PrayerMAXSunday 25 Jan 2015

Sunday 25 January The Third Sunday of Epiphany Dance of celebration Jesus liked to celebrate with friends and family. ...

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Sunday 25 January

The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Dance of celebration Jesus liked to celebrate with friends and family. This is a simple Jewish circle dance of celebration. Use the song “Jesus put this song into out hearts” with accompaniment if possible. It’s great to start slow and get faster. Stand in a circle, facing the centre, with hands on each other’s shoulders. Take three sliding steps to the right. Bend knees. Repeat through the verse. Do as many verses as you like, changing direction with each verse. Jesus put this song into our hearts Jesus put this song into our hearts It’s a song of joy no one can take away Jesus put this song into our hearts. Jesus taught us how to live in harmony Jesus taught us how to live in harmony Different faces, different races, He made us one Jesus taught us how to live in harmony. Jesus taught us how to be a family Jesus taught us how to be a family Loving one another with the love that He gives Jesus taught us how to be a family. Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing Changed our tears of sadness into rivers of joy Jesus turned our sorrow into a dance.