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2013 – 2014 Español 1 Foothill Technology High School Course Description During this first year of study, students will...

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2013 – 2014

Español 1 Foothill Technology High School Course Description During this first year of study, students will develop the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish. The focus of this class is communication in Spanish while incorporating the various cultures of many Spanish speaking countries. The course provides practice in the correct use of vocabulary and language structures to enable students to function effectively in the language at a beginning level.

Classroom Conduct Guidelines All student handbook rules and policies apply and in addition: 

RESPONSIBILITY Have all necessary materials and work needed for class. Be responsible for your actions and the work you do in this class. Participate in class and be an active learner. RESPECT Arrive on time and be prepared. Treat classmates, teacher, and yourself with respect. Respect the community and environment of the classroom. Maintain a safe environment for learning and respect the right of others to learn. No cellphones or electronic devices. No gum, food or drinks in the classroom (bottled water is acceptable). COOPERATION Cooperate with each other and the teacher. Work together to have a positive, productive and comfortable learning environment.

Tests and quizzes With the exception of Quarter and Semester Exams, most tests and quizzes are unannounced. This is done in order to adequately assess that students have acquired the material, rather than assess what they have studied or crammed for.

Instructor: Señora Leaf E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (805) 289-0023 ext.2506 Room: H-106 Tutoring: FIRE & after school by appt.

Materials  Composition book (Standard size)  Three-ring binder with three dividers for the following: 1. Class stories / Vocabulary 2. Novels 3. Songs  No. 2 pencils  Blue or black pens  Highlighter  Colored pencils  Colored markers

Evaluation The following is a breakdown of the weight of each evaluation criterion used to calculate your final grade:  Tests & Quizzes: 65%  Out of class practice: 10%  In class participation: 10%  Semester Final Exams: 15%

Participation Participation is a graded part of this language class.  Stamps are given for speaking the target language.  Ten stamps per quarter are needed for 100%.

Make-up Tests and Quizzes With the exception of quarter and semester exams, all tests and quizzes must be made up the day of your return due to the fact that they are unannounced. Tests and quizzes must be made up during FIRE.

Foothill Technology High School


Out of class practice/homework Out of class work is assigned for specific practice. Oftentimes, the work assigned is necessary for a partner based activity or a writing assignment during the next class; therefore it is pertinent that all out of class practice assignments are completed on time. If the assignment is necessary for participation in the next class, late work will not be accepted and the student will receive a zero for the assignment. For other late assignments, students may receive late credit with a reduction in the grade. Makeup work should be put in the blue basket marked absent work or stamped by me. If you miss the writing of a class story, you will need to come in during FIRE the day you return to write it in your composition book. If you miss a story entirely, you will need to write your own story using the new vocabulary structures at least three times each.

Class participation Class participation is a key component of this classroom. In order to be successful and achieve positive results, you must participate and follow the required methods of the class. Learning a language takes practice. The best way to practice is to listen attentively and use the language whenever possible. During language class is the best time to practice the target language. The most important language skill is active listening. Due to the necessity of participation in the language class, participation is a graded aspect of the class. You will be given stamps in your “Pasaporte de Participación” for speaking the target language. These will be added up at the end of each quarter for points.

Absences Absences are costly. When you are absent, you are not in class practicing your language skills, and it is difficult to make up what you missed. So, try not to be absent. Of course, some absences are unavoidable and understandable. If you are absent, you will need to check Edmodo for missed vocabulary and assignments. You will also need to check with your table partner in order to get any extra vocabulary learned that day or any handouts given. It may be necessary to come in during FIRE in order to listen to the class story that was created that day and practice the vocabulary. Remember, 1 absence on the block-schedule is equal to missing 2 classes. Try not to miss class!

Tardy Policy Students are expected to be in the class and seated before the tardy bell rings or when class begins. If a student is tardy upon entering the class, they should be seated quickly and join in whatever activity is in progress. The student is responsible for making up any activity that was missed. If the student is ten minutes tardy or more they must sign in at the front desk and obtain a note. If the student is more than 30 minutes late to any class period, the student will be marked absent.

Foothill Technology High School