
Business Solutions - 06-09-2011 by James Lani - Statistics Solutions - Business Solu...

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Business Solutions - 06-09-2011 by James Lani - Statistics Solutions -

Business Solutions by James Lani Click here for to get help with your Thesis or Dissertation. Click here for FREE Thesis and Dissertation resources (templates, samples, calculators).

Big Data-Big Decisions Are you overwhelmed by the different types of data thrown at you every day? Are you confused by the customer data you receive? Are you struggling to attract and hold customers? Does your content effectively relay your message? Are your advertising dollars delivering results? Does the data tell you what you need to know in order to make business critical decisions with confidence? Data is a lot more than numbers. Companies are bombarded with tons of analytics and numbers, but do you have a strategy and framework that makes it easy to understand what all the data is saying? With social media engagement the way we view and analyze data is changing all the time. The good news? Statistics Solutions can help you make sense of all the data. Let us help you develop a comprehensive customer intelligence strategy. A clear and sound strategy that helps you identify who your profitable customers are, your buyers’ profile, what your customers are really looking for, how they like to receive communications, which ads and what types of content are driving sales, the lifetime value of your customers, campaign effectiveness, and where you can get the most bang for your advertising buck. Forget the messy data and trying to clean it to make it meaningful. Stop stressing over trying to create the right questions for your survey. Don’t worry about finding a behavioral analyst to add to your team. We have everything you need for your business solutions, from resources to expertise to bring the data together and draw out the informational value in an easy to understand way that enables your company to make informed, intelligent strategic decisions that will move your company forward and help it to thrive in a competitive market. _______________________________________________

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