unit03 p31 vocabulary

NAME: DATE : Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 3, page 31: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise D) Asso c i a tin...

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 3, page 31: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise D) Asso c i a ting When y o u asso c ia te , y o u t h in k a bo u t h ow new v o c abu la r y rela tes t o w o r ds a n d c o n ce pts yo u a lrea dy k n ow . Tak in g a few min u tes t o make assoc ia t io ns will he lp y o u u n de rs ta n d an d be t te r remember new v o ca bu la r y . P r a c t ice . Complete the first word web people or things that e nc o u r a ge me by associating people or things with the vocabulary item. Then create word webs for the other vocabulary items by completing and adding more ovals. Use the back of this page if needed.

my parents

people or things that encou rage me

people or things that discou rage me from doing something

being successful at something

people or things that cheer me up

people or things that make me stick with it

people or things that get me dow n

people or things that make me feel like giving up

I dea . Try associating words and ideas you know with vocabulary you will learn in later units. Draw a word web and associate new vocabulary with words and ideas you already know.

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Unit 3