SRC NewsletterSpring08

Volume 2, Issue 2 1/09/08 The purpose of the SRC newsletter is to keep student pharmacists and faculty informed of all ...

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Volume 2, Issue 2 1/09/08

The purpose of the SRC newsletter is to keep student pharmacists and faculty informed of all student organization activities and opportunities. SRC voting members 2007-2008: Jackie Fredericks P3 Class president Trent Grimm P3 Vice President Bonnie Grover-Brown P2 Class President Allison Gates-Cassidy P2 Vice President Dawn Dankenbring P1 Class president Erron Swick P1 Vice President Diana Jason APhA-ASP President Emily Collins APhA-ASP President-elect Dileep Koottanal SSHP president Jessica Laubscher SSHP vice president Deonna Madson-Wooten SNPhA president Nichelle Hickland SNPhA president—elect Jeremy Hanon NCPA president Tyler Gehlbach NCPA vice president


The Student Representative Council (SRC) Newsletter Student Spotlight: Gary Pinkley Each month the SRC newsletter will put the spotlight on a currently enrolled SIUE School of Pharmacy student. The purpose of this feature is to allow students an opportunity to get to know each other better and to acknowledge the many paths that lead students to a career in pharmacy. Our first student spotlight is focused on Gary Pinkley. While Gary is not the only nontraditional student enrolled in the SOP, his story is unique in that throughout his career he has sought out new challenges and even left a high paying job at the top of his profession to pursue his dream of becoming a pharmacist. Gary’s original career plan while in high school was to become a farmer. He was very active in the Future Farmers of America and after high school and a stint in the U.S. Navy where he served as an equipment operator, he returned to his home

near Litchfield, IL and began working on a farm. However, since Gary is always looking for a new challenge, he decided to use his Navy experience as a basis for a career change. With a family to support, Gary decided to become a truck driver. However, there were no driving jobs open at the time—only a job as a mechanic. Gary took the job as a mechanic and began teaching himself the trade. Eventually, after 15 years of work Gary was in what all other mechanics would say is a dream job, working in the union shop of a well known auto dealership. Gary developed a good reputation based upon his skills and the quality of his workmanship. However, once again he began to feel the need to challenge himself. At about the same time, Gary read one of the first announcements about the new School of Pharmacy to open at SIUE.

He began to research pharmacy careers and talk with pharmacists. Everything he heard was positive and struck a chord with him. At this point, Gary asked his wife Mary, and two children to help him take on another new challenge and he began attending SIUE full-time in 2004, enrolling in pre-pharmacy courses. Coming to college was an eye-opening experience for him--new people, new ideas and new challenges. Gary earned excellent grades in the pre-pharmacy courses and was admitted to the SOP for the fall of 2007. If you got all the SIUE School of Pharmacy students together you can be sure that no two students followed the same path. Even Gary could not have guessed that his original plan to become a farmer would lead him instead to pharmacy.

Class of 2011 The Class of 2011 successfully completed the first semester at the SOP! We look forward to many exciting fundraising and community service projects in the near future. We hope to sell hooded sweatshirts and car decals within the first month of returning to school Spring semester. We will also be

planning a larger fundraiser for our class that will hopefully become an annual event. We are currently recruiting students and faculty to participate in Polar Plunge 2008, which takes place at Carlyle Lake and benefits the Special Olympics. It will require the participant to raise $75.00 in

order to "plunge" into the icy lake! The Class of 2011 continues to be very active with these types of events, and we look forward to more great experiences at the SOP!


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The Student Representative Council (SRC) Newsletter

Class of 2010 Since the last newsletter, the Class of 2010 has continued to stay active. Troop donations were accepted from members of the school and community during October through November. Overall, we were able to successfully collect enough items and monetary donations to send 12 holiday packages to friends of SIUE pharmacy students and faculty that are serving in Iraq. Allison Cassidy and the committee for troop donations did a great job in organizing and completing this project and should be

thanked for all their hard work. Moreover, Class of 2010 Second Annual Golf Scramble Committee met a couple of times to begin planning. The date for the spring time event will be at Fox Creek on April 5th with an alternate date the following Saturday (April 12th) in case of inclement weather. Aside from these events this semester, the Official Class of 2010 SIUE Website has been posted on P2_Class_Org.shtml thanks to Tessa Keys. Also, some members of the class started a Class of 2010 Wiki, which can be found at It currently does not have much information on it, but in the future, it will be used to compare answers to problem sets and to share other class news and events. Other events this semester include outings to restaurants after exams and a group discussion on a class issue was held. As the end of the semester was full of activity, the class decided to not commit to too many projects. Many students have brought up many good ideas, and exciting things are being planned for next semester.

Class of 2009 The Class of 2009 would like to welcome back Dr. Timpe from maternity leave. Another big thanks needs to go out to Dr. Gupchup and Ms. Connie for doing a wonderful job at filling her position while she was on leave. Our class fundraiser did extremely well. The profit for the blanket sales will be going in the pot to help fund any graduating ceremonies that we will plan. Trent Grimm and Diana Jason did a great job at organizing the class service, which

was the American Red Cross Blood Drive. Even though the weather was pretty unfavorable, we managed to exceed the goal that was set by the American Red Cross on both days. Special thanks to the P2’s and P1’s for helping us out and to all the donors and volunteers! Still to come in the next year: spaghetti dinner, class dance, Celebrating Abilities walk, and hopefully more fundraisers! Anyone that has ideas for the class,

such as additional fundraisers, services, or plans for graduation is encouraged to join a committee to make the last year and a half a huge success for the very first pharmacy class that SIUE will graduate! Your class officers will announce a class meeting sometime in January, so please attend, especially if you plan on joining any committees. There is a lot to be discussed and information to be provided.

American Pharmacists Association (APhA-ASP) The APhA-ASP chapter has been busy. Operation Diabetes kicked off in Oct. with the Kiss the Pig contest and Step out to Fight Diabetes walk. In Nov. students went into two assisted living homes and provided diabetes education along with Diabetes Bingo. Special thanks to Mary Janet Stunson for heading the Operation Diabetes committee. She was the November member of the month. November 2nd-4th was the midyear regional meeting in West Lafayette, IN in which SIUE co-hosted along with Purdue and Butler University. We had 12 students in attendance and Dean Medon was there to make the welcoming speech. It was a weekend filled with

networking opportunities, educational seminars, and the policy process. The new Illinois Pharmacy Practice Act was recently passed and Mike Patton from IPhA came to explain the changes at a recent Lunch N’ Learn. In Dec. Amy Borland lead the Operation Humanity committee. This year, the chapter adopted one large family with 7 people. We used proceeds from the trivia night fundraiser to make sure that this family had a very merry Christmas. Students wrapped and delivered the presents to the family who were extremely grateful! For all her hard efforts, Amy Borland was voted the December member of the month. We have many events coming up including the patient counseling competition Jan 24th-Jan 25th,

HPV awareness at the SIUE healthfair Feb 20th, legislative day in Springfield March 5th, and the APhA Annual meeting in sunny San Diego March 14th-March 17th. The above picture was taken during the diabetes education at Rosewood Assisted Living in Edwardsville.

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Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SSHP) .The SIUE SSHP chapter recently attended ASHP's Midyear Clinical Meeting in Las Vegas, NV December 2-7, 2007. Many students as well as faculty enjoyed the programming and exhibits the meeting had to offer. SIUE students participated in the Student Society Showcase in which student organizations from around the country presented their activities over the past year through poster presentations. Students and SSHP chapter members can share ideas and network with other leaders from different schools of pharmacy. One of the well

distinguished features of the Midyear Clinical Meeting is the Residency Showcase. The Residency Showcase houses residency programs from around the country offering residencies in community practice, hospital, clinical and many more. This considerable and interesting showcase provides the opportunity for interested pharmacy students to interact and residency directors. SIUE students benefited tremendously from early exposure to the Residency Showcase to prepare themselves for their upcoming P4 year. Last but certainly not least, SIUE's own

Diana Jason and Mary Janet Stunson competed in the Clinical Skills Competition with 91 other student pairs from schools of pharmacy across the country. Diana and Janet placed in the top ten in SIUE's very first showing at ASHP's Midyear Clinical Meeting!! This great accomplishment serves not only as a job brilliantly done by Diana and Janet but also as national recognition for the astounding professors, faculty members, deans, and students at the SIUE School of Pharmacy. Congratulations Diana and Janet!!!!

National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) The NCPA SIUE Student Chapter had its first fundraiser this December. We have been selling hats and scarves with the SIUE School of Pharmacy logo, and received orders from many of the students and staff. We will continue to sell both hats and scarves during the month of January for all who are interested. Our guitar hero tournament fundraiser will take place on January 23 in the Goshen

Goshen Lounge. All are invited to come out and play. The tournament will begin at 5:00pm. Admission is $10, and all players will receive a T-Shirt, as well as have the chance to win door prizes. Additional prizes will be given for the best rocker or groupie costume. NCPA will sponsor a series of lectures by local pharmacists discussing issues affecting community pharmacy. More details about these lectures will be made available as the dates

approach. Jackie Lopez, NCPA's Associate Director for Management & Student Affairs, will also be visiting the SIUE School of Pharmacy this coming semester. Contact [email protected] or visit for more information about chapter activities.

The Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) •Future Events:


SNPhA is currently working with WalMart to prepare for a health fair that will occur in the late part of February or early March. January 17th, SNPhA will host a booth at the Dr. Martin Luther King Convention located in St. Louis MO. The SNPhA booth will consist of information regarding HIV Awareness (Remember the Ribbon).

•Past Events: Members of SNPhA assisted Schuncks Pharmacy in Collinsville IL. with there immunization session . Attached are pictures of the members that attended the SNPhA Operation Immunization.

•Past Fundraisers: SNPhA sold SIUE School of Pharmacy Fleece and the event was a success. Look out for more cool fundraisers to come.

•Next Meeting: The next SNPhA meeting will be in Room 1102 on January 24th from 12:00-1:00pm Interested in SNPhA, contact Deonna Madison-Wooten at [email protected] for more information.

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The Student Representative Council (SRC) Newsletter


Student Representative Council Chair: Jackie Fredericks Vice Chair: Bonnie Brown Secretary: Dawn Dankenbring

SRC meeting wrap-up for 11/14/07: These are some of the hi-lites from the most recent SRC meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, we had an officer/advisor seminar on finances, travel and fundraising. Information and forms pertaining to these items are available on the SOP student announcements and policies blackboard site. Tessa Keys created a student handbook and a volunteer from each class will proofread it and provide feedback. The pins for the pinning ceremony were narrowed down to 3 pins in which the students voted via blackboard. The new student lounge was discussed in which it was decided that a TV was not necessary but trashcans certainly are. Based on student survey results, a cappuccino machine is being trialed. Cappuccinos are available in the old student lounge area. The full minutes to all SRC meetings can be viewed on blackboard under SOP student announcements and policies. Just click on SRC.

We’re on the web! pharmacy/SRC.shtml

Thanks for reading this addition of the SRC newsletter. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact one of your SRC representatives.

Health Corner: The Importance of Sleep By : Jackie Fredericks As students and former students, we are well aware of the reality that sometimes there is just not enough time in one day. These days seem particularly abundant to us now. Many of us try to compensate for the lack of time by staying awake rather than sleeping. While it may seem more logical to use every second we have to cram in that last bit of information before the big test, your lack of sleep may be hindering your performance. Individual sleep needs are variable, but sleep is essential for physical and mental well being. There are 5 stages in the healthy sleep cycle. Stage1 is the drowsiness that initiates sleep. Stage 2 is intermediate sleep, which progresses to stages 3 and 4 of deep sleep and then to stage 5 which is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep1. Normally we cycle through these stages 4 to 6 times during one sleep episode.

Dreaming occurs during REM sleep, and 8090% of people can report the content of their dreams if they are awoken during or at the end of REM sleep2. Deep sleep and REM sleep assist in the transition of short to long term memory1. The connection between sleep and memory is clearly established by a particular study in which participating subjects were allowed to sleep only 26 minutes per night for 4 consecutive nights. The subjects were given an initial cognitive test while they were well rested and then tested twice daily during the days of sleep deprivation. The results of the final administered test revealed that cognitive function, decision-making, reasoning, and episodic memory had all decreased by 38% in comparison to the control group3.

Hopefully we all return to classes well rested following our holiday break. Exams and homework will begin to pile up quickly, so think about this the next time you want to pull an all-nighter. 1. Lynch, JC. Insomnia. Presented 13 Nov 07. 2. Dipiro, Joseph T. Pharmacotherapy: a Pathophysiological Approach. New Your: McGrawHill, 2005. 689, 1321-1331. 3. Turner, T. H., Drummond, S. P. A., Salamat, J. S., & Brown, G. G. (2007). Effects of 42 hr sleep deprivation on component processes of verbal working memory [Electronic version]. Neuropsychology, 21, 787795