system center 2012 configuration manager servicing extension beta has been released

MOBS Bangladesh Meeting of Brilliant Syche - IT Pro's Corner System Center 2012 Configuration M...

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MOBS Bangladesh Meeting of Brilliant Syche - IT Pro's Corner

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Servicing Extension BETA Has Been Released Author : Shuvro System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Servicing Extension has been released to the Configuration Manager Open Beta community! You can download the Beta here: ownloadID=53752 System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Servicing Extension provides useful information for maintaining a Configuration Manager environment. Servicing Extension provides the following capabilities: Notifies you of Configuration Manager updates as they become available, with the ability to filter updates according to which major release they apply to Provides details on the sites in your environment, including the last major Configuration Manager version installed and the most recently installed Cumulative Update Provides a list of Configuration Manager client versions that may be present in your environment, and makes it easy to create queries to locate these clients Provides a built-in RSS reader to display recent blog postings from the System Center Configuration Manager Team Blog and The Configuration Manager Support Team Blog

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