Report on the 11th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference (AIG11)in Orleans, France – Ashish Sarkar, School of Petroleum Technology, PanditDeendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007, India (E-mail:
[email protected]) and SudiptaSarkar, Jheel Road, Sweetland, Kolkata, India Introduction Applied Isotope Geochemistry (AIG) is a working group of the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC).The AIG conference is aimed to provide a forum where a wide range of applications of isotope analyses in geosciences and related fields are presented.The 11th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (AIG11) was held from 21 to 25 September 2015 at the French Geological Survey (BRGM) in Orléans, France. The Scientific Committee of AIG11 consisted of RomainMillot, Chair of the Scientific Committee, BRGM, France; Ian Cartwright, Monash University, Australia; Jiubin Chen, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; Attila Demény, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Hungary; Olivier Donard, IPREM, Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, France; Martin Elsner, Helmholtz ZentrumMünchen, Germany; JeanPierre Girard, Total, France; Bernhard Mayer, University of Calgary, Canada; Philippe Négrel, BRGM, France; Neus Otero, University of Barcelona, Spain; Martine Savard, Geological Survey of Canada; AvnerVengosh, Duke University, USA; Nathalie Vigier, CNRS, Laboratoired'Océanographiede Villefranche, France.The AIG11brought together specialists in the different fields related to applied isotope geochemistry, to present the state-of-the-art developments as well as key examples of application and to promote exchange of ideas between scientists working around the world.Thewater resources were an area of special focus in this meeting. AIG11 deliberations Each day of the five day-conference was divided into several sessions, which included a total of eight keynote presentations on various topics. The symposium began with an Icebreaker on the evening of 20 th September 2015 and was concluded with the closing ceremony on 25 th September 2015. There has been a mid-conference field trip on 23rd September 2015.The themes of the Scientific Sessions include Isotope Biogeochemistry, Advances in Methodologial andInstrumental Developments, Isotope Geology (Climate Change andGeoresources, Residence Times, Critical Zone, Groundwater Flow), Isotopes in Underground EnergyResources, Environmental Forensics, and Isotope Forensics. Under these themes a total of thirty nine oral presentations and twenty eight poster presentations were made. As twenty minutes were allotted for each oral presentation, useful discussions could be held on each talk. Keynote speakers 1. R.B. Wanty–Isotopicinsights into biological regulation of zinc in contaminated systems (21.09.2015) 2.J. Sonke–Advances in Hg stable isotope biogeochemistry (21.09.2015) 3. M. Kralik–Howto Estimate Mean Residence Times of Groundwater (22.09.2015) 4. I. Cartwright–Residence times of water contributing to headwater streams determined using 3H (22.09.2015) 5. F. Chabaux–Uactivity ratios in surface waters as tracers and chronometers of water transfers in the critical zone (22.09.2015) 6. T. Szocs–Integratinghydrogeochemical and isotope data in studying regional groundwater flow systems (22.09.2015) 7. B. Mayer –Prospectsand limitations of chemical and isotopic groundwater monitoring to assess the potential environmental impacts of unconventional oil and gas development (24.09.2015) 8. R. Aravena–NewApplications of Environmental Isotopes in Remediation Studies of Organic Contaminants in Groundwater (24.09.2015) The day to day activity 20th September 2015, Sunday: Registration, followed by the Icebreaker in the evening.
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21st September 2015, Monday: Opening Ceremony followed by three sessions with two keynote presentations, eleven oral presentations and twelve poster presentations. The themes of the three sessions were as follows:Isotope Biogeochemistry (chair B. Mayer); Advances in Methodological and Instrumental Developments (chairs T.D. Bullen& J. Chen); Isotope Geology: Climate Change &Georesources(chair R. Wanty). 22nd September 2015, Tuesday: There werethree sessions, which includefour keynote presentations, eleven oral presentations and seven poster presentations. The themes of the three sessions were as follows:Isotope Hydrology: Residence Times(chairs E. Petelet& Ph. Négrel), Isotope Hydrology: Critical Zone (chairs Ph. Négrel& E. Petelet), Isotope Hydrology: Groundwater Flow (chairs R. Harmon & A. Vengosh). 23rd September 2015, Wednesday: Mid Conference Field Trip; Quarry of Bois d'Abbesse (The fontainbleau sandstone: bleaching, silicification and calcite precipitation under periglacial conditions). 24th September 2015, Thursday: There weretwo sessions, which include two keynote presentations, thirteen oral presentations and ten poster presentations. The themes of the two sessions were as follows:Isotopes in Underground Energy Resources (chairs W. Kloppmann& R. Millot), Environmental Forensics (chairs N. Otero & I. Cartwright). 25th September 2015, Friday: The last day of the symposium hadonly one session, which includes four oral presentations. The theme of the session was:Isotope Forensics (chairs I. Cartwright & N. Otero). The technical session was followed by the Awardsto the young scientists (below 35 years of age), one each for the best oral and poster presentations. In the Closing Ceremony, it was decided that the next AIG conference i.e., the 12th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference would be held in Colorado at USGS (United States Geological Survey), which would be convened by Dr. R.B. Wanty, incidentally the very first speaker in the 11th AIG has been Dr. Wanty. Indian Participation Only two Indian participants attended and presented their papers in the 11 th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference. Proceeding The proceeding of the 11th Applied Isotope Geochemistry conference has been published as a Special Issue: Procedia Earth and PlanetaryScience, 11th Applied Isotope GeochemistryConference.Volume 13, Pages 1-324 (2015). Edited by RomainMillot and Philippe Négrel ( Caption of the photograph: Participants of the 11 th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference at Orleans, France.
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