Telecoms Human Resource Management

Telecoms Human Resource Management BD 008 Overview This course examines the role of HRM in business viability and rela...

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Telecoms Human Resource Management

BD 008

Overview This course examines the role of HRM in business viability and relative performance. When competently handled, THRM helps the telecom firms to operate cost-effectively in the industry in which it competes and legitimately in the societies in which it is embedded. The course presents possible action plans for developing and managing human resources (HR) in an organization, in the context of market forces and best practices. Participants will learn how to investigate the development of talent pools and HR- related projects, with illustrations of various information systems for HR management provided. Participants will develop the skills necessary to plan and manage HR programmes in today’s ever-changing environment. For more information: about this course, or to register, contact us on: Tel: +254 20 243 7599, +254 727407925, +254 704208131, Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Training • Consultancy • Resourcing For more Information Nxt pg

Telecoms Human Resource Management Course Objectives

Managing Employee Relations

1) Develop a clear and meaningful understanding of human resource management theory, functions and practices;

• Positive/Progressive discipline

2) Comprehend and defend the role and value of human resource management in the success of modern telecoms organizations;

• Terminations The Union-Management Framework • Philosophy of Unionism • Functions of Unions

3) Apply human resource management concepts and skills across a variety of contexts, situations and incidents

Collective Agreements

Target Audience

• Union as organizations

Telecommunications HR managers; heads of department.

About Viscar

Course Outline

Viscar Industrial Capacity Ltd is a dynamic Training,

Introduction to HRM • HRM activities and roles • Professionalism in a HRM context

• The Collective Bargaining Process

Consulting and Resourcing firm that provides innovative Information Technology and Engineering solutions for corporates and businesses. Viscar has a rich history of driving innovation and excellence in capacity building and

HR Strategy

partners with organizations to enhance productivity and

• Strategy and the process of strategic management

optimize strategic output.

• Strategic HRM: ‘best fit’ or ‘best practice’? • Strategic HRM and sustained competitive advantage

Founded in 2008, Viscar has to date equipped over 5000 staff with skills and knowledge in technology that has

Objectives and metrics of HRM

improved productivity, increased efficiency and reduced

• HR across management structures, and orientations

risks in several organizations. In the period, Viscar has

• Development of HR through history Turnover

also provided advisory and consulting services for over 20 organizations across a wide range of sectors.

• Turnover impacts, calculations

For more information about registration please contact Tel: +254 20 243 7599, +254 727407925, +254 704208131, Email: [email protected], skamau@viscarcapacity. com, [email protected]