unit 03 p34 vocabulary

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 3, page 34: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise A) Finding other word forms O n ce y o u h ave lea r ned a new vo ca bu la r y item , use a d ic t io n a r y t o f in d re la ted w o r ds . Th is will help y o u t o e x pa n d y o u r v o ca bu la r y base. P r a c t ice . Work with a partner or in a small group. Using a dictionary, find words related to the vocabulary items on the left. Be sure to write the parts of speech. c ha r it y n. plural ch a rities 1 [C] an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick etc. 2 [U] charity organizations in general

re la te d wo r ds a n d defin it io ns :

char-i-ta-ble adj. 1 relating to money or gifts given to people who need help, or organizations that give this kind of help 2 kind, generous, and sympathetic, especially in the way you judge people un-char-i-ta-ble adj. opposite of charitable

c o n t r ibu  t io n n. 1 [C] something that you give or do in order to help something be successful 2 [C] an amount of money that you give in order to help pay for something

in vestmen t n. 1 [C,U] the money that people or organizations have put into a company, business, or bank, in order to get a profit or to make a business activity successful 2 [C,U] a large amount of time, energy, emotion etc. that you spend on something

ph ila n t h r o pis t n. [C] a rich person who gives money to help people who are poor or who need money to do useful things

pr o fit n. [C,U] money that you gain by selling things or doing business

re la te d wo r ds a n d defin it io ns :

re la te d wo r ds a n d defin it io ns :

re la te d wo r ds a n d defin it io ns :

re la te d wo r ds a n d defin it io ns :

I dea . Add related words to entries you have in your personal glossary notebook.

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Unit 3