PrayerMAXSunday 11 Jan 2015

Sunday 11 January The Baptism of Christ Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Take my moments and my ...

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Sunday 11 January

The Baptism of Christ

Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in endless praise. Amen

Water prayers You will need 

Sugar cubes

Edible icing pens

A large glass bowl of warm water

Invite everyone to sit quietly for a few moments to think of a difficult question they would like to ask God. Give everyone a sugar cube and ask them to colour at least one surface of the cube with a felt pen. Then invite them to drop their cube into the water as they think about their question. When all the cubes have been dropped into the bowl, ask God to help answer some of the questions. When all the sugar has dissolved, ask if anyone has anything they’d like to share with the group.

Baptisms Ask if anyone knows someone who has been baptised recently. Then pray together: Lord Jesus, We thank you that when you were on earth, you were baptised. Thank you, too, that in our church, we can be baptised, and that this is a special time. We pray for ……… and ……… who have been baptised recently. Please bless them and help them to follow you, so that everyone can see that they love you and are living to please you. Amen