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COURSE TEXT:NEW INTERCHANGE 2,STUDENT’S BOOK,UNITS 5– 8&WORKBOOK,UNITS 5-8. TIMING: Figure 28.5 contact hours, with the last session of the class (90 minutes) for the final exam. TEACHING OBJECTIVES: These are identified in the table of the contents page of New Interchange 2 and include both the functional and language targets. LEXICAL: This conventionalized language, most of which occurs in the units, should be learned and used in natural context. Have you made any plans? What are you going to You’d better/ought Where are you going do? to/should …….. . for your vacation? Would you mind…?/ S/he’s on the phone. Are you kidding? Put out your Could/Would you please…? cigarette, please. Why don’t you…? What’s this for?/ What It’s used for…/They’re Make sure to pay are these for? used to… your household bills. The bride and the groom look Before/ When/After a A … is a time when…. Trick or treat! wonderful. woman gets engaged/married, ….. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL UNIT 5 (hrs 1-7) LISTENING: The Class CD contains all the elements from New Interchange 2 ( Tracks 1-28) as well as the following listenings: Worksheet Intensive Listening for page 32. GRAMMAR: Focus on Grammar, Basic : should, shouldn’t, ought to, had better, had better not


p. 402; have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t p.414; be going to for the future p. 278; will for the future p. 290. Focus on Grammar, Intermediate: Necessity Unit 33 pp. 340-3510. Basic English Grammar pp 47 - 51 (will and going to do); pp. 105-111 (should ought to, had better, must, have to); English in Situations: 11-13 (going to do); Communicative Grammar Practice: pp 34-35 (will, going to); pp 24-25 (should, ought to, If I were you…)


VIDEO: Interchange 2- Sequence 5 “Did anyone see the tent?”(A family goes on a camping trip outside Santa Fe, New Mexico.); Making suggestions; Vocab.: Camping words. UNIT 6 (hrs 8-14) LISTENING: Worksheet Intensive Listening for page 36; Worksheet Intensive Listening for

page 37.

GRAMMAR: Focus on Grammar, Intermediate/Unit 13 Requests with modals pp. 134-141.


Focus on Grammar Basic: Desires, invitations, requests: would like, would you like…? Would you please…? P. 342. Fundamentals of English Grammar: pp. 241-243 (Separable two-word verbs) pp. 102-104 (Can you, could you, would you…?); Communicative Grammar Practice p. 20 (Would you doing… Could you…Would you mind if…?);

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VIDEO: Interchange 2- Sequence 6 “Oh, I’m sorry!” (An accident-prone man meets his match); Making requests; Vocab. The language of requests. UNIT 7 ( 7 hrs) LISTENING: Tracks 48 & 49 Active Listening – Introducing. Unit 19 pp. 60-61-62 “Describing

inventions and where they came from” ; Song: Track 50: “Wind” by Cat Stevens. GRAMMAR: Focus on Grammar, Basic: Verbs + Nouns, Gerunds, infinitives p.242 Focus on Grammar , Intermediate: Infinitives + Gerunds Unit 31 pp. 306-316. Fundamentals of English Grammar: pp. 262-270: (It's done BY DOING…I went to the post office TO MAIL a letter..).English in Situations: pp 110 - 112 (By/For/Of DOING ST) VIDEO: Interchange 2- Sequence 7: Documentary “Great Inventions.”(People talk about and demonstrate their inventions at an inventors’ congress in Florida.); Describing something; Vocab. Gadgets and inventions. Unit 8 ( 7 hrs) LISTENING: Tracks 29 thru 33 Active Listening Introducing Unit 12 pp. 39-40 (Describing gifts and greetings in different countries); Tracks 34 thru 47 Active Listening Introducing Unit 18 pp. 57-59 (Talking about holidays and customs in different countries); Song: Track 51 “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens. VIDEO: Interchange 2- Sequence 8 Documentary “Thanksgiving” (People describe what they eat at Thanksgiving dinner.); Describing an event; Vocab. Thanksgiving foods.

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