
Holly M. Smith Philosophy Department Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 Daviso...

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Holly M. Smith Philosophy Department Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

Davison Hall 26 Nichol Avenue E-Mail: [email protected]

Education Ph.D., Philosophy M.A., Philosophy B.A. with Special Honors, Philosophy

The University of Michigan The University of Michigan Wellesley College

Administrative Positions

Executive Dean Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2006 Dean Graduate School-New Brunswick

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey August 2001 – July

Dean Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2001

The University of

Vice Provost Arizona Liberal Arts 1999

The University of

July 1993 - July

November 1995 - July

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs 1993 Vice Provost 1992 Acting Vice Provost 1990

The University of Arizona July 1992 - June

The University of Arizona January 1991 - June

The University of Arizona July 1989 - December

Interim Associate Vice President

The University of 1

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Arizona for Affirmative Action 1993 and Affirmative Action Officer

August 1992 - February

Head, Department of Philosophy

The University of Arizona 1985 –


Academic Positions Professor II

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 2001- present


The University of Arizona 1988 - 2001

Associate Professor

The University of Arizona 1983 - 1988

Visiting Associate Professor

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1981 - 1982

Associate Professor

The University of Illinois at Chicago Circle 1980 - 1983

Assistant Professor

The University of Michigan 1973 - 1980

Assistant Professor

The University of Pittsburgh 1972 - 1973


The University of Michigan at Flint 1971 - 1972


Tufts University 1970 - 1971

Fellowships, Awards, Honors Department Guest, Princeton University Center for Human Values, 2006-07 President, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honorary Society Invited Participant, American Council on Education/Office of Women in Higher Education National Forum 2

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Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Fellowship, The University of Arizona National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Independent Study American Associate of University Women Postgraduate Fellowship Fellowship, Council for Philosophical Studies Institute on Moral Problems in Medicine Danforth Graduate Fellowship Wellesley College First Trustee Fellow Phi Beta Kappa National Merit Scholar

Grants Rutgers University, “Faculty of Arts and Sciences Research Office to Support Extramural Funding Opportunities for Humanities and Social Science Faculty,” 2003-04 Academic Excellence Award, $60,000 direct costs (PI) U.S. Information Agency, "Affiliation between The University of Arizona and Colombia's Universidad de los Andes to Establish a North American Studies Program," 1994-97; $119,952 direct costs (Co-PI) University of Arizona Student-Faculty Interaction Program, grants to fund lunch meetings with Freshman Colloquium Students, Fall 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Grant ($2,500) from the Arizona Foundation to fund Western Workshop in Moral Philosophy (May 1985) Patents U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 11/605,008, filed 11-28-06

Publications Research Articles: "David Lyons on Utilitarian Generalization," Philosophical Studies, Vol. 26 (October, 1974), pp. 77-94. "Reply to Silverstein," Philosophical Studies, Vol. 30 (July, 1976), pp. 57-62. "Dated Rightness and Moral Imperfection," The Philosophical Review, Vol. LXXXV (October, 1976), pp. 449-487. Lead article. 3

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"David Lewis' Semantics for Deontic Logic," Mind, Vol. LXXXVI (April, 1977) pp. 242-248. "The Collective Interpretation of Utilitarian Generalization," Philosophical Studies, Vol. 34 (August, 1978), pp. 207-211. "Doing the Best One Can," in Values and Morals, eds. Alvin Goldman and Jaegwon Kim (Reidel, 1978), pp. 186-214. "Rawls and Utilitarianism," in John Rawls' Theory of Social Justice, eds. Gene Blocker and Elizabeth Smith (Ohio University Press, 1980), pp. 346-394. "Amniocentesis for Sex Selection," in Ethics, Humanism, and Medicine, ed. Marc Basson (New York: Alan R. Liss, 1980), pp. 81-94. "Killing, Letting Die, and Euthanasia," Analysis, Vol. 40 (October 1980), p. 224. Reprinted in the Newsletter of Monash University Centre for Human Bioethics. "Two Concepts of Democracy," in Ethical Issues in Government, ed. Norman Bowie (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981), pp. 68-82. "Compensating Injured Research Subjects," in President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical Research, Compensating for Research Injuries, Volume Two: Appendices, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington (1982), pp. 19-39. "Intercourse and Moral Responsibility for the Fetus," in Abortion and the Status of the Fetus, Volume XIII of the series, "Philosophy of Medicine," eds. William B. Bondeson, H. Tristram Englehardt, Stuart Spicker, and Daniel H. Winship (Dordrecht, Holland/Boston, Massachusetts: D. Reidel, 1983), pp. 229-245. "Culpable Ignorance," The Philosophical Review, Vol. XCII (October, 1983), pp. 543-571. Selected as one of the ten best articles to appear in print in 1983; reprinted in Volume VI of The Philosopher's Annual (eds., P. Athay, P. Grim, and C.J. Martin. (Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1985.) "Ethical Problems in Genetic Screening by Student Health Services," in Values and Health: The Connection, ed. Joe Gelt (Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast College Health Association: 1985), pp. 27-31. "Legal Requirements for Notification," in Ethics in Emergency Medicine, eds. K. Iserson, A. Sanders, D. Mathieu, and A. Buchanan (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins,1986), pp. 92-97. Reprinted in Second Edition, 1995. 4

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"Moral Realism, Moral Conflict, and Compound Acts", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. LXXXIII, #6 (June 1986), 341-345. "Making Moral Decisions," Nous, Vol. XXII, #1 (March 1988), pp. 89-108. "Two-Tier Moral Codes," Social Philosophy & Policy, Vol. 7, (Autumn 1989), pp. 112-132. Reprinted in Ellen F. Paul, Fred D. Miller, and Jeffrey Paul, eds., Foundations of Moral and Political Philosophy (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990), pp. 112-132. "Deciding How To Decide: Is There a Regress Problem?" in Michael Bacharach and Susan Hurley, eds., Essays in the Foundations of Decision Theory (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, Inc. 1991), pp. 194-219. "Varieties of Moral Worth and Moral Credit," in Ethics, Vol. 101 (January 1991), pp. 279-303. "Deriving Morality from Rationality," in Contractarianism and Rational Choice: Essays on David Gauthier's Morals by Agreement, ed., Peter Vallentyne (Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 229-253. Reprinted in John Heil, ed., Rationality, Morality, and Self-Interest: Essays Honoring Mark Carl Overvold (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1993), pp. 71-96. "Whose Body Is It, Anyway?" in James Thomberlin, ed., Philosophical Perspectives, Vol. 6 (Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Company, 1992), pp. 73-96. "Fetal-Maternal Conflicts," in In Harm's Way: Essays in Honor of Joel Feinberg, edited by Allen Buchanan and Jules Coleman (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 324-343. "Gifts and Donors' Expectations," with Marilyn Batt Dunn, in The Ethics of Asking: Dilemmas in Higher Education Fund Raising (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995), pp. 101-110. “A Paradox of Promising,” in The Philosophical Review, Vol. 106, No. 2 (April 1997; appeared 1998]), pp. 153-196. Lead article. Encyclopedia Articles: "Excuses," Lawrence C. Becker, ed., The Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing Co., 1992), pp. 344-346. "Negligence," Lawrence C. Becker, ed., The Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing Co., 1992), pp. 897-899. 5

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"Action," (with Alvin I. Goldman), in Lawrence C. Becker, ed., The Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing Co., 1992), pp. 12-14. (20% responsibility). "Idealized Agents," Lawrence C. Becker, ed., The Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing Co., 1992), pp. 594-596. "Possibilism," Lawrence C. Becker, ed., The Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing Co., 1992), pp. 993-995. Book Reviews: Review note of Michael Bayles' Morality and Population, in Ethics, Vol. 92 (April, 1982), p. 603. Review note of Helen B. Holmes, Betty B. Hoskins, and Michael Gross, eds., Birth Control and Controlling Birth, in Ethics, Vol. 83 (April, 1983), pp. 644-645. Review of Michael Robins' Promising, Intending, and Moral Autonomy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984), in Nous, vol. XXI (December 1987), pp. 604-608. Review of Judith Jarvis Thomson's Rights, Restitution, and Risk (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986), The Philosophical Review, Vol. XCVIII (July 1989), pp. 414-148. Work in Progress: Moral Failings, book manuscript on moral theory (working title)

Selected Disciplinary Presentations "What To Do Today When One Has the Option of Being Immoral Tomorrow," presented to the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, California, Spring 1976. "How to Handle Moral Imperfection," invited presentation to the Group Dynamics Seminar of the Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan, November 1976. "Killing and Letting Die," invited presentation to the Workshop on Death, Dying, and Public Policy sponsored by the Institute for Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, Spring, 1976. Three invited talks on ethical issues in genetic engineering, presented at the University of Wyoming Conference on Genetic Engineering, October 1979. "Two Concepts of Democracy," invited presentation to the Center for the Study of Ethical Issues in Government, The University of Delaware, November 1979. 6

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"Moral Decision Principles," invited address at the American Philosophical Association, Western Division Meetings, April 1980. "Compensating Injured Research Subjects," invited presentation to the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, September 1980. "Biological Parenthood and Moral Responsibility," invited presentation to the Tenth TransDisciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia, October 1980. "Culpable Ignorance," invited symposium paper at the 1981 Oberlin Philosophy Colloquium, April 1981; and invited presentation to the Western Washington University Philosophy Colloquium, Spring 1983. "Abortion," invited presentation to the Seminar on Contemporary Political and Social Theory, University of Chicago, Spring 1981. "Philosophy and Issues of Public Policy," three invited lectures at the Seventh Annual Midwest Philosophy Colloquium, University of Minnesota, Morris, Spring 1981. "Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace," commissioned presentation for the Occupational Health and Safety Meeting at the Hastings Center, Fall 1981. "Reproductive Rights and the Workplace," Invited Address for the Philosophy and Public Affairs Session, Eastern Division American Philosophical Association, December 1982. "Whose Body Is It, Anyway?" Invited Address at the Western Division American Philosophical Association, Spring 1983. "Making Moral Decisions," presented to the Ethics Workshop, Stanford University, Spring 1984. "Moral Worth and Moral Credit," invited panel presentation at the Society for Women and Philosophy Session, Eastern Division American Philosophical Association, Winter 1984. "Contemporary Contractarianism," invited presentation to The Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, U.S.S.R., Fall, 1986. "Gauthier on Morals by Agreement," invited presentation to the University of Western Ontario Conference on Contractarianism, April 1987. "Using Moral Principles to Make Decisions," seminar on Foundations of Decision Theory, Oxford University, Spring 1988 7

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"Cognitive Constraints on a Moral Code," the Vendredi Seminar on Philosophy of Mind, Programme de la Recherche sur les Sciences de la Communication, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, Spring 1988. "Two-Tier Moral Codes," invited presentation to the Bowling Green State University Colloquium on "The Foundations of Moral and Political Philosophy," Fall 1988; and invited presentation to the Western Washington University Philosophy Colloquium, Spring 1989. "Deriving Morality from Rationality," invited paper presented to The American Society for the Philosophical Study of Society, Spring 1989. "Varieties of Moral Credit and Moral Worth," invited presentation at The University of North Carolina Symposium on "Responsibility," April 1990. "The Role of Values in Health Care Decisions," The Second Annual Geraldine Newell Clinical Scholar Lecture, School of Nursing, The University of Arizona, 1991. "Which Act is Right?" invited presentation to the Consequentialism Conference at The University of Rochester, Spring 1992. "Race, Gender, and Justice," invited presentation to the Conference on Affirmative Action, Tufts University, Fall 1992. "Maternal-Fetal Conflicts," invited presentation to American Philosophical Association Central Division, Spring 1993. "Moral Ascription Theory," Keynote Address to the Northwest Conference on Philosophy, Vancouver, Fall 1993. “Kant’s Argument for Humanity as an End in Itself,” presented in the “Author Meets Critics” session on David Cummiskey’s Kantian Consequentialism, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, Spring 1997 “Is It Wrong to Break Promises It’s Wrong to Make?” comment on paper of same name by Alistair MacLeod, American Philosophical Eastern Division Meetings, December 1999 Commentator on “Are Persons Mere Containers for Well Being?” by Martin Peterson at the Pacific Division APA meeting, April 2007 “Subjective Rightness” (provisional title) to be presented to the Philosophy Department, Zhejiang University, March 2008 “Subjective Rightness” (provisional title) to be presented to the Social Philosophy and Policy Center conference on Moral Obligation, November 2008 8

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Papers Read to Philosophy Department Colloquia Tufts University, San Jose University, Stanford University, University of California at Irvine, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Cincinnati, University of California at Santa Barbara, Oakland University, University of Maryland at College Park, University of Wyoming, University of Illinois at Chicago, Ohio State University, University of Western Ontario, Johns Hopkins University, University of Missouri, University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, Northwestern University, University of Vermont, Hamilton College, Cornell University, University of Colorado, Stanford, Tel Aviv University, Trinity College (Dublin), Rutgers University, The University of California, Irvine, The University of California, San Diego, The University of Michigan, La Universidad de los Andes, The University of Arizona, The University of Pittsburgh.

Regional Disciplinary Presentations "Moral Problems in Screening for Cystic Fibrosis," invited presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Affiliate of the American College Health Association, Fall 1984. "Moral Rights of the Mother and Termination of Pregnancy," invited presentation to Planned Parenthood of Southern Arizona's conference, The New Ethics of Abortion, Fall 1984. "Ethical Perspectives on the New High Technology," invited presentation to the Arizona Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Fall 1985. "Ethics in an Unethical World," invited presentation to the National Association of Administrators and Teachers of English as a Second Language Workshop on Evaluation and Ethics in the Intensive English Program, Tucson 1990. "Maternal-Fetal Conflicts: Exposing the Fetus to Workplace Hazards," invited presentation to the Honors Program Dessert Social, University of Arizona, 1991. "Ethics in Higher Education," invited presentation to the Harvill Conference on Higher Education, University of Arizona, Fall 1992. "The Ethics of Fundraising," invited presentation to the United Way of Tucson Workshop on Ethics in Fundraising, Fall 1995. “Physician-Assisted Suicide,” panel presentation to the Annual Bioethics Conference of the American Medical Students Association, Tucson, October 1997. 9

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“Physician-Assisted Suicide,” Tucson Chapter of the Hemlock Society, Spring 1999

National Disciplinary Service Boards of Consulting Editors: Philosophical Studies (continuing); Ethics (1985-91); The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (1982-87); Philosophical Perspectives Volume(s) on Ethics; Encyclopedia of Ethics (Garland Publishing), Lawrence Becker, General Editor; Guest Editor, Issue of Ethics on "Current Work in Meta-Ethics" (Vol. 96, Number 3, April 1986). Director, Western Workshop on Moral Philosophy, The University of Arizona, Spring 1985. Chair: American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Program Committee, 1989-90. American Philosophical Association Subcommittee on Academic Careers, 1986-91. Vice President and Program Chairperson, Illinois Philosophical Association, 1980-81. Outside Examination Committee, Hunter College Philosophy Department, 1980 Delegate: ACLS - Soviet Academy of Sciences Exchange on "Freedom and Justice," Moscow, Fall 1986. Member: NCA Re-Accreditation Team, major mid-western research university, April 1999 Outside Examination Committee, The University of Kentucky Philosophy Department, Spring 1994 External Evaluation Team, University of Colorado Center on Applied Ethics, Fall 1994 Task Force, The Study of Ethical Issues in Advancement in Higher Education (1990-92). A joint project of the Dartmouth College Institute for the Study of Applied and Professional Ethics and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. Outside Evaluator (for the Carnegie Foundation's Fund for the Improvement of PostSecondary Education), Cornell University Humanists-in-Residence Program,1984. 10

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American Philosophical Association Committees: Committee on Philosophy and Medicine, 1974-79; Subcommittee on Unionization and Collective Bargaining, 1974-76; Subcommittee on Academic Careers, 1985-91; Western Division Nominating Committee, 1978; Pacific Division Nominating Committee, 1985; Pacific Division Program Committee, 1988-90; Ad Hoc Committee on Adopting a Code of Ethics, 1993-1994. Danforth Graduate Fellowship Reading Committee 1974, 1975 Ad Hoc Referee: Papers of American Philosophical Quarterly, Nous, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Hypatia, International Studies in Philosophy, Economics & Philosophy, Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie, American Society for Value Inquiry, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Ethics, Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. 7 Proposals for Ethical and Human Values Implications of Science and Technology Program of the National Science Foundation; National Science Foundation Program for Visiting Professorships for Women in Science and Engineering; National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends; Philosophy Panel, National Endowment for the Humanities, Professions Program. Invited Participant: Symposia on the Future of Scholarly Communication (Phoenix), Spring 1994 and Fall 1995. Conference on "The Ethics and Economics of Charity," sponsored by the Liberty Fund (San Diego), Spring 1987. Women's Studies Curriculum Integration Seminar (University of Arizona), Fall 1984 Conference on Teaching Ethics, convened by the Institute for Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences (Cambridge, Massachusetts), Fall 1977.

Community Service Member, Board of Andrews-Foulet Homeowners’ Association, 2007 Member, Board of Princeton Adult School, 2007-2010 Member, Board of Directors, St. Gregory College Preparatory School (Tucson, Arizona)

National Administrative Service 11

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Member, Council of Graduate Schools/UMI Dissertation Award Committee (2005) Member, Council of Graduate Schools, Association of American Universities (AAU) (2001-2006) President-Elect, President, and Past President, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (20002002) Elected member, Board of Directors, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (1997-99); reelected (2000 - 2002). Local Arrangements Chair, Public AAU Arts and Sciences Deans’ Meeting, Tucson (February 2001) Chair, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences By-Laws Review Committee (2000). Chair, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences Committee on Research Universities (1997-98, 1998-99). Program Chair, Public AAU Arts and Sciences Deans’ Meeting,(1997). Co-Chair, Program Committee, Public AAU Arts and Sciences Deans’ Meeting (1996).

University Service (2005 - present) This list does not contain committees and service integrally connected to decanal service, such as membership in the Deans’ Council, the President’s Administrative Council, etc. Member, President’s Advisory Committee on College Avenue (2005-06) Member, University Communications Advisory Committee (2004 - 2005) Member, University Message & Strategy Advisory Committee (2005 - present) Member, University Communications Program Vendor Selection Taskforce (2005) Member, Committee for P-16 Education (2005-06) Member, University Retirement Transition Negotiations Team (2005) Member, University Task Force on Capital Campaign Funding (2005-06) 12

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Member, University Senate Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee (200506) Member, University Research Advisory Board (2001-2006) University Representative, Inauguration of the Southern African Large Telescope, November 2005



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