TSALE flowchart

City of Pittsburgh Treasurer’s Sale and Property Reserve Process* Info Request: Property is identifed by 3rd party Rede...

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City of Pittsburgh Treasurer’s Sale and Property Reserve Process* Info Request: Property is identifed by 3rd party

Redemption Period Notice is given to all deed holdersǂ

Eligible Properties' 'feasibility applications' submitted

•CDC •URA •Private Party




-23wks City completes due diligence for basic eligibility



URA reviews for feasibility





Pending Sale is publicly advertisedǂ

•1+ prior years tax delinquent? •Vacant? •Serviceable Address?

CDC deposits $ and Promissory Note


**Property is placed into Pittsburgh Property Reserve with a Quit Claim Deed in City's Name

Notice made to all Lien Holdersǂ

Quiet Title Process



City Council authorizes transaction, City Prepares and enters into Proposal to Purchase agreement with CDC

Title Report Orderedǂ •All lien-holders identified •Bank •Taxing Bodies •Contractors

**While in Property Reserve:** Free & Clear Title Granted (by Judge)

Hearing for Quiet Title Petition


+8wks Court Petition to Quiet Title



Notice to all parties of interestǂ

*Notes: • Not every step city agencies take is included in this chart, for simplification • Timelines provided are under best conditions. Actual timelines are slightly longer.

+17wks Closing (eligible) •settlement costs ǂ

• City of Pittsburgh owns the property, not the Community Group • No Property Taxes Accrue (but Water & Sewer monthly fees do) • City is responsible for basic maintenance and securing ǂ • No Liability or Property Insurance is needed