Registration for EFI workshop 3rd December 2019

Engineering Financial Instability Workshop London School of Economics 3rd December 2019 Thank you for clicking on the li...

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Engineering Financial Instability Workshop London School of Economics 3rd December 2019 Thank you for clicking on the link to register for the follow up workshop to Engineering Financial Instability Conference, but before you fill in your details, here are just a few key points 1. The workshop follows on from the conference, so if you are unable to attend the conference you will not be in a position to take part in the workshop. 2. Places for this workshop are limited, therefore a selection process will be undertaken to ensure that we have a group of people with a wide range of backgrounds and interests, which is why we need to ask some additional questions. 3. We will make our initial selection in the first week of November, so that we can let you know if you have been successful in good time for you to make travel and accommodation arrangements. 4. If you are reading this after that time please email [email protected] to check if places are still available. 5. If you are not allocated a place at the workshop, you are still very welcome at the conference and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to contribute your ideas at the conference and they will then be fed into the content of the workshop. 6. You will be able to contribute your ideas in two of the areas covered in the conference and although we are asking for your initial thoughts on which you would prefer, you are able to change your mind as a result of what you hear on the first day. 7. We cannot pay attendees travel or accommodation costs. I hope that you are still keen to take part as this is the part of the event which will shape our research in this area in the forthcoming years and it is therefore really important to us to have the right group of people attending. We are keen to engage with people from all stages of their careers and from a wide variety of backgrounds To apply for the workshop please complete the information below and email it to [email protected] Name Organisation Nationality Your subject area Your role Current first choice theme Current second choice theme