors and “friends.” 251- Not enough handicap parking available by handicap boardwalk. Please have additional parking spaces for the handicap parking by the new handicap boardwalks that are being built in the future. 242- Cars parked hanging into roadway during summer. 241- Parking at beach too oppressive. At 7:00 am there should be some degree of slack. 16- Make clearer where parking is allowed; i.e. Anchorage Avenue. 31- Ridiculous to issue a fine because a car is parked pointing in “wrong” direction when on private property. 35- Rule about 2 tires must be on driveway. We had contractors doing work, delivering materials and they were hassled by police. 55- Parking regulations on bayside properties too rigid.


371- Property owners should be allowed to park on vacant lots east of Route 1 without a parking permit. 73- Summer kids do not use common sense on enforcement. 80- I don’t want visitors parking on my street and using my beach while I have to pay to park. 81- Inconsistent ticketing. 116- Too many cars park on vacant lots to go to the beach – get owners of lots permission to ticket the cars parked without owner permission. They leave their trash in property owners’ trash containers. 125- I once got a ticket for parking on my land and had to go to court to get it over-turned – Police need better training in this area. 141- Parking regulations for the west side of Route 1 are too restrictive. 50- No illegal parking enforcement on side streets. 146- Tags should be required on west side of Route 1-owners of property on east side of Route 1 should not be entitled to tags. 191- Construction vehicles park illegally and receive no tickets even after police are called. Not enforcing even after I call. 194- Too strict. I have seen cars on our street (Oceanside) ticketed as the owner was approaching and yelling – more than once. 381- Very Confusing- 2 wheels on street? 4 wheels on street? Nobody seems to know correct procedure. Also, some people park on street even though they have driveways. Sandpiper Beach – Many times one car will take up two spaces (no consideration of driver that by using common sense they can leave room for another car). Can signs be placed asking parkers to consider parking their car in such a manner as to leave room for another car? Or painting space markers? 390- Parking permits (in cars) should be inter-changeable among families. Not per car. 401- Regulations are not posted on streets. Violations only issued after homeowner complaint. 407- I see cars parked on the street backing my house on Elizabeth Way, which should not be there and have no business being there. 410- Not happy- anyone can park on streets of bayside of Route 1 along property that isn’t theirs. 421- Require parking passes on west side of Route 1. 423- Should require parking passes west of Route 1 also. 435- Parking in “wrong” direction or slightly into street is not a hazard. 441- Too strict on side streets – how you park on your own property. 463- Not enforced. 467- Seems to be inconsistent. 492- Parking is a problem – not enough. 507- Allow parking on the “inside” curb of Seaside Drive.


507- Require all 4 tires of vehicles parked on town streets to be fully on street pavement and not on ground maintained by residents, regardless of where the town right of way is. 507- Restrict street parking that blocks resident and removal contractor access to trash and recycling bins. 522- Need to mark special places (spaces) better. 525- High season, beach front homes have so many cars the rest of us have no place to park. Create more parking for beach goers. Beach front houses bring 4-6 cars each no place for the rest of us to park!! 526- Illegal parking on street – non-residents near Route 1. 527- I would like to see moped parking allowed near the bike rack in Sandpiper Village. To have to take up a whole parking spot (of which there are probably only 10 or so) is ridiculous. I know there are other parking issues on the streets, but we always go through the village and are not really familiar with the other parts of SB or the beach. 534- I see no reason for a parking enforcement person on a bicycle. That is a job for patrol car officers. We are not the city of Wilmington. That is an additional cost to taxpayers. 537- Not clear on what is being asked. 545- Not always clear where to park near beach, especially on Anchorage Drive. 555- Parking is much too difficult. Mark allowable spots in front of oversized driveways. 556- Need to do something to add more parking spots at the beach during summer season. 572- The biggest change I have noticed in the past several years is the increase in cars parked on the streets. Parking stickers should not be issued in multiples and homes should be limited to 2 permanent and 2 removable. Multiple sales bring too many vehicles to our block. 586- Police speed/parking enforcement is too strict. 594- Parking spaces for beach parking need to be marked (spray painted). This would allow for much more efficient use of available spaces. 607- Police should spend less time ticketing homeowners for parking cars on their own property. If police are busy writing tickets on homeowners’ cars that are parked on their own properties there are probably too many police. 618- Over-bearing. 648- Need more control on bayside. 649- Tickets given inconsistently in Sandpiper Village. To get 2 wheels off road in that location, often involves going onto people’s grass, blocking trash cans. Would suggest changing to allow all 4 wheels on road. 653- Parking regulation’s enforcement is overdone and nit picking- town code is overdone, most items easily dealt with by a phone call to owner rather than vague and threatening letters. 654- The amount of parking spaces seems to be shrinking every year. 658- On parking, should be more aggressive to enforce regulations on ocean side of Route1.


662- There should be parking pass on bayside at approximately 200 feet from corner and no parking on empty lots. 680- Homeowners on beach block do not seem to be subject to the same rule of allowing specified space for parking as “canal side” of Route 1 has been. Each new house and some existing spread gravel or hardscape across their whole 50’ frontage reducing the number of parking spaces for “visiting” cars who pay the town for permits = licenses to hunt for scarce parking. Luckily we only use parking when we have toddlers or elderly visitors, but it is annoying. No support from town office on this topic either (2009 conversation). 697- Too rigid. 720- Parking enforcement is too judgmental. When in doubt, don’t ticket; issue warnings. 723- Stronger enforcement of parking on oceanfront road and side roads. 723- Need less parking on Ocean Drive – too busy in summer and parked cars block walkers. 743- Need one sign on York Road as you enter from Route 1 to list parking regulations i.e. “park with 2 wheels on grass” and “must display parking pass.” 748- Need more handicapped parking by beach for aging population. 779- On Oceanside, each house should be restricted on how much of their frontage can be driveway. 784- I feel the town is getting out of control with the parking regulations. 787- Parking should not be allowed from 11 pm to 6 am beachside! Regulations used to enforce this. 792- SB Parking violations on side streets near beach seem arbitrary (i.e. regulation has us parking on the resident’s shrubbery to be legal). 805- Unreasonable enforcement – tiny infractions, large fines and unfriendly to homeowners. 823- The town should be more parking friendly. For example, clearly mark the ticketed area at the end of Anchorage. Don’t give tickets to cars in driveways just because part of the vehicle is in town easement area. Don’t distinguish between owners and visitors parking permits. 832- Parking on the west side of Route 1 needs to be regulated, fines issued or passes issued at double residents’ rates. 833- Some problems on side streets. 848- Homeowners should not receive parking tickets for stopping their car to talk to neighbor (while standing next to the running car). The seasonal parking ticket employees should use better discretion for property owners and it is my primary home. 850- The parking police go overboard – looking for a reason to make $$. Often unnecessary.
