spelling september

Primus album List of common words: Hapless, Propensity, Relentless, Placate, Narcissism, cacography pyrotechnic, geosync...

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Primus album List of common words: Hapless, Propensity, Relentless, Placate, Narcissism, cacography pyrotechnic, geosynchronous, supersede, exceed, Accost, Proximity, Anomaly, Verisimilitude, Scrupulous, precede, concede, cacophonophilist, proceed, antecede, Construe, Heresy, Juxtapose Stringent, Terse, symphony, geothermal, cacophonous, intercede thermogeography, quixotic, munificent, acclivity, claudication magnanimous, alluvion, whelm, freshet, cataclysm, cloudburst

Grade 7 words Week 1

hapless, propensity, relentless, placate, narcissism, cacography, pyrotechnic, geosynchronous, supersede, exceed Week 2

accost, proximity, anomaly, verisimilitude, scrupulous, precede, concede, cacophonophilist, proceed, antecede, Week 3

construe, heresy, juxtapose, stringent, terse, symphony, geothermal, cacophonous, intercede, thermogeography Week 4

quixotic, munificent, acclivity, claudication, magnanimous, alluvion, whelm, freshet, cataclysm, cloudburst