the little book of revolution

FREE [DOWNLOAD] THE LITTLE BOOK OF REVOLUTION EBOOKS PDF Author :David Akadjian / Category :Communication / Total Pages ...

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FREE [DOWNLOAD] THE LITTLE BOOK OF REVOLUTION EBOOKS PDF Author :David Akadjian / Category :Communication / Total Pages : 284 pages

Download The Little Book Of Revolution PDF Summary : Free the little book of revolution pdf download - the direction of change in the united states over the past 40-50 years has been decidedly in favor of wealthy individuals and corporate special-interest groups such as the u s chamber of commerce these groups have influenced government to lower the cost of labor to cut their share of payment to our country and to establish monopoly-like conditions for certain industries for all practical purposes the government of the united states no longer acts in the interests of the people of our country is the situation hopeless no but the game has tilted heavily in favor of money and corporate interests how do we win back representation how do we reclaim democracy how do we shift the direction of change in the face of this tremendous money disadvantage the answer i believe lies in our strengths our numbers our values and our story trying to do it all at once however can appear daunting and even overwhelming the question i hear most often is what can i do i wanted to focus on this very basic question this question indicates both a feeling of helplessness and a very real desire to help to contribute in a meaningful way but how how do we create an environment for change what strategies would work best given the marketing of corporate special interests what things can people do to help shift the landscape this book focuses on several simple and practical steps that if taken by enough people would create a system for change---a way to make the seemingly impossible task of restoring democracy possible Pusblisher : on 2014-07-01 / ISBN : 0692220348