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Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro G / D/G...

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Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro G / D/G C/G | G / D/G C/G C D/C / C | / / D/C C Verse 1 G D/G C/G G / D/G C/G Great is Your faith - ful - ness C D/C C D/C C Great is Your faith - fulness Dsus You never change C G / D/G C/G | G / D/G C/G You never fail O God G D/G C/G G / D/G C/G True are your prom - is - es C D/C C D/C C True are your prom - is - es Dsus You never change C2 G / D/G C | G You never fail O God Chorus Em7 G2 And so we raise up holy hands C2 Em7 To praise the Holy One C2 Dsus G2 Who was and is and is to come Em7 G2 Yeah we raise up holy hands C2 Em7 To praise the Holy One C2 Dsus G2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = G Verse 2 G D/G C/G G / D/G C/G Wide is Your love and grace C D/C C D/C C Wide is Your love and grace Dsus You never change C You never fail G / D/G C/G G / D/G C/G (Chorus) O God Instrumental G2 / / / | Em7 / / / | C2 / / / G/B / / / | Dsus / / / | Em7 / / / C2 / / / | G2/B / / / | Dsus / / / Bridge Em7 C2 You were, You are G/B Dsus You will always be Em7 C2 You were, You are G/B Dsus (Chorus) You will always Ending Em7 / / / | G2 / / / | C2 / / / Em7 / / / | C2 / / / | Dsus / / / G2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) C











©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro A / E/A D/A | A / E/A D/A D E/D / D | / / E/D D Verse 1 A E/A D/A A / E/A D/A Great is Your faith - ful - ness D E/D D E/D D Great is Your faith - fulness Esus You never change D A / E/A D/A | A / E/A D/A You never fail O God A E/A D/A A / E/A D/A True are your prom - is - es D E/D D E/D D True are your prom - is - es Esus You never change D2 A / E/A D | A You never fail O God Chorus F#m7 A2 And so we raise up holy hands D2 F#m7 To praise the Holy One D2 Esus A2 Who was and is and is to come F#m7 A2 Yeah we raise up holy hands D2 F#m7 To praise the Holy One D2 Esus A2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = A Verse 2 A E/A D/A A / E/A D/A Wide is Your love and grace D E/D D E/D D Wide is Your love and grace Esus You never change D You never fail A / E/A D/A A / E/A D/A (Chorus) O God Instrumental A2 / / / | F#m7 / / / | D2 / / / A/C# / / / | Esus / / / | F#m7 / / / D2 / / / | A2/C# / / / | Esus / / / Bridge F#m7 D2 You were, You are A/C# Esus You will always be F#m7 D2 You were, You are A/C# Esus (Chorus) You will always Ending F#m7 / / / | A2 / / / | D2 / / / F#m7 / / / | D2 / / / | Esus / / / A2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) A











©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab | Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab Db Eb/Db / Db | / / Eb/Db Db

Tempo = 106 :: Key = Ab Verse 2 Ab Eb/Ab Db/Ab Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab Wide is Your love and grace Db Eb/Db Db Eb/Db Db Wide is Your love and grace Ebsus You never change Db You never fail Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab (Chorus) O God

Verse 1 Ab Eb/Ab Db/Ab Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab Great is Your faith - ful ne - ss Db Eb/Db Db Eb/Db Db Great is Your faith - fulness Ebsus You never change Db Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab | Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab Instrumental You never fail O Go- d Ab2 / / / | Fm7 / / / | Db2 / / / Ab Eb/Ab Db/Ab Ab / Eb/Ab Db/Ab True are your prom - is es Ab/C / / / | Ebsus / / / | Fm7 / / / Db Eb/Db Db Eb/Db Db Db2 / / / | Ab2/C / / / | Ebsus / / / True are your prom - is - es Bridge Ebsus You never change Fm7 Db2 You were, You are Db2 Ab / Eb/Ab Db | Ab You never fail O God Ab/C Ebsus You will always be Chorus Fm7 Db2 You were, You are Fm7 Ab2 And so we raise up holy hands Ab/C Ebsus (Chorus) You will always Db2 Fm7 To praise the Holy One Ending Db2 Ebsus Ab2 Who was and is and is to come Fm7 / / / | Ab2 / / / | Db2 / / / Fm7 Ab2 Fm7 / / / | Db2 / / / | Ebsus / / / Yeah we raise up holy hands Ab2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) Db2 Fm7 To praise the Holy One Db2 Ebsus Ab2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro B / F#/B E/B | B / F#/B E/B E F#/E / E | / / F#/E E Verse 1 B F#/B E/B B / F#/B E/B Great is Your faith - ful - ness E F#/E E F#/E E Great is Your faith - fulness F#sus You never change E B / F#/B E/B | B / F#/B E/B You never fail O God B F#/B E/B B / F#/B E/B True are your prom - is - es E F#/E E F#/E E True are your prom - is - es F#sus You never change E2 B / F#/B E | B You never fail O God Chorus G#m7 B2 And so we raise up holy hands E2 G#m7 To praise the Holy One E2 F#sus B2 Who was and is and is to come G#m7 B2 Yeah we raise up holy hands E2 G#m7 To praise the Holy One E2 F#sus B2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = B Verse 2 B F#/B E/B B / F#/B E/B Wide is Your love and grace E F#/E E F#/E E Wide is Your love and grace F#sus You never change E You never fail B / F#/B E/B B / F#/B E/B (Chorus) O God Instrumental B2 / / / | G#m7 / / / | E2 / / / B/D# / / / | F#sus / / / | G#m7 / / / E2 / / / | B2/D# / / / | F#sus / / / Bridge G#m7 E2 You were, You are B/D# F#sus You will always be G#m7 E2 You were, You are B/D# F#sus (Chorus) You will always Ending G#m7 / / / | B2 / / / | E2 / / / G#m7 / / / | E2 / / / | F#sus / / / B2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) B




B2/D# 3








©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb | Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb Eb F/Eb / Eb | / / F/Eb Eb Verse 1 Bb F/Bb Eb/Bb Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb Great is Your faith - ful ne- ss Eb F/Eb Eb F/Eb Eb Great is Your faith - fulness Fsus You never change Eb Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb | Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb You never fail O Go- d Bb F/Bb Eb/Bb Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb True are your prom - is es Eb F/Eb Eb F/Eb Eb True are your prom - is - es Fsus You never change Eb2 Bb / F/Bb Eb | Bb You never fail O God Chorus Gm7 Bb2 And so we raise up holy hands Eb2 Gm7 To praise the Holy One Eb2 Fsus Bb2 Who was and is and is to come Gm7 Bb2 Yeah we raise up holy hands Eb2 Gm7 To praise the Holy One Eb2 Fsus Bb2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = Bb Verse 2 Bb F/Bb Eb/Bb Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb Wide is Your love and grace Eb F/Eb Eb F/Eb Eb Wide is Your love and grace Fsus You never change Eb You never fail Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb Bb / F/Bb Eb/Bb (Chorus) O God Instrumental Bb2 / / / | Gm7 / / / | Eb2 / / / Bb/D / / / | Fsus / / / | Gm7 / / / Eb2 / / / | Bb2/D / / / | Fsus / / / Bridge Gm7 Eb2 You were, You are Bb/D Fsus You will always be Gm7 Eb2 You were, You are Bb/D Fsus (Chorus) You will always Ending Gm7 / / / | Bb2 / / / | Eb2 / / / Gm7 / / / | Eb2 / / / | Fsus / / / Bb2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro C / G/C F/C | C / G/C F/C F G/F / F | / / G/F F Verse 1 C G/C F/C C / G/C F/C Great is Your faith - ful - ness F G/F F G/F F Great is Your faith - fulness Gsus You never change F C / G/C F/C | C / G/C F/C You never fail O God C G/C F/C C / G/C F/C True are your prom - is - es F G/F F G/F F True are your prom - is - es Gsus You never change F2 C / G/C F | C You never fail O God Chorus Am7 C2 And so we raise up holy hands F2 Am7 To praise the Holy One F2 Gsus C2 Who was and is and is to come Am7 C2 Yeah we raise up holy hands F2 Am7 To praise the Holy One F2 Gsus C2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = C Verse 2 C G/C F/C C / G/C F/C Wide is Your love and grace F G/F F G/F F Wide is Your love and grace Gsus You never change F You never fail C / G/C F/C C / G/C F/C (Chorus) O God Instrumental C2 / / / | Am7 / / / | F2 / / / C/E / / / | Gsus / / / | Am7 / / / F2 / / / | C2/E / / / | Gsus / / / Bridge Am7 F2 You were, You are C/E Gsus You will always be Am7 F2 You were, You are C/E Gsus (Chorus) You will always Ending Am7 / / / | C2 / / / | F2 / / / Am7 / / / | F2 / / / | Gsus / / / C2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) Am7











©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro C# / G#/C# F#/C# | C# / G#/C# F#/C# F# G#/F# / F# | / / G#/F# F# Verse 1 C# G#/C# F#/C# C# / G#/C# F#/C# Great is Your faith - ful ne- ss F# G#/F# F# G#/F# F# Great is Your faith - fulness G#sus You never change F# C# / G#/C# F#/C# | C# / G#/C# F#/C# You never fail O Go- d C# G#/C# F#/C# C# / G#/C# F#/C# True are your prom - is es F# G#/F# F# G#/F# F# True are your prom - is - es G#sus You never change F#2 C# / G#/C# F# | C# You never fail O God Chorus A#m7 C#2 And so we raise up holy hands F#2 A#m7 To praise the Holy One F#2 G#sus C#2 Who was and is and is to come A#m7 C#2 Yeah we raise up holy hands F#2 A#m7 To praise the Holy One F#2 G#sus C#2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = C# Verse 2 C# G#/C# F#/C# C# / G#/C# F#/C# Wide is Your love and grace F# G#/F# F# G#/F# F# Wide is Your love and grace G#sus You never change F# You never fail C# / G#/C# F#/C# C# / G#/C# F#/C# (Chorus) O God Instrumental C#2 / / / | A#m7 / / / | F#2 / / / C#/F / / / | G#sus / / / | A#m7 / / / F#2 / / / | C#2/F / / / | G#sus / / / Bridge A#m7 F#2 You were, You are C#/F G#sus You will always be A#m7 F#2 You were, You are C#/F G#sus (Chorus) You will always Ending A#m7 / / / | C#2 / / / | F#2 / / / A#m7 / / / | F#2 / / / | G#sus / / / C#2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro D / A/D G/D | D / A/D G/D G A/G / G | / / A/G G Verse 1 D A/D G/D D / A/D G/D Great is Your faith - ful - ness G A/G G A/G G Great is Your faith - fulness Asus You never change G D / A/D G/D | D / A/D G/D You never fail O God D A/D G/D D / A/D G/D True are your prom - is - es G A/G G A/G G True are your prom - is - es Asus You never change G2 D / A/D G | D You never fail O God Chorus Bm7 D2 And so we raise up holy hands G2 Bm7 To praise the Holy One G2 Asus D2 Who was and is and is to come Bm7 D2 Yeah we raise up holy hands G2 Bm7 To praise the Holy One G2 Asus D2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = D Verse 2 D A/D G/D D / A/D G/D Wide is Your love and grace G A/G G A/G G Wide is Your love and grace Asus You never change G You never fail D / A/D G/D D / A/D G/D (Chorus) O God Instrumental D2 / / / | Bm7 / / / | G2 / / / D/F# / / / | Asus / / / | Bm7 / / / G2 / / / | D2/F# / / / | Asus / / / Bridge Bm7 G2 You were, You are D/F# Asus You will always be Bm7 G2 You were, You are D/F# Asus (Chorus) You will always Ending Bm7 / / / | D2 / / / | G2 / / / Bm7 / / / | G2 / / / | Asus / / / D2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) A/D











©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db | Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db Gb Ab/Gb / Gb | / / Ab/Gb Gb

Tempo = 106 :: Key = Db Verse 2 Db Ab/Db Gb/Db Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db Wide is Your love and grace Gb Ab/Gb Gb Ab/Gb Gb Wide is Your love and grace Absus You never change Gb You never fail Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db (Chorus) O God

Verse 1 Db Ab/Db Gb/Db Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db Great is Your faith - ful ne - ss Gb Ab/Gb Gb Ab/Gb Gb Great is Your faith - fulness Absus You never change Gb Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db | Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db Instrumental You never fail O Go- d Db2 / / / | Bbm7 / / / | Gb2 / / / Db Ab/Db Gb/Db Db / Ab/Db Gb/Db True are your prom - is es Db/F / / / | Absus / / / | Bbm7 / / / Gb Ab/Gb Gb Ab/Gb Gb Gb2 / / / | Db2/F / / / | Absus / / / True are your prom - is - es Bridge Absus You never change Bbm7 Gb2 You were, You are Gb2 Db / Ab/Db Gb | Db You never fail O God Db/F Absus You will always be Chorus Bbm7 Gb2 You were, You are Bbm7 Db2 And so we raise up holy hands Db/F Absus (Chorus) You will always Gb2 Bbm7 To praise the Holy One Ending Gb2 Absus Db2 Who was and is and is to come Bbm7 / / / | Db2 / / / | Gb2 / / / Bbm7 Db2 Bbm7 / / / | Gb2 / / / | Absus / / / Yeah we raise up holy hands Db2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) Gb2 Bbm7 To praise the Holy One Gb2 Absus Db2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218

Tempo = 106 :: Key = E

Intro E / B/E A/E | E / B/E A/E A B/A / A | / / B/A A

Verse 2 E B/E A/E E / B/E A/E Wide is Your love and grace A B/A A B/A A Wide is Your love and grace Bsus You never change A You never fail E / B/E A/E E / B/E A/E (Chorus) O God

Verse 1 E B/E A/E E / B/E A/E Great is Your faith - ful - ness A B/A A B/A A Great is Your faith - fulness Bsus You never change A E / B/E A/E | E / B/E A/E You never fail O God E B/E A/E E / B/E A/E True are your prom - is - es A B/A A B/A A True are your prom - is - es Bsus You never change A2 E / B/E A | E You never fail O God

Instrumental E2 / / / | C#m7 / / / | A2 / / / E/G# / / / | Bsus / / / | C#m7 / / / A2 / / / | E2/G# / / / | Bsus / / / Bridge C#m7 A2 You were, You are E/G# Bsus You will always be C#m7 A2 You were, You are E/G# Bsus (Chorus) You will always

Chorus C#m7 E2 And so we raise up holy hands A2 C#m7 To praise the Holy One A2 Bsus E2 Who was and is and is to come C#m7 E2 Yeah we raise up holy hands A2 C#m7 To praise the Holy One A2 Bsus E2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Ending C#m7 / / / | E2 / / / | A2 / / / C#m7 / / / | A2 / / / | Bsus / / / E2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) A














©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb | Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Ab Bb/Ab / Ab | / / Bb/Ab Ab Verse 1 Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Great is Your faith - ful ne- ss Ab Bb/Ab Ab Bb/Ab Ab Great is Your faith - fulness Bbsus You never change Ab Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb | Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb You never fail O Go- d Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb True are your prom - is es Ab Bb/Ab Ab Bb/Ab Ab True are your prom - is - es Bbsus You never change Ab2 Eb / Bb/Eb Ab | Eb You never fail O God Chorus Cm7 Eb2 And so we raise up holy hands Ab2 Cm7 To praise the Holy One Ab2 Bbsus Eb2 Who was and is and is to come Cm7 Eb2 Yeah we raise up holy hands Ab2 Cm7 To praise the Holy One Ab2 Bbsus Eb2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = Eb Verse 2 Eb Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Wide is Your love and grace Ab Bb/Ab Ab Bb/Ab Ab Wide is Your love and grace Bbsus You never change Ab You never fail Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb Eb / Bb/Eb Ab/Eb (Chorus) O God Instrumental Eb2 / / / | Cm7 / / / | Ab2 / / / Eb/G / / / | Bbsus / / / | Cm7 / / / Ab2 / / / | Eb2/G / / / | Bbsus / / / Bridge Cm7 Ab2 You were, You are Eb/G Bbsus You will always be Cm7 Ab2 You were, You are Eb/G Bbsus (Chorus) You will always Ending Cm7 / / / | Eb2 / / / | Ab2 / / / Cm7 / / / | Ab2 / / / | Bbsus / / / Eb2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro F / C/F Bb/F | F / C/F Bb/F Bb C/Bb / Bb | / / C/Bb Bb Verse 1 F C/F Bb/F F / C/F Bb/F Great is Your faith - ful - ness Bb C/Bb Bb C/Bb Bb Great is Your faith - fulness Csus You never change Bb F / C/F Bb/F | F / C/F Bb/F You never fail O God F C/F Bb/F F / C/F Bb/F True are your prom - is - es Bb C/Bb Bb C/Bb Bb True are your prom - is - es Csus You never change Bb2 F / C/F Bb | F You never fail O God Chorus Dm7 F2 And so we raise up holy hands Bb2 Dm7 To praise the Holy One Bb2 Csus F2 Who was and is and is to come Dm7 F2 Yeah we raise up holy hands Bb2 Dm7 To praise the Holy One Bb2 Csus F2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = F Verse 2 F C/F Bb/F F / C/F Bb/F Wide is Your love and grace Bb C/Bb Bb C/Bb Bb Wide is Your love and grace Csus You never change Bb You never fail F / C/F Bb/F F / C/F Bb/F (Chorus) O God Instrumental F2 / / / | Dm7 / / / | Bb2 / / / F/A / / / | Csus / / / | Dm7 / / / Bb2 / / / | F2/A / / / | Csus / / / Bridge Dm7 Bb2 You were, You are F/A Csus You will always be Dm7 Bb2 You were, You are F/A Csus (Chorus) You will always Ending Dm7 / / / | F2 / / / | Bb2 / / / Dm7 / / / | Bb2 / / / | Csus / / / F2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end) Bb











©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro F# / C#/F# B/F# | F# / C#/F# B/F# B C#/B / B | / / C#/B B Verse 1 F# C#/F# B/F# F# / C#/F# B/F# Great is Your faith - ful - ne- ss B C#/B B C#/B B Great is Your faith - fulness C#sus You never change B F# / C#/F# B/F# | F# / C#/F# B/F# You never fail O Go- d F# C#/F# B/F# F# / C#/F# B/F# True are your prom - is - es B C#/B B C#/B B True are your prom - is - es C#sus You never change B2 F# / C#/F# B | F# You never fail O God Chorus D#m7 F#2 And so we raise up holy hands B2 D#m7 To praise the Holy One B2 C#sus F#2 Who was and is and is to come D#m7 F#2 Yeah we raise up holy hands B2 D#m7 To praise the Holy One B2 C#sus F#2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = F# Verse 2 F# C#/F# B/F# F# / C#/F# B/F# Wide is Your love and grace B C#/B B C#/B B Wide is Your love and grace C#sus You never change B You never fail F# / C#/F# B/F# F# / C#/F# B/F# (Chorus) O God Instrumental F#2 / / / | D#m7 / / / | B2 / / / F#/A# / / / | C#sus / / / | D#m7 / / / B2 / / / | F#2/A# / / / | C#sus / / / Bridge D#m7 B2 You were, You are F#/A# C#sus You will always be D#m7 B2 You were, You are F#/A# C#sus (Chorus) You will always Ending D#m7 / / / | F#2 / / / | B2 / / / D#m7 / / / | B2 / / / | C#sus / / / F#2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin

Unchanging www.praisecharts.com/2443 :: Version 1.0 Christ First Baptist Church of Covina :: CCLI # 138218 Intro Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb | Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb B Db/B / B | / / Db/B B Verse 1 Gb Db/Gb B/Gb Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb Great is Your faith - ful - ne - ss B Db/B B Db/B B Great is Your faith - fulness Dbsus You never change B Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb | Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb You never fail O Go- d Gb Db/Gb B/Gb Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb True are your prom - is es B Db/B B Db/B B True are your prom - is - es Dbsus You never change B2 Gb / Db/Gb B | Gb You never fail O God Chorus Ebm7 Gb2 And so we raise up holy hands B2 Ebm7 To praise the Holy One B2 Dbsus Gb2 Who was and is and is to come Ebm7 Gb2 Yeah we raise up holy hands B2 Ebm7 To praise the Holy One B2 Dbsus Gb2 Who was and is and is to come 1. (Verse 2) 2. (Instrumental) 3. (Ending)

Tempo = 106 :: Key = Gb Verse 2 Gb Db/Gb B/Gb Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb Wide is Your love and grace B Db/B B Db/B B Wide is Your love and grace Dbsus You never change B You never fail Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb Gb / Db/Gb B/Gb (Chorus) O God Instrumental Gb2 / / / | Ebm7 / / / | B2 / / / Gb/Bb / / / | Dbsus / / / | Ebm7 / / / B2 / / / | Gb2/Bb / / / | Dbsus / / / Bridge Ebm7 B2 You were, You are Gb/Bb Dbsus You will always be Ebm7 B2 You were, You are Gb/Bb Dbsus (Chorus) You will always Ending Ebm7 / / / | Gb2 / / / | B2 / / / Ebm7 / / / | B2 / / / | Dbsus / / / Gb2 / / / | / / / / :|| (repeat as desired to end)

©2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishin) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing). All rights reserved. CCLI Song No. 4016669. By Chris Tomlin