SPMC Newsletter March 2016

Qribek Q R I B E K - E D I Z Z J O N I F’DIN LEDIZZJONI.. Mill-Pinna ... 1 Learning to Sing 2 L-intervista ma’ 3 ...

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Qribek Q R I B E K - E D I Z Z J O N I

F’DIN LEDIZZJONI.. Mill-Pinna ...


Learning to Sing


L-intervista ma’


Bandisti talKulleġġ


Larinġ, larinġ u aktar larinġ


A local educational school visit….


Storja Fittizja— Isaacobo l-Aljen


A local educational school visit….


Messaġġ milParents Teacher Association (SPMC)


At the Zoo


The Robbery


Funny Sentences


1 1

M A R Z U -

2 0 1 6

Mill-Pinna ... Għeżież Studenti, Wasalna kważi fi tmiem ta’ dan it-tieni term ta’ din is-sena skolastika, u ħafna minnkom qegħdin bħalissa jagħmlu l-eżamijiet jew it-tasks tagħhom. Bħalma kelli okkazjoni ngħid lil ħafna minnkom, dan huwa l-mument li fih intom turu lill-ġenituri tagħkom u lilna l-għalliema u edukaturi dak li intom tgħallimtu, b’mod speċjali f’dawn l-aħħar xahrejn. Ċert li tgħallimtu ħafna, u nittama li kellkom okkazjoni turu x’tafu fil-karti tal-eżamijiet tagħkom. Jiena nawgura li kulħadd jirnexxilu jagħmel hekk. Nistenna mingħandkom li tagħmlu ħilitkom, u forsi anke daqsxejn aktar sforz, u hekk taslu biex iġġibu l-marka li jistħoqqilkom. Mhux għax il-ħajja fl-iskola hija biss lezzjonijiet u eżamijiet. Tafu biżżejjed li mhux hekk il-każ. Tafu kemm ikollna attivitajiet differenti, u kemm fis-sillabu stess għandna suġġetti li m’humiex tal-kitba. Biżżejjed insemmu Jum il-Premjazzjoni tas-Senior School. Filwaqt li ngħid prosit lil kull student, nirreferi b’mod speċjali għall-musical Christopher Columbus. L-istorja inbniet madwar żewġt itfal li xtaqu jimbarkaw fuq avventura. U rnexxilehom! Forsi ma stennewx daqshekk. Imma tgħallmu ħafna dwar il-ħajja. Apparti dan, ħareġ ħafna fid-deher it-talent tal -atturi, kantanti, u mużiċisti, il-ħidma tal-back stage crew, u t-talenti artistiċi ta’ dawk li ħadmu fuq is-sett. Prosit kbira ta’ kemm huma kapaċi, u prosit ukoll lill-għalliema li mexxewhom. Dan jawgura ħafna għall-futur ukoll. Il-bieraħ attendejt għall-ftuħ uffiċċjali tal-esebizzjoni intitolata Bil-Qatra l-Qatra, f’Palazzo De La Salle, il-Belt. Fiha, numru sabiħ ta’ studenti esponew ix-xogħol artistiku tagħhom. Fosthom kien hemm ukoll ħames pitturi ta’ David Mercieca, David Bonello, Gabriel Bonavia, Ryan Micallef u Tony Grima, studenti tas-Senior School. Prosit tassew. Min jaf kemm ħassewhom kburin. Jien ukoll ħassejtni verament kburi bit-talent li għandhom u b’dak li ppreżentaw. Mhux bihom biss, tafux. Inħossni kburi wkoll bil-ħidma ta’ kull student, u jiena ċert li lkoll kemm intom għandkom dik ix-xi ħaġa speċjali. Agħrfu it-talenti tagħkom, u ħaddmuhom. Tieħdu sodisfazzjon intom, u tagħtu pjaċir lil ħaddieħor. Awguri u l-Għid it-Tajjeb lilkom u lill-familji tagħkom.

Fr Silvio 11 ta’ Marzu 2016



Learning to Sing Assigned to help out in the early morning assemblies of our Primary school, after 9 years as director of a children’s Home, was not exactly what I imagined for myself as my next pastoral ministry. What on earth was a middle-aged priest going to say to 11 year olds, nay, 5 year olds!? My initial assemblies were cumbersome and laboured, the kids looked at me like I was some grandfather clock! Or at least that’s how it felt! Teachers’ names eluded me for the better part of three months till Christmas, but then, I realised that it was slowly becoming easier. To make it more difficult, I was filling an immense void left by our beloved Fr. Martin Galea, the missionary SPMC Junior School has adopted as her own as he toils with our novitiate in the Philippines.

CD’s and songs on tv and radio), on Mission Week and the Christmas carol season. There I realised, that whilst sometimes I do sing like a cow, at times, singing along with our boys is actually liberating.

Gradually, the fetters were left behind. But there was one stumbling block I could not surpass. I simply cannot sing. Never have, never will. Or so I thought! Fast forward to the first time Ms Magdalen was not there and I had to intone the national hymn! Or the day when I had to lead singing with Fr. Karm Debattista (yes, the one of many

Fr Frankie Cini



Next come our liturgies. From drab affairs as flat as pancakes, through the PCT team, and the commitment of the teachers in preparing lovely songs for masses, our liturgies are becoming alive! To the point, that as I sing along with our boys during Mass, I get this uncanny sense that, not only our boys sing with their heart and soul, they also show us adults who minister to them, that it is only when we let go of our self-consciousness, that we are truly ready to receive the gift of God.



L-Intervista ma’... F’kull ћarġa ta’ din l-eNewsletter, ikollna Minn meta kont żgћira dejjem kont nixtieq li intervista ma’ xi ћadd mill-Kulleġġ. Din id- nsir gћalliema u din ix-xewqa baqgћet darba jmiss lil ...... tissoda iktar ma nikber. Kont gћadni fissekondarja u l-Franċiż, b’mod partikolari, Isem sћiћ: Tiziana Calleja minn dejjem kien jogћġobni. Rwol fl-iskola: Episodju ћelu li gћaddejt minnu: Jien ngћallem l-Ingliż u l-Franċiż fl-iskola Episodju sabiћ li gћaddejt minnhu huwa sekondarja u l-Arti fl-iskola primarja. meta mort nistudja l-Franċiż fi Franza. Irbaћt Nieћu ћsieb ukoll ta’ l-Eko-Skola. borża ta’ studju, grazzi gћall-Ambaxxata ta’ Sfortunatament, iktar ma jgћaddi żmien l- Franza f’Malta u din l-opportunità gћenitni ambjent iktar qed jitgћakkas u nћoss li biex nikseb esperjenzi ġodda u ntejjeb il-livell gћandu bżonn ћafna avukati biex jiġġieldu ta’ Franċiż tiegћi. gћad-drittijiet tiegћu. Ikel Favorit:

Xewqa kbira li gћandi:

Inћobb ћafna niekol u diffiċli biex nagћżel Jiena persuna li noћlom ћafna u ma tantx imma kieku kelli nagћżel, nagћżel l-ikel naqta’ qalbi malajr. Ħolma kbira li gћandi hija Indjan. Tista’ tgћid li dort l-maġġoranza tarli mmur l-Indja u l-Eġittu. Nixtieq immur lrestoranti li joffru dan l-ikel f’Malta. Indja minћabba li jinterssani ћafna nkun naf Nibża mill-: fuq kulturi oћra. Nixtieq immur l-Eġittu gћax Wirdien jew inkella kwalunkwe insett b’ћafna tinteressani ћafna l-era tal-Piramidi. saqajn!!

Passatempi: L-Arti, l-Qari – nixtieq li kieku gћandi iktar żmien gћalihom. Dawn jgћinuni nirrilassa u lћin ma narahx gћaddej. Karatteristiċi partikulari: Jien persuna paċenzjuża ћafna. Jekk nara li gћandek bżonn l-gћajnuna, nagћmel minn kollox biex ngћinek. Meta kont żgћir/a xtaqt insir (u gћaliex):





Bandisti tal-Kulleġġ... Brandon Farrugia Form 2A Jien jisimni Brandon Farrugia, u qiegħed fil-klassi tat-2A. Bi pjaċir ngħid illi din hija t-tieni sena tiegħi li qiegħed indoqq il-klarinett mal- banda tal-Kulleġġ! Matul is-sena aħna nieħdu sehem f’diversi attivitajiet fosthom ir-Rector’s Day, il-Kunċert tal-Milied, kif ukoll il-Prize day! Aħna niltaqgħu frekwentament waqt il-ħin tar-rekreazzjoni u aktar ma joqrob iż-żmien tal-avvenimenti inqattgħu nofs ta’ nhari sħaħ flimkien.

Matthew Zammit Form 2A I started playing in the school band since I was in Form One. I used to play the violin but this year I switched to piano since I play both. Playing in the school band is interesting and fun at the same time. I was given the opportunity to listen and look at other instruments which are often displayed in pictures like the trumpet or the saxophone first hand and through the school band I learnt how to match my playing with my fellow band mates. The school band also led me to make new friends, but mostly it helped me improve my sense of timing. In the band, I learnt that we need each other to perform so having someone absent during rehearsals is like losing a limb in the school band. The band is also led by a brilliant teacher, Ms. Carmen Deguara. She is very dedicated to the band’s cause and the band would be lost without her. She leads the entire school band during rehearsals and performing so we are really lucky to have her. In conclusion, all the band members cooperate with every event that involves us and I am proud to be a member of the school band.




Larinġ, larinġ u aktar larinġ... Din is-sena, it-tfal tal-Junior 1 kellhom żewġ ħarġiet fejn il-larinġ kellu rwol importanti. L-ewwel ħarġa kienet relatata mas-sillabu tal-Istudju Soċjali. Din kienet tikkonsisti f’passiġġata madwar l-iskola, biex it-tfal isiru jafu aħjar l-ambjent ta’ madwar l-iskola. Fr Silvio ġentilment akkumpanjana u serva ta’ gwida f’din il-ħarġa. Matul il-mixja Fr Silvio wera u kellimna dwar diversi pjanti, siġar, fjuri u statwi li nsibu madwar l-iskola. Iżda l-isbaħ parti tal-ħarġa kienet meta wasalna fil-ġnien tal-larinġ. It-tfal setgħu jaqtgħu ftit larinġ u aħna rħejnilha nqaxxru u nqassmu dan il-larinġ bnin u mmerraq lit-tfal. Niżel għasel u ħafna tfal baqgħu ġejjin għal aktar! Tpaxxejna narawhom jieklu u jieħdu pjacir! F’ħarġa oħra li kellna żorna l-fabbrika tal-iSmoochie. Hawnhekk it-tfal kellhom lopportunità jagħmlu xarba tal-frott bnina u sustanzjuża mill-bidu sal-aħħar. Bdew millħasil tal-frott, it-tagħsir u t-taħlit tal-frott. Fl-aħħar setgħu jixorbu l-prodott finali magħmul mil-larinġ, frawli, banana u frott ieħor. Setgħu jaraw ukoll il-produzzjoni sħiħa tal-iSmoochies. Esperjenza liema bħala! Fl-istess ġurnata morna sal-ġnien ta’ San Anton, fejn minbarra li gawdejna l-atmosfera sabiħa, it-tfal kellhom Maths Trail. Tgħidx kemm ħadu gost iduru u jfittxu dak li kien qed isaqsihom fil-Maths Trail. Għal darb’oħra kienet ħarġa interessanti u edukattiva li t-tfal mhux ser jinsew malajr.

Ms Sharon Naudi Junior 1





A local educational school visit organised by SPMC During the Christmas activities, the Senior 4 environmental studies option group at SPMC visited the Manikata Heritage Trail. This educational visit led to new knowledge about organic farming, different types of soil, soil conservation and about different types of trees. The place is beautiful and very peaceful. The farm was absolutely typical of Maltese architecture. At first I felt a bit irked because we were surrounded by chickens as we entered the farm however, the place is very organised and clean. We had the opportunity to admire the harvested crops ready to be sold. The fields were tightly packed with mossy grass and tiny flowers which made the scenery lovely. The weather was perfect. Even though it was December it was still sunny with some cool, light breeze in the shade of the trees. We went to the area reserved to trees and all of us were impressed with how perfect nature’s creations grow. At first we spent some time following our leader and followed what she was saying while jotting down some useful notes. We spent a long time walking from path to path in these marvellous fields, but after all that walking we had some work to carry out. At first nobody liked it but at the end everyone said that it was an enjoyable new experience. We collected eggs from under the chickens, fed the sheep and goats and watered the plants and trees. To thank us for our help, the farmers kindly offered us freshly cut fruit to eat. This educational trip was an opportunity to learn various things about agriculture. Ms. Veronica and the farmers explained everything in detail. They also gave us leaflets about conservation of water and soil. These people positively inspired us to work in agriculture in the future. All the students felt very pleased with this experience. My opinion is that these people are doing a great job. Places like these are very interesting and moreover, can even serve as an ideal location for a family outing. I recommend other schools to take students on such trips as they are very interesting and educational.

Ryan Micallef 4B





Storja Fittizja – Isaacobo l-Aljen Darba waħda kien hemm tifel jismu Jacob. Dan kien rieqed fissodda komda tiegħu. Hu sema` taħbita mal- ħġieġa u mar jiftaħ ittieqa. Hu lemaħ aljen aħdar li qal li kien jismu Isaacobo. L-aljen beda jitkellem fuq il-vettura spazjali tiegħu. Infurmah li kien spiċċalha llikwidu li bih kienet ittir. Jacob stiednu biex jilgħab miegħu imma l -aljen ma kienx jaf kif. Jacob spjegalu kif tilgħab u bdew jilagħbu flimkien. Kemm daħku u ħadu gost! L-aljen talbu biex iġib tazza likwidu għax kien sar il-ħin biex jerġa’ jmur lura fuq Pluto. It-tifel ġab tazza likwidu kiesaħ u l-aljen daħħal iċ-ċavetta ġo ġebla kbira. F’dak il-ħin il-ġebla saret vettura spazjali li sparixxiet. It-tifel mar jorqod u fl-aħħar induna li din kienet biss ħolma!

Isaac Micallef — Junior 4 Tigers





A local educational school visit organised by SPMC About a week ago our school organized a trip to Gozo during which we were to visit the interesting temples that nowadays everyone is talking about. All the Form 4 students attended this educational trip accompanied by our History teacher Mr. Borg. Once we arrived in Gozo with the ferry, we instantly realized how attractive Gozo is from the amount of people that visit this island each and every day. We were welcomed by a tour guide and were directed to a bus to start our adventure. My friends were all energetic and excited for the adventure that awaited us. The first place we visited was “Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem” where we spent a good one hour astonished with the beauty of this live crib. We heard our teacher calling us to head back to the bus. Once we all got on, I heard the teacher say to the bus driver, “Take us to Xagħra, please”. At first I thought that our teacher was joking considering it is a funny name for a place, but once we arrived, it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. A temple stood before us, gracefully holding the sun between its rocks. The temple stood at a much higher level than we were and the rocks were enormous. Behind me I could hear my classmates gasping and taking photos of the huge temple pillars. A sign stood near a rock which said ‘This temple is called Ġgantija’, as if it read my mind. I asked the teacher if Xagħra was the biggest village in Gozo, and he answered that yes it was. I was so amazed that I just kept staring at the temple, before Mr. Borg patted my back and brought me back to reality. The day started to darken and Mr. Borg hurried us towards the bus to start our journey back home. I realized that there were more people this time on the ferry and most of them were students like us.

In my opinion the teacher did a really great job taking us somewhere so interesting and I hope that next year they will take us again but to visit a different location. I recommend that students should make a suggestion to their teacher to visit Gozo. It is as if Gozo is like a treasure ready to be discovered!!

Nathan Mifsud 4B





Il-Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) tal-Kulleġġ Missjunarju ta’ San Pawl għas-snin 2016-2018 Nhar is-Sibt 30 ta’ Jannar 2016, saret il-Laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tal-PTA u l-elezzjoni talmembri l-ġodda min-naħa tal-ġenituri, biex b’hekk seta’ jinħatar il-PTA l-ġdid għas– sentejn li ġejjin. Il-PTA il-ġdid, li ltaqa’ għall-ewwel darba nhar ’l-Erbgħa 3 ta’ Frar, huwa għalhekk magħmul mir-Rettur Fr Silvio Bezzina, mill-Assistenti Kapijiet is-Sur James Aquilina, is-Sra. Magdalen Cucciardi, u s-Sur Adrian Zahra, mill-għalliema s-Sra. Sharon Naudi u s-Sra. Isabelle Borg u mill-ġenituri, s-Sur Joe Mercieca (President), Dr. Keith Cilia Debono (Viċi President), is-Sra. Bernardette Micallef (Segretarja), s-Sra. Bernice Farrugia (Viċi Segretarja) u s-Sur Marco Vella, is-Sra. Vanessa Vella u s-Sra. Josette Frendo (Membri) li lkoll offrew is-servizz tagħhom fuq is-Sotto Kumitati. Nixtieq f’isem sħabi tal-PTA, niżżiħajr lis-Sur Victor Friggieri, lill-Profs. Antoinette Camilleri Grima, lis-Sra. Ann Marie Cilia u lis-Sra. Fiona Farrugia, ilkoll ġenituri, kif ukoll lill-għalliema s-Sra. Dawn Zammit u s-Sur Duncan Caruana tal-kontribut siewi tagħhom fil-PTA preċedenti. Niżżuħajr ukoll li dawk kollha li offrew l-għajnuna tagħhom permezz tas-Sottokumitati fi ħdan il-PTA. Huwa ta’ pjaċir għalina li inservu għall-interess ħolistiku tal-istudenti tagħna, bis-sapport tagħkom u b’koordinament kontinwu mar-Rettur u l-Amministrazzjoni talKulleġġ. Grazzi

Keith Cilia Debono Viċi President – PTA (SPMC)






At the zoo! One day there was a zoo. At the zoo there was a zoo keeper who took care of all the animals and cleaned the floor. He used to keep the keys in his pocket. One day he was very tired and took a nap. He slept on the floor next to the giraffe. The giraffe saw the keys and got the keys with its long neck. Then the giraffe ran away. When the boss arrived at the zoo and saw the zoo keeper sleeping he got very angry. The boss said, “Next time you take a nap you will be fired”. When the zoo keeper looked at the giraffe’s place he realised that it had escaped. The zoo keeper started to shout and called for help. He called the policemen to search for the giraffe. The policemen searched and searched but they couldn’t find the giraffe. Then the policemen saw something yellow and orange. But when they got very near they found out that it was a girl with a yellow and orange t-shirt. The police continued to search until they saw yellow and orange spots. When they got near they saw the giraffe. The policemen put the giraffe in the boot of their car and took it back to the zoo.

The end!

Jerome Omoregie (Junior 2)




The Robbery One sunny morning a lady was window shopping for hats on Jules Verne Street in Naxxar. Nearby, there was a thief walking and he saw the lady’s purse in her bag. He stole her purse and started running away. The lady heard the thief’s loud footsteps and looked around. She saw the thief running with her purse in his hand. She called for help and started running after him. The thief ran past an old man. The old man who was sitting on a bench put out his new walking stick and the thief tripped over it and fell. The old man picked up the purse and gave it to the lady and she thanked the old man. A policeman who happened to be walking by arrested the thief and took him to jail.

Andrea Fenech — Junior 4 Lions






Funny Sentences :)) Ms Kathleen who teaches Junior 2 Tigers shared these funny sentences that were done in class using sounds (er, ar) and blends learnt along the way.