Scottish Marine Litter Strategy

APPENDIX B: Draft Scottish Marine Litter Strategy RESPONDENT INFORMATION FORM Please Note this form must be returned wit...

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APPENDIX B: Draft Scottish Marine Litter Strategy RESPONDENT INFORMATION FORM Please Note this form must be returned with your response to ensure that we handle your response appropriately

1. Name/Organisation Organisation Name

Marine Biological Association

Title Mr



Dr 


Please tick as appropriate


Frost Forename

Matt 2. Postal Address The Laboratory Citadel Hill Plymouth Postcode





[email protected]

3. Permissions - I am responding as… /



Please tick as appropriate


Do you agree to your response being made available to the public (in Scottish Government library and/or on the Scottish Government web site)? Please tick as appropriate




The name and address of your organisation will be made available to the public (in the Scottish Government library and/or on the Scottish Government web site).


Where confidentiality is not requested, we will make your responses available to the public on the following basis

Are you content for your response to be made available?

Please tick ONE of the following boxes

Please tick as appropriate  Yes


Yes, make my response, name and address all available or

Yes, make my response available, but not my name and address or

Yes, make my response and name available, but not my address


We will share your response internally with other Scottish Government policy teams who may be addressing the issues you discuss. They may wish to contact you again in the future, but we require your permission to do so. Are you content for Scottish Government to contact you again in relation to this consultation exercise? Please tick as appropriate

 Yes

CONSULTATION QUESTIONS Structure Q1. Do you agree with the timescales outlined? Yes  No It makes sense to align the timetable with delivery of MSFD.

Vision Q2. Do you agree with this vision? Yes  No Q3. Does the draft vision have the right level of ambition? If not, please offer alternative text or suggestions. No. It is too weak and vague. An alternative could be “By 2020 marine litter in Scotland is significantly reduced so that the integrity and function of marine ecosystems is not compromised and there is no significant risk to communities and human health. This is………………………….”

Marine Strategy Framework Directive Q4. Do you think implementation to achieve Good Environmental Status under Descriptor 10 will be sufficient or do you think additional action in Scotland is also necessary? Yes  No Providing the targets set for GES for this descriptor are robust and supported by an adequate programme of measures.

Strategic Directions Q5. Do you agree that Strategic Directions are a suitable way of outlining action under the Strategy? Yes  No Q6. Do you agree with the list of Strategic Directions? Yes

No 

If not, how would you reword them or what would you add? The strategic directions are fine but there is nothing related to research. For example, into the effects of different types of litter or potential for removal of marine litter from the system (for which some technologies are being trialled). An extra strategic direction should therefore be added. Actions Strategic Direction 1: Q7. What are your views on the possible actions? These actions are appropriate. Q8. Which do you believe is the most important possible action in helping to deliver the Marine Litter Strategy? The first possible action is most important. Producers are only likely to respond if there is public pressure to do so. If the public do not care, they are unlikely to either. Q9. Can one or more of these possible actions be delivered under existing activities or do you think more action is needed under the Marine Litter Strategy? The strategy should be used as an opportunity to increase efforts in relation to the actions described. Strategic Direction 2: Q10. What are your views on the possible actions? These actions are appropriate. Q11. Which do you believe is the most important possible action in helping to deliver the Marine Litter Strategy? Action 2. Q12. Can one or more of these possible actions be delivered under existing activities or do you think more action is needed under the Marine Litter Strategy? Not known/no comment. Q13. Do you think any of the existing actions need to be improved? If so, please provide details.

No comment.

Strategic Direction 3: Q14. What are your views on the possible actions? These actions are appropriate. Q15. Which do you believe is the most important possible action in helping to deliver the Marine Litter Strategy? Action 2. Q16. Can one or more of these possible actions be delivered under existing activities or do you think more action is needed under the Marine Litter Strategy? The development of technologies linked to recovery, monitoring etc will require new actions. Q17. Do you think any of the existing actions need to be improved? If so, please provide details. No comment. Strategic Direction 4: Q18. What are your views on the possible actions? These actions are appropriate. Q19. Which do you believe is the most important possible action in helping to deliver the Marine Litter Strategy? Action 3. A review of ‘where we are at’ in our understanding is vital before moving forward with monitoring etc. Q20. Can one or more of these possible actions be delivered under existing activities or do you think more action is needed under the Marine Litter Strategy? More action will be required to operationalize the possible actions. Q21. Do you think any of the existing actions need to be improved? If so, please provide details. The monitoring programme for plastics needs to be better integrated with other monitoring activities an also further developed to make better use of

existing monitoring resources (e.g. by adding as a parameter at currently sampled stations)

Strategic Direction 5: Q22. What are your views on the possible actions? These actions are appropriate. Q23. Which do you believe is the most important possible action in helping to deliver the Marine Litter Strategy? Action 1. This would ensure ‘buy-in’ at different levels and could be used to influence actions 2 and 3 anyway. Q24. Can one or more of these possible actions be delivered under existing activities or do you think more action is needed under the Marine Litter Strategy? New actions are required. Q25. Do you think any of the existing actions need to be improved? If so, please provide details. No comment.

Option for delivery Q26. Do you think that Option 4 is the most appropriate mechanism for developing and improving policies under the Marine Litter Strategy? Yes No Any other views on the options outlined or other options not identified are also invited. No comments.

Equalities Q27. Are there any equalities issues that should be factored into the Equalities Impact Assessment for the Marine Litter Strategy? Yes

No 


Strategic Environmental Assessment Q28. Do you have any feedback on the findings of the Strategic Environmental Assessment? Yes

No 


Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) Q29. Are there any particular issues that you wish to highlight with regard to the partial BRIA, and the potential impacts on the third sector, business and the economy? Yes

No 


General Q30. Are there other issues that have not been highlighted in this consultation that you would like to mention? Yes

No 
