save white people project

SAVE WHITE PEOPLE PROJECT Greetings comrade, The White people of the world are currently in a crisis for survival. White...

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SAVE WHITE PEOPLE PROJECT Greetings comrade, The White people of the world are currently in a crisis for survival. White people are being killed, raped, robbed, and the once prosperous society we once had where it was okay to not have a care in the world no longer exists. Decades in the pro-White movement have resulted in absolutely nothing. There are dozens of reasons for this but we will keep it simple here. Here is my philosophy: There are three things: the WHAT, the WHO, and the WHY. We already know, and have known for years, the WHAT. They are the problems that keep us up at night tossing and turning. In the same thought we also know who is foisting these problems upon us. So now onto the often unasked question: Why? No matter your movement, whether it is something that calls for political change, religious change, geographical change or whatever it may be, you have probably been so frustrated by the lack of traction is has achieved. If I had a dollar for every time somebody said “I have the damned solution, why aren’t any of you god damned idiots following us?” I’d be a very, VERY rich man. The things we need to examine are our target audience and why we cannot seem to reach them. Let’s make this crystal clear: Our target audience is people less 25 or so. People who are in their 40s, 50s, and mostly in their 30s do not matter going forward is because they probably already have a good career, car, home, and have already made their most important contribution to the continuance of our race: children. The reason so many young people do not care about our message or are not attracted to it is because of the poisons of society, which we will get to later. They do not realize that the world is coming down before their eyes because they are sedated, both literally and figuratively. These people are total slaves to the anti-white Illuminati at the top of the pyramid who set the trends. But they’re too drunk or inebriated to sense their chains. They just buy whatever the media tells them hook, line, & sinker. For example: Race mixing (AKA Diversity) is so beautiful! Follow the Jersey Shore and go get inebriated every weekend with your friends and “hook up” with the first person to get their hand down your pants. Smoking a little pot only takes the edge off, and it’s okay to do once in a while. Gotta get your $250 “AIR JORDAN” sneakers or else you’re an outcast! All of these things are bought like they are on sale by the young people of today!

As a young guy, I am literally devastated to see people who share my race falling into a trap of our foes. Sitting around like just about every other pro-White talk show does and complaining about it is USELESS and these people need to not get your donations, ears, or time. We of are about SOLUTIONS. John King, who has a report on my show, just said what we’re proposing here is something the black community does very well. They lure people off of drugs, violence, etc... by preaching a message of SELF IMPROVEMENT and once their minds are clear they get involved in pro-Black politics. Look at the Nation of Islam. How many “people” have Farrakhan converted? The problem is that our young people are materialistic and drunk & doped up. THAT is why they do not care about the onset of a major collapse of the system and the potentiality of the race war. Do we want our troops staggering onto the battle field? Or do we want them to be articulate, prepared and fervent? Okay, so we know the problems. Now on to the solutions. In order to get our racial salvation message taken seriously by the right people, not the same old movement folks, we need to bring it to the youth; those who have everything to lose. Once they’re off the booze and dope, their judgment will not be as clouded and they will be doused with the ice cold waters of reality. Here is what you NEED to do. We are going to start a mass literature campaign. We’re setting a FIRM goal to have 50,000+ pieces of literature out by September First. Let’s hope that’s being modest. Let’s break it down: WHO: The first who is YOU. We need YOU. The second who is the young White people outside of high schools, colleges, athletic events and the usual flyer techniques. What & Where: Flyers, Stickers, and Brochures. They will have statistics on drugs and alcohol including how much money is spent on them, their effects along with other materialistic items. It will explain WHY people are so caught up in this. We can use, let’s call it “positive black propaganda.” We can tell the youth what to be afraid of and almost terrify them into curving their behaviors. This won’t be your typical “Above the Influence” campaign. It’s for Whites only. How: We need to collect 25$ per person from approximately 15-20 people to get this started within the next 4 weeks. Here is the simple breakdown of the money side of this: I can send everyone thousands of flyers, stickers, and brochures for $10 or so via USPS flat rate. The additional 15 dollars goes toward the printing of those materials. They won’t be cheap computer paper ones either, they are going to be high quality.

WHEN: Like said, we need to collect $25-$30 from AT LEAST 15 people by the end of the first week of March to get this started. That means YOU, a friend or two, need to get this going. Our race’s survival is essential. By doing this we will grab the attention of young Whites and steer the better elements in the right direction. We will also get media attention which will get our positive message exposure.

Okay, well I’d love to help and contribute toward this campaign but I don’t quite have the $25$30.

BULLSHIT We are at the stage of the game where we need to make personal sacrifices. If you are not willing to cough up 25 dollars for the future of the White race, be sure that we never cross paths ever again. It is of the utmost importance that we get this done and get it down NOW! What can you do to get this extra $25? Here are some ideas: If you smoke cigarettes, cut out a pack or two for the White race this month. If you like McDonalds or fast food of the sorts once a week, go to a fruit and vegetable and make a fruit salad instead for a fraction of the cost. Buy breakfast from Dunkin Donuts every day? A coffee and a bagel probably costs about 4 bucks! 4 time 5 is 20! 20 times 4 is 100! Bring a piece of fruit instead! If you have a fancy cellphone that has a bunch of charges, downgrade for the month and spend less time on the phone and more time out distributing this literature! If you like to DRINK! Can you put off drinking a few 6-packs this month for the White race? Can you not make that trip to the liquor store for the future of White children born & unborn? If you wish to contribute to the campaign w/o distributing, we accept all donations!

Do it and do it now! Don’t just do it yourself, get as many active progressive friends as you can to get involved to. The future of White people is