SEALL Autumn 2017 programme WEB

S K Y E EVENTS FOR ALL INCLUDING WHAT’S AUTUMN ON? Dè2017Tha Dol? Welcome Fàilte You will find som...

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WHAT’S AUTUMN ON? Dè2017Tha Dol?



You will find something for everyone and, if you plan to come to several events, take advantage of our membership programme and save money on multiple tickets. You will find all the details at the back of the programme. In the meantime, we welcome back our wonderful supporters and extend a warm greeting to new faces and visitors. Come in, take a seat and enjoy the show. Duncan MacInnes, Director, SEALLL

Bidh rudeigin ann airson a h-uile duine agus ma bhios tu airson a thighinn gu barrachd thachartasan b’ urrainn dhut brath a ghabhail air ballrachd SEALL, a shàbhaileas airgead dhut air cosgais thiceadan. Tha fios sgrìobhte air cùl a’ phrògraim. Anns an eadar-àm , tha sinn a’ cur fàilte is furan air an luchd-taic leantainneach againn agus air daoine ùra is aoighean. Thigibh a-steach, dèanaibh suidhe agus gabhaidh tlachd às a’ chuirm.

Welcome to the Autumn Programme of Skye Events for All. Over the course of 26 years, SEALL has brought some of the country’s leading performing artists to venues in the south of Skye. Our Autumn brochure is packed with a diverse range of events for adults and children to enjoy.

Who we are Established in 1991, award-winning SEALL – Skye Events for All – is one of the liveliest community-led performing arts events promotion groups in the UK. Operating from Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, in Sleat, Isle of Skye, SEALL provides a diverse and quality annual programme of around 80 events to locals and visitors.

Cò sinne?

Chaidh SEALL - Skye Events for All - a tha air grunn duaisean a chosnadh, a chur air chois ann an 1991 - agus tha e air aon de na buidhnean coimhearsnachd as beothaile san dùthaich a tha a’ cur air dòigh tachartasan ealain. Tha SEALL stèidhichte aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig ann an Slèite, an ceann a deas an Eilein Sgitheanaich far a bheil sàr phrògram de 80 tachartas ealain ga thaisbeanadh do mhuinntir an Eilein agus luchd-tadhail.

PAGE 2 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

Fàilte do Phrògram Foghair SEALL - Skye Events for All. Fad 26 bliadhna, tha SEALL air cuid de na cuirmean agus taisbeanaidhean as fheàrr san dùthaich a thoirt do cheann a deas an Eilein Sgitheanaich. Tha am Prògram Foghair againn loma-làn de chaochladh thachartasan a chòrdas ri inbhich is clann.

Where we are SEALL’s office and the main venues are in Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Sleat, Isle of Skye.

Venues SABHAL MÒR OSTAIG Scotland’s Gaelic College, is in south Skye, 13 miles south of the junction of the A851 at Broadford and two miles from the Armadale ferry. The main venues are situated here.

The main hall

The main hall of Talla Dhonaidh Chaimbeul (TDC) is our largest venue and provides a quality performance space with raked seating for up to 150 people. The hall is situated within the main college campus between the road and the sea.

An Talla Mòr is the cèilidh space in the old stone farm-

building above the road, at the Tarskavaig road junction.


An Crùbh, Duisdale the new community hub near Isleornsay.

Talla Dhùisdeil the old church above Isleornsay. There is a cash bar opening 30 minutes before each event.


‘S ann an taobh deas an Eilein Sgiathanaich a tha Colaiste Gàidhlig na h-Alba, 13 mìle deas air ceangal A851 aig An t-Ath Leathann agus 2 mhìle bho chidhe-aiseig Armadal.

Talla Dhonaidh Chaimbeul 'S e Talla Dhonaidh Chaimbeul am prìomh thalla far a bheil àiteachan suidhe airson 150 daoine. Tha e suidhichte ann am prìomh àrainn na Colaiste eadar an rathad mòr agus a' mhuir. An Talla Mòr Na togalaichean as sine aig a' Cholaiste - 's e àite sònraichte airson chuirmean is chèilidhean a th' anns an t-seann shabhal a chaidh a thogail san 19mh linn. 'S ann ri taobh an rothaid mhòir a tha an Talla Mòr, aig ceann rathad Tharscabhaig.

Bidh tachartasan SEALL gan cumail ann an tallachan eile an ceann a deas an eilein, a leithid An Crùbh ann an Eilean Iarmain, an talla as ùire ann an Slèite, agus Talla Dhùisdeil, an seann eaglais faisg air Eilean Iarmain. Bidh bàr ann aig na tachartasan seo.

We advise you to book ahead 01471 844207 [email protected]


THE SKYE FESTIVAL July and August TAKING place in venues mostly in Sleat over two months in the summer, The Skye Festival - Fèis an Eilein - is a celebration of island culture and performing arts. With a strong focus on Scottish traditional music, the programme includes visiting jazz, innovative theatre, world music and comedy.


FOTS Records and SEALL present three days of spectacular music, fun and dancing at the end of October each year. Featuring some of Scotland’s best jazz musicians, the festival offers a great weekend with a party atmosphere. See pages 9-11 for details. SEALL AUTUMN 2017 PROGRAMME PAGE 3

Wednesday 27 September 1.45pm and 6.30pm Diciadain 27 An t- Sultain 1.45f ’s 6.30f


Theatre for young people with Jango Starr Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr Young People’s Theatre for Bunsgoil Shlèite but everyone welcome - remarkably good for adults as well. When the headline act fails to show up, Jango, a bumbling theatre caretaker, is suddenly thrust into the limelight and embarks on an hilarious journey of silent comedy. Jango’s unique style of silent physical theatre includes contemporary circus clowning, slapstick comedy, puppetry, juggling and absurd magic, bringing laughter and joy to all ages. 50 minutes. Suitable for all ages. Adults £8, Members £6, Students/Young Persons £4, Under10/Seasons Free

Friday 29 September, 7.30pm Dihaoine 29 An t-Sultain 7.30f

THE COCA TENORIO BAND Scotland-based Ecuadorian singer/songwriter Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr

Inverness-based singer-songwriter Coca Tenorio grew up in the remote coastal village of Esmeraldas, a region of Ecuador known for its strong Afro-Ecuadorian cultural and musical heritage. In 1999 Coca moved with her children to the Highlands and continued to perform as a singer while working as a fashion designer. In 2009 she self-released her debut album Todo Transito, which has received four star reviews and wide radio play. Her new Summer 2017 release is Cold Like Stones. She is joined by Wilmer Sifontes from Venezuela on drums and percussion, and Simon Gall from Scotland on keyboards and vocals. Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free

PAGE 4 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

Saturday 7 October 7.30pm Disathairne, 7 An Dàmhair 7.30f


Acoustic guitar concert Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr Tony McManus has come to be recognised throughout the world as a leading guitarist in Celtic Music. From early childhood his twin obsessions of traditional music and acoustic guitar have worked together to produce a startlingly original approach to this ancient art. In Tony’s hands the complex ornamentation normally associated with fiddles and pipes are accurately transferred to guitar in a way that preserves the integrity and emotional impact of the music.

Cuirm-ciùil giotàir Tha Tony McManus aithnichte air feadh an t-saoghail mar sàr chluicheadair giotàir ann an saoghal a’ chiùil Cheiltich. Bha e air a bheò-ghlacadh bho aois glè òg leis an dà chuid ceòl traidiseanta agus an giotàr agus tha e air na dhà a thoirt còmhla airson gleus ùr a chur air an ealain aosmhoir seo.

Tha stoidhlichean toinnte na fìdhle is na pìoba gan toirt a-null don ghiotàr gu h-ealanta le Tony ann an dòigh a tha a’ glèidheadh freumhan agus buaidh a’ chiùil. Adult £14, Members £12, Students/Young Persons £7, Under 10 Seasons Free


Tuesday 10 October 7.30pm Dimàirt10 An Dàmhair 7.30f

THE SUNSHINE GHOST A new Scottish musical

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC Main Hall A new musical from Andy Cannon and Richard Ferguson, directed by Ken Alexander, The Sunshine Ghost tells the wonderfully comic story of the acquisition of Castle MacKinnon by a love-struck billionaire and property tycoon for his fiancée, Astrobeth - Hollywood’s favourite astrologer. Brought brick by brick from a remote rocky outcrop on a small Scottish Island all the way to Naples, Florida, they soon discover that the castle’s previous owner has not quite ‘left’ the building… Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free

Wednesday 11 October 7.30pm Diciadain 11 An Dàmhair 7.30f

A DOUBLE BILL OF PLAYS IN GAELIC, SCOTS AND ENGLISH Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC Main Hall 7.30pm A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Magic, mischief, trickery and love with the help of an old boot, a plastic bag and a brick! The wonderful ad hoc talent of Daibhidh Walker is a unique experience in Gaelic theatre from the critically acclaimed team who brought Mac Beatha to the Edinburgh Festival stage. This play mixes the rich poetic language of Shakespeare with some perfectly scripted contemporary belly laughs. 45 minutes and suitable for all ages.

9pm Building a Nation

A spoken word and sound performance in English, Scots and Gaelic by poet and Gaelic learner Martin O’Connor. Steeped in the industrial voice of his own Glaswegian Scots, he explores the personal relationship with voice, accent and dialect and unearths the words we lose when we leave the land for the city, the words we lose when a place is swept by deindustrialisation, and the words we lose when we are disconnected from our cultural identity. 60 minutes and contains strong language

PAGE 6 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

Monday 16 October, 8pm Diluain 16 An Dàmhair 8f


An unusual take on the Frankenstein tale Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC Main Hall Circus artist, musician, theatre maker and entertainer Phil Hardie delivers a solo exploration of Frankenstein told via circus, physical and traditional theatre and words. The show explores themes of isolation, prejudice and abandonment. 40 minutes long with some conversation at the end.

“What an extraordinary moving and intensely physical performance, the physicality of the theatre and the depth of understanding of the characters was spellbinding – mesmerising.” “Heart in mouth stuff as well as tears in eyes. Stunning marvellous and truly original. Thank you.”

Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free

7.30f Aisling Oidhche Meadhan Samhraidh

Far comhair riochdaichear draoidheachd, mì-mhodh, cleasan is gaol le cuideachadh o sheann bhròig, pocan plastaig agus breige! Cuir an cois sin giùlan iongantach is comasach Dhaibhidh Walker san dealbh, is chan eil a leithid ri fhaighinn ann an dràma Ghàidhlig. Tha an dealbhchluich seo ga cur air adhart leis an sgioba a fhuair moladh o sgrùdairean airson Mac Beatha air àrd-ùrlar Fèis Dhùn Èideann, agus tha measgachadh innte de chainnt bheairteach bhàrdail Shakespeare is de sgrìobhadh eagnaidh on là an diugh a bheir fìor lasgan air luchd-èisteachd.

9f Togail Nàisean

Tha bàrd a dh’ionnsaich a’ Ghàidhlig, Martin O’Connor, a’ cur Building a Nation air àrd-ùrlar le cainnt is fuaim. Tha dualchas Albais gnìomhachais Ghlaschu gu domhainn ann fhèin, is tha e a’ rannsachadh a dhàimh phearsanta ris a’ ghuth, ri blas is ri dualchainnt, is a’ rùrach airson nam faclan a chailleas sinn nuair a thèid sinn on fhearann chun a’ bhaile mhòir, na faclan a chailleas sinn nuair a sguabar gnìomhachas air falbh à àite, is na faclan a chailleas sinn nuair a thèid air sgaradh o ar n ionannachd chultarach fhèin. Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free


Tuesday 24 October 3.30pm Dimàirt 24 An Dàmhair 3.30f

HIGHLAND YOUTH ARTS HUB CREATIVE CONVERSATIONS Networking opportunities for young people Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Seòmar Chruinneachaidh

The Highland Youth Arts Hub welcomes all to its Creative Conversations. Sessions are very informal and exist as an opportunity for artists, students and professionals working, studying or practising in the creative and cultural sectors to come together for networking and discussion. No Power Points, no key speakers, just an environment within which to exchange ideas and share experience. Participants are encouraged to submit an issue, question or topic for discussion when signing-up to come along and hope that such networking uncovers possible collaboration and partnership opportunities. Refreshments provided. Places are free but limited. Contact [email protected] to book a place.

Tuesday 24 October 8pm Dimàirt 24 An Dàmhair 8f

SHAPPI KHORSANDI: OH MY COUNTRY Star of Live at the Apollo stand-up comedy Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall

Star of Live At The Apollo, Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, Have I Got News for You and QI, Shappi Khorsandi brings her highly-acclaimed, hilarious comedy to Skye. Shappi is celebrating the 40th anniversary of her arrival in Britain from Iran. She’s reclaiming patriotism, sending a love letter to her adopted land. Shappi has whip-crack jokes and is effortlessly funny as she handles every subject with a razor sharp wit, softened only by her deliciously mischievous delivery and endless charm. Suitable for audiences 16+ “Seriously funny and suprisingly filthy.” The New Statesman “Makes live comedy thrilling.” London Evening Standard All tickets £12

PAGE 8 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

We advise you to book ahead 01471 844207 [email protected] Thank you - mòran taing The events in this programme are organised by SEALL - Skye Events for All - the community-led promoter on Skye.

SEALL is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status registered in Scotland SC024859.

SEALL directors

Eileen Armstrong Duncan MacInnes Robert Spode Pam Allan Jacqui MacKinnon Kath NicLeòid (for SMO) Rosie MacDonald Alastair MacAoidh (for SMO)

THE SKYE k n u F


FOTS Records and SEALL present three days of spectacular music, fun and dancing, featuring some of the best jazz musicians in the country. This year’s events include a Hallowe’en-themed evening with a film and live music; a tribute to an iconic American funk band; and a vivacious night of duets featuring six talented artists for an exciting closing session. See next pages for details.

Event management

Director Duncan MacInnes Administration Marie Lewis Communications Sara Bain Young promoters Fionn McKee Arthur Brook-Young Images Rob Ware The artists SEALL library Technical assistance Hector MacInnes

Support team

Thanks to our team of 25 wonderful front of house volunteers and helpers.

Bu toil leinn taing a thoirt do VisitSleat The trustees and staff of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig All the performers Those not named who find themselves on stage as performers or ‘Fear no Bean an Taighe’ All those who help us out in moments of panic Other local organisers of the community venues All those who donated raffle prizes And, of course, our wonderful audiences

27-29 October Venues in sleat skye

We applaud you Mòran taing a h-uile duine



Friday 27 October 7.30pm Dihaoine 27 An Dàmhair 7.30f An Talla Dhùisdeil

A HALLOWE’EN NIGHT Film and live music


he Skye Swing Jazz Festival kicks off with an Oscarwinning film, accompanied by an innovative musical score, played live by one of Scotland’s most exciting and prodigious musical talents. Graeme Stephen’s score for F W Murnau’s visual masterpiece Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans won him the innovation award at the Scottish Jazz Awards in 2012. The film won the Unique and Artistic Picture Award at the First Academy Awards in 1929. Harnessing influences from various musical styles including folk, classical and jazz, Graeme will be performing with world-class musicians Pete Harvey, cello; Phil Bancroft, saxophone; and Tom Bancroft, drums/percussion. The event will take the form of a fancy dress Hallowe’enthemed evening to get the festival going with a swing. There is a prize for the best costume and the bar will be open from 7pm. Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/ Seasons Free

PAGE 10 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

Dihaoine - Là na SÀbaid 27-29 An Dàmhair

SATURDAY 28 October 7.30pm Disathairne 28 An Dàmhair 7.30f SABHAL MÒR OSTAIG, TDC Main HALL



here will be dancing - so come dressed in your ’70s best! Beginning life in the early ’50s, The Crusaders, in their various forms, produced over 40 albums and launched some of R&B’s best-loved artists, such as Randy Crawford, Wayne Henderson, Hubert Laws and Bill Withers, into immediate stardom. The Crusaders Time Machine are Gordon McNeil, tenor sax; Rick Taylor, trombone; Malcolm MacFarlane, guitar; Paul Harrison, piano and electric piano; Mario Caribe, double bass, electric bass and arrangements; Stuart Brown, drums. With tunes from the hard-bop era, followed by hits from the groovy period, this is a time travel through the history of this great band. Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free

Sunday 29 October 7.30pm Là na SÀbaid 29 An Dàmhair 7.30f SABHAL MÒR OSTAIG AN TALLA MÒR

duets night

2 become 3 become 6..... hree duets, two trios and a sextet. Six fantastic musicians and one unforgettable evening of music making. Musicians are Al Price, mouthie, and Huey Dowling, guitar; Rick Taylor, trombone, and Bradley Johnston, guitar; and Fraser Fifield, pipes, whistle and sax, and Sodhi Tabla, percussion.


Keep your tickets from the first two nights and get a £2 discount tonight. Adult £12, Members £10, students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free


Tuesday 31 October 7.30pm Dimàirt 31 An Dàmhair 7.30f

Tuesday 7 November 7.30pm Dimàirt 7 An t-Samhain 7.30f


Fusion folk from Scotland Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr

In 2013 the Red Dirt Skinners became the first band in history to succeed at both the British Blues and the British Country Music awards.

Adam Holmes is one of the brightest rising stars on the UK roots music scene. His debut album Heirs and Graces was longlisted for Scottish Album of the Year in 2014 and was also nominated in the best album category of the Scots Trad Music Awards. The band will be supported by folk-noir balladeer and one of the genre’s most promising artists, Rachel Sermanni.

UK country and blues band Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr

Drawing on influences from folk, country, blues, americana, jazz and everything between, the Red Dirt Skinners’ sound is instantly recognisable.

Tha Adam Holmes air fear de na rionnagan ùra ann an ceòl roots ann am Breatainn. Comfortably blending exceptional, Chaidh a chiad chlàr Heirs almost telepathic, harmonies with the and Graces ainmeachadh unique instrumentation of soprano air liosta Clàr Albannach na saxophone and acoustic guitar, Bliadhna ann an 2014 agus audiences fall in love with the Skinners’ chaidh ainmeachadh anns an roinn Clàr As Fheàrr aig sound. Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta “A sparkling and refreshing antidote to na h-Alba. Bidh tè de den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr san nòs, the world of musical blandness” Cashbox Canada Rachel Sermanni, a’ cumail taic riutha. Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free

PAGE 12 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

Adult £14, Members £12, Students/ Young Persons £7, U10/Seasons Free

Thursday 16 November 7.30pm Diardaoin 16 An t-Samhain 7.30f


The All We Have Is Now Tour Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr Fiery Highland five-piece Elephant Sessions fuses rich folk and trad influences with funk, rock and electronica in an instantly captivating, progressive blend. “Outstanding levels of innovation and inventiveness” Folkwords “Immense! Tremendous stage presence and wonderful musicality” Celtic Music Radio

Còignear beòthail ceòl trad-nuadh

Bidh The Elephant Sessions, còignear luchd-ciùil às a’ Ghàidhealtachd, a’ fighe ceòl traidiseanta le funk, rock agus electronica ann an stoidhle ùr adhartach a ghlacas mac-meanmna an luchdèisteachd. Adult £14, Members £12, Students/Young Persons £7, Under 10/Seasons Free

Saturday 18 November 7.30pm Disathairne 18 An t-Samhain 7.30f

LEE ROBERT BOUZIDA and MT DOUBT Singer/songwriter and indie band Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mòr

Young singer songwriter and poet Lee Robert Bouzida launches his CD The Making of Bad Dream in late 2017 and visits Skye (and his Sleat aunt!) in November. To make a night of it Lee is joined by the Edinburgh-based indie band Mt Doubt. Starting out as Leo Bargery’s solo project, Mt Doubt has since expanded into a collective of six musicians, each bringing something unique to the mix. Adult £12, Members £10, Students/Young Persons £6, Under 10/Seasons Free


Tuesday 21 November 7.30pm Dimàirt 21 An t-Samhain 7.30f

Friday 24 November 7.30pm Dihaoine 24 An t-Samhain 7.30f


Classical and light music concert Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC Main Hall Inner Sound, under the direction of Anne Lampard MBE, has brought together and trained many singers in Skye and the Western Highlands. In the summer Anne directs them in their annual Gilbert and Sullivan tour of the Highlands. Tonight various individuals and groups sing their favourite arias, excerpts from light opera and other pieces, in a concert that presents the area’s young potential opera talent.


Reicha Rediscovered - Classical piano concert An Crùbh, Duisdale

Antoine Reicha and Ludwig van Beethoven

Adult £10, Members £8, Students/Young Persons £5, Under 10/Seasons Free

Friday 1 December 7.30pm Dihaoine 1 An Dùbhlachd 7.30f


met at age 15, in Bonn. Friends and rivals 2017 Annual General Meeting for life, Beethoven took Vienna by storm, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC Main Hall whereas Reicha left most of his piano music unpublished. All SEALL Members and supporters are invited to our Annual General Meeting. The business Acclaimed Serbian-American pianist Ivan Ilić will not take too long and no-one will find comes to Skye with works from his upcoming themselves suddenly on a committee. This is CD Reicha Rediscovered. more a chance to hear all about 2017 and plans for 2018 while drinking a glass of good quality Ivan Ilić earned degrees in mathematics and wine. music at the University of California Berkeley Coinneamh Choitcheann Bhliadhnail 2017 before moving to the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris, where he took a Premier Prix. The Tha fàilte ro gach ball is neach-taic SEALL don City of Paris sponsored his first recording. Choinneimh Choitchinn Bhliadhnail againn. Early career highlights include recitals Cha toir gnothach na coinneimh ro fhada agus at Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, Ireland’s cha tèid duine sam bith a chur air comataidh an National Concert Hall, Toronto’s Glenn Gould aghaidh an toil! Studio and the American Academy in Rome. He recently gave recital débuts in Vienna, Sao ‘S e seo cothrom ur beachdan air 2017 agus planaichean airson Paulo and Geneva. 2018 a Ivan’s piano is supplied by Moray Firth Pianos chluinntinn through the Dennis Briggs Fund administered fhad ‘s a ghabhas by Duncan and Polly MacInnes. sinn glainne Adult £14, Members £12, Students/Young Persons £7, mhath fìon. Under 10/Seasons Free

PAGE 14 BOX OFFICE: 01471 844207 [email protected]

Saturday 9 December 7.30pm Dihaoine 8 An Dùbhlachd 7.30f


Arctic poetry, film and music

Bàrdachd, film is ceòl Artach

This cabaret-style event will take the form of an Arctic evening of contemporary poetry, film and music.

Bidh bàrdachd, film is ceòl nuadh ri fhaicinn is ri chluinntinn air an oidhche Artaich seo.

The programme includes poetry and performance art by Jessie Kleemann and Arctic archive films by pioneering Scottish filmmaker, botanist and explorer Isobel Wylie Hutchison. Live musical accompaniment is provided by Atzi Muramatsu (of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra).

Bidh bàrdachd ann leis a’ bhàrd Inuit Jessie Kleemann, ceòl leis Atzi Muramatsu (Scottish Chamber Orchestra) agus prògram de fhilmichean goirid bhon fhìor àird a tuath leis Isobel Wylie Hutchison.

Adult £14, Members £12, Students/Young Persons £7, Under 10/Seasons Free

SEALL is a Member of the Touring Network, the National Rural Touring Forum, The Traditional Music Forum and the Traditional Music and Song Association. SEALL is a Company Limited by Guarantee 165147, with charitable status in Scotland SC 024859


TICKETS Tiocaidean


Make your reservation and only pay on the night

Annual membership is £30 a year and members usually receive £2 off the price of a SEALLpromoted event.


Season tickets are £120 a year (£45 for young people ages 11-18) and offer the holder free access to most SEALL events.

The SEALL Office at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - in the courtyard in the campus above the road



[email protected]


01471 844207


SEALL, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Sleat, Isle of Skye, IV44 8RQ

Take advantage of these great savings and support SEALL by joining us. Mail this form to us or send us an email with all the details.


MEMBERSHIP FORM I AM INTERESTED IN (please tick your option) MEMBERSHIP  ANNUAL SEASON TICKET ADULT  ANNUAL SEASON TICKET YOUNG PERSON  VOLUNTEERING  I enclose a cheque for £.......  Please contact me with BACS details  I wish to pay by monthly direct debit  Name(s) .................................................................. Address .................................................................. .................................................................................. Postcode ................................................................ Email ....................................................................... Telephone ............................................................. This information will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will only be used to inform you about SEALL and other local activities.

Signed .................................................................... Date .......................................................................


spare tickets on sale from 30 minutes before the start


Cash or cheque. Sorry, no cards


Those who do not qualify for discounts.


Students, those on SMO Short Course, disability card (and carers), income support

YOUNG PEOPLE Over 10 and not students UNDER 10

Usually free


We try keep our adult prices low and offer no further discounts


See this page for great reductions

The 27th Fèis an Eilein


takes place between 6 July and 24 August 2018