spanish flashcards holiday

Handy Holiday Revision Flashcards! Flashcards: They may just be a rectangular piece of card or paper but they can work w...

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Handy Holiday Revision Flashcards! Flashcards: They may just be a rectangular piece of card or paper but they can work wonders for your revision. This revision tool is ideal when you need to remember vocabulary or specific grammar points.


Simply print out this document and cut around the edges of each individual flashcard. Flash cards can be put to a variety of uses from card games and testing aids to signposts and quick reminders. Four ways to use your flashcards for revision: 1) Why not stick the flashcards to their corresponding items around your house or bedroom to help you remember the word for each object in your target language? 2) Keep the flashcards in your pocket to glance over when you have a spare minute for example when on a bus or when on the move. 3) Why not write a translation on the reverse of the card to test yourself before flipping the card over to check that you had the right answer. 4) Why not give the flashcards to a friend or relative and ask them to devise test questions relating to what is written on them to see if you have learnt the words. This can be nervewracking, but helps you get used to being on the spot on the day of your final exam. Good luck!

las vacaciones Holidays


mi cumpleaños

My Birthday

Travelling and…

la Navidad


las vacaciones de verano

The Summer Holiday


la Semana Santa las vacaciones de invierno The Winter Holiday


los puentes

el Año Nuevo New Year

The bank holiday

mi santo transporte

My Saint’s Day



en autobús

en tren

By Bus

By Train

a pie

en coche

By Car

en avión

By Aeroplane

On Foot

en helicóptero

By Helicopter


en barco

en ferry

By Ferry

By Ship

en metro en tranvía

By Tram

By Underground

la parada de taxis en bicicleta by Bicycle

Taxi rank


la parada de autobús

Bus stop

la estación de tren

Train station

la taquilla

el andén Platform

Ticket office

la sala de espera el aeropuerto Airport

Waiting Room


la sala de embarque

Departure Lounge

la terminal de ferry

Ferry terminal

el equipaje


la puerta de embarque

Boarding Gate

el puerto


la maleta



los billetes el mapa Tickets


el cepillo de dientes

el plano



la ropa Clothes

las gafas de sol Sunglasses


el reproductor de MP3

La protección solar Sun Cream

MP3 player

la cámara

el dinero Camera

El destino de vacaciones The destination


La isla The island


El lugar de vacaciones The resort

El hotel The hotel

La recepción El recepcionista, La recepcionista The reception

The receptionist

La habitación

La cama individual The room

Single bed


El aire acondicionado

La cama doble Double bed

La piscina

The swimming pool

Air conditioning

El balcón

The balcony

La playa

El mar

The sea

The beach