Run To Tell What

Run To Tell . . .What? Theme: Habakkuk 2:2 Running with a vision No special setting, props, light, sound or costuming Ca...

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Run To Tell . . .What? Theme: Habakkuk 2:2 Running with a vision No special setting, props, light, sound or costuming Cast: 3 actors, any age, male or female. Script Teena rushes on stage, bumps into Charlie and Sam Teena:

Ooops, sorry, knocked you down, didn’t I? Here, let me help you up. There, now, hardly even real bad hurt, are you? And you were worried!


Hey, what are you doing? You don’t slow down, someone’s gonna be hurt!


Yeh, and it feels like it’s gonna be me! Why are you doing all this running around for anyways?


Well, you see, I was reading my Bible, and I got this vision, and now I’ve gotta run with it!


Vision? What are you talking about, vision? All I can see is you are an accident looking for a place to happen!


What vision is this?


From the Bible.


Hate to be the one to break the news to you, Teena, but there’s actually a lot of visions in the Bible.


A lot? There is? Oh, I didn’t know that. I thought, well I just expected that there was, (emphasize), a vision. So now, what do I do?


Could maybe start by going back to the Bible, check out where you read about the vision.


You know, that’s an excellent idea.


So, where’s your Bible?


My Bible?


Yes, where did you put your Bible?

Run To Tell . . .What?© ©Copyright DramaShare® 1999

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Run To Tell . . .What? Teena:

Well, I left it at home, what do you think I would do? I mean, I was afraid it might slow me down when I was running with my vision. Hey, have you guys got a Bible?


Here’s my Bible, you can use it.


You’re sure this is a Bible?


Well, of course it’s a Bible! What makes you think this isn’t a Bible?


Well, it’s just that this book isn’t green. My Bible is green. I just naturally thought that all Bibles were green.


Well books don’t have to be green in order to be a Bible.


They don’t? You are sure?


Of course I’m sure! Bible’s can be any color. And, what does it say on the outside? Huh? (slowly) H o l y B i b l e. Get it?


I’ll be! Does so! Maybe a different language?


No, it’s in English same as yours. Now then, open up the Bible. In which book did you find the vision?


You’re playing with me now! I told you, in the Bible, actually in my green Bible.


Yes, we know you found the vision in your Bible, but in which book of the Bible? You know, like was it in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Revelation, maybe Exodus, Psalms?


You mean all those are in the Bible?


Well of course they are. Now then, exactly where in the Bible did you find this vision?


I’m not sure, except I remember it was on the next page after the Map of ancient Israel. Show me where the map of ancient Israel is in your Bible.


Well, actually, my Bible doesn’t have any maps in it.


No maps, I thought as much! A phony Bible, not the real thing! Genuine Bibles, they’ve got maps, in color, actually!

Run To Tell . . .What?© ©Copyright DramaShare® 1999

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Run To Tell . . .What? Charlie:

Teena, some Bibles have maps, some don’t. But they all have the same Word of God. So we could find the information about the vision, and read it again, but we need to know where in the Bible you found this vision.


Well, I know it was just about in the middle. Wait, no, it was further toward the back, I think. Or, maybe it was . . . . .


Face it Teena, you haven’t a clue where in the Bible this vision was!


I know, I have a Bible program on my computer, we can scan for the key words. Now, then, exactly what did the Bible reference say about the vision?




Like, was the word “vision” used?


As I recall, yes.


What other words were there in the verse?


“Other words”?


Oh, brother!


How come you didn’t find out a little more about this vision when you were there, reading your Bible?


Look, the message was loud and clear. It said something about that I was supposed to run with the vision, or something like that. So, I ran!


Well, what I can’t understand, Teena, how could you . . . . Wait a minute. You said it said “run”. So we know there is “vision” and also the word “run” in the verse. Try scanning your computer for those two words, Charlie.


Let’s see, vision. Run. Search, just take a sec here! OK, here it comes, Habakkuk 2:2. Says: “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”


Yeh, that sounds familiar, I think. I don’t have a clue what it means though.


You don’t know what it means? Didn’t you do some reading about it, try to find out what it means?

Run To Tell . . .What?© ©Copyright DramaShare® 1999

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Run To Tell . . .What? Teena:

Didn’t have time, I mean I was too busy, I had to get out there and start running, so I could tell people about the vision. I mean, I have been in training: running, jogging, lifting weights, have to be in top shape for running the race you know!


But you wouldn’t know what to tell people, because you wouldn’t know anything to tell them. Sheeesh!


Wait a minute, Sam, why don’t you and I spend some time showing Teena about the vision, we can help her understand what the vision is all about.


Great, we can run to Charlie’s place, on your mark, get set, go!

Teena bumps into the others, knocks them down Sam:

Teena! Sit! Don’t move even so much as one tiny muscle in your ear lobe!


A quick question. Would that include my legs? See if I’m going to run, I pretty well have to . . . .


Something tells me it going to be a long, long, long day!

All actors off stage

Run To Tell . . .What?© ©Copyright DramaShare® 1999

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