Waiting for the Call

Waiting For The Call Staging Information The storyline has two people discussing the need for direction versus preparat...

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Waiting For The Call

Staging Information The storyline has two people discussing the need for direction versus preparation for a life as a missionary or pastor. Cast: •



interviewer voice

(all actors could be either male or female) Props: Construct a phone booth, having it fairly large in order to draw the attention of the audience. Have a Bible, school books, and a diploma. Make a tape of phone ringing. Lighting: Normal lighting only. Costumes: Regular leisure clothing only Sound: Dependant on facilities Staging: Drama takes place in an open area. The phone booth is located in a Upstage Center position. Special Instructions: Each time that the words, "the call", are spoken by either actor, they must be emphasized.


SCENE ONE When the lights come up, Catherine is standing on stage by the telephone, obviously anxiously waiting for something. Bill walks on, and starts to pick up the phone to use it Catherine blocks his way. Waiting For The Call© Copyright DramaShare® 1994

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Waiting For The Call Catherine:

No! You can't!


What do you mean, "I can't"?


It's just that this phone is, well, it's. . .busy.

Bill: (Looks directly at the phone ): Doesn't look too busy to me. Catherine:

Well, maybe not right now, but it will be. (Bill looks puzzled ) You see, I'm waiting for a call.


You're waiting for a call?


Not a call, I'm waiting for the call.

Bill: (Pretending understanding ): starts to leave).

Ohhh. (Looks to audience and shrugs his shoulders,


Hey, wait a minute. Where are you going?


To find a phone that's. .available. I just got accepted at (Name of) Bible College and I want to call my pastor and let him know.


(Name of) Bridal College?


No, (Name of) Bible College. I'm going to Bible College, to learn more about God and His Word, and perhaps to discover more specifically His leading in my life.


Are you going to be a pastor?


I don't know yet. All I know is that I want to serve God, and do His will, and that I'm open to Christian work in a full-time capacity. Maybe I'll even be a missionary.


So you've had the, . . . . the call?


I don't know what. . . (looks at the phone, light dawns in his eyes ) The call. You're expecting a call (incredulously ) . . from . . . (looks up, then back at Catherine ) . . . from . . . Him?


Yes, I am, and I'm going to stay right here until the call comes.


But that's ridiculous. Where did you get a crazy idea like that?

Catherine, (slightly hurt ): Waiting For The Call© Copyright DramaShare® 1994

From the Bible, of course. Page 2

Waiting For The Call

Bill, (surprised):

From the Bible? Where? I don't remember seeing that.

Catherine, (digs out pocket New Testament): Right here. . .in Acts. . (flipping through) Yes, here it is, chapter 9, verse 3. This is my life verse. . . "As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven . . ." I believe this is talking about Saul, who became Paul. Bill:

Yes, but I don't see. . .

Catherine, (continuing on ): So then in chapter 16, verse 10, it says, "After Paul had seen the vision", (looks up at Bill to make a point), that was the light flashing from heaven, you know, (continues to read), "We got ready to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them". You see that proves it. And that's why I'm waiting for . . . the call. Bill:

Yes, but what about preparation?




Yes, like going to Bible school?


But I can't leave here.


Why not?


Because the call might come, and what if I missed it?


If it was that important, He'd call again.

Catherine, (definite): Bill:

No, you're wrong. He wouldn't.

All right. Have it your way. For me, I'm off to Bible College.

Bill exits Catherine:


Catherine talks to herself: Four years of hard work ahead of him, and he doesn't even know for sure what he wants to be. And he hasn't even had the call! (Checks the phone, lifts receiver off to listen for dial tone.) Yes, it's working all right. Man, won't he look silly when he comes home, and I'm the one who has received the call. (Smiling to herself) Well, it shouldn't be long now. Waiting For The Call© Copyright DramaShare® 1994

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Waiting For The Call Freeze to indicate end of scene

SCENE TWO As action begins again, Catherine is still standing by the telephone booth. Bill walks by with an armload of books. She watches him passively. He walks across stage, off stage, after a minute comes back on stage again with a stack of papers, muttering to himself about homework and deadlines. Again off stage for a minute, back on, this time expressing fear about internship, and finally he comes in with a diploma in his hand. Catherine is leaning against the telephone booth this last time, with her eyes closed. Bill walks over to her and taps her on the shoulder. Bill:

No call yet, eh?

Catherine, with a start: Call? There's a call? For me? (Sees Bill ) Oh, it's you. Hello there, welcome home. Bill:

Thank you. It's good to be home.


How was school?


Well, it's kind of hard to tell you about four years at once. This past semester I had my senior interview. . .(wipes brow), whew, what an ordeal!




Brother! Sure glad I studied for it, they wanted to know everything.


Oh, yeah, like what?


Well, it went a little like this. . .

Bill crosses to Downstage position. Voice of interviewer offstage. Interviewer: What do you believe concerning the inspiration of the Bible? Bill: I believe in the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures as originally given. Interviewer: What is salvation? Bill:

Coming into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through. . .

Interviewer: What is atonement?

Waiting For The Call© Copyright DramaShare® 1994

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Waiting For The Call Bill:

God's provision of His sinless Son, Jesus Christ, as a substitute. .

Interviewer: What is sin? Bill:

Anything in which man does not express or is contrary to the Holy character. . .

Interviewer: What is the four fold gospel? Bill:

Jesus Christ as Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.

Interviewer: What is found in Exodus chapter 20? Bill:

The Ten Commandments

Interviewer: Where do we find the love chapter? Bill:

1 Corinthians 13.

Interviewer: Name a hymn by Charles Wesley. Bill:

Hark the Herald. . .

Interviewer: Who was Bildad? Bill:

Bildad?....Uh, oh, one of Job's friends.

Interviewer: Thank you very much we'll be in touch. Bill crosses back over to where Catherine is standing looking incredulous. Catherine:

And then what?


Well, then I had to fill out a doctrinal questionnaire, as well as completing 6 psychological tests.


Whatever for?


Well, to be a missionary.


To go through all of that, you must've had the call by now.


Well, not exactly the way you're thinking. I'm just continuing to walk in that direction, towards missions, and, well, if God wants me there, I'm sure He'll make it possible for me to get there.

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Waiting For The Call Catherine:

And you went ahead with all this? Without "light flashing from heaven?"


I suppose so. But now I'm an accredited missionary candidate.


But you still haven't got the call, so you're no further ahead than I am. You'll just have to wait here with me now.


No, I'm not going to stand around.


What are you going to do then?


I've accepted a position in a church as an assistant pastor. My church requires two years of home service as a pastor, or assistant, or C.E. Director or a deaconess. I'm going to (name of local town).


Sounds like Podunk. Should be a ton of laughs!


Oh, I know it won't all be fun. There are some things I need to learn, I need to be stretched, I need to grow. I wouldn't be much good on the mission field with a head full of theory and no practical experience.


Well, you sure won't be much good without the call either.


But sometimes the call comes in the form of looking at the need in the world and responding to it. Let me give you an example. Suppose you saw ten people go by with a log, and nine people were carrying one end, and just one guy struggling along with the other end, who would you go help?

Catherine, hesitating at first, then responding confidently: Bill:



Well, no! Not unless I was called.

Bill, exasperated:


Well, I've got to go. Good luck with your, . . . your call.

Bill exits Catherine, calling after Bill:

I know it will come. I know it, (to herself), I think.


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Waiting For The Call SCENE THREE Catherine is sitting down, leaning against the phone booth. Bill enters, crosses to her. She stands. Bill:





No word from . . . .. (looks up, looks at Catherine )?

Catherine, annoyed:

No, but you wait, I will get the call!


Whatever you say. I just wanted to come and tell you I was on my way to (name of) Bible College. (thinks). Hey, by the way, our Sunday School superintendent is looking for teachers. Why don't you volunteer?


I can't. I'm . . .

Bill and Catherine together:

waiting for the call


Yeah, right. That's what I thought.


Why are you going back to school? Haven't you had enough?

Bill, laughing:

I feel like I've had enough, but now that my two years of home service are complete, my church requires that I have one more year of graduate study. I still say it's a lot of trouble and waste of time since you haven't had the call.


Bill: Catherine:

Well, I may not have had the call the way you think of it, but I believe I'm in God's will by continuing in missions. And after graduate studies, then what?


Oh, there will be more interviews, a placement, then when I do leave, I'll have to spend a year in formal language study, then a couple of more years continuing that study right on the field.


Sounds like a long drawn out process to me.


You're right, it's a long process, but it's well worth it.

Telephone rings. Bill and Catherine look at in surprise. Catherine starts to get excited and talks over the sound of it ringing. Waiting For The Call© Copyright DramaShare® 1994

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Waiting For The Call


The call! It's come! The call has come. Now I'll know what God wants me to be, where He wants me to go. I've finally got the call!


Well, aren't you going to answer the phone?


Yes, yes of course. And you thought I wouldn't get the call. You went ahead to Bible school, and home service, and interviews, and all that. And now I'm the one that's got the call!


Hurry, answer the phone, or you'll miss it.

Catherine steps up to the phone with a triumphant smile, clears t throat and lifts receiver.


Hello? This is Catherine. I've been right here waiting for. .(pause) . Pardon? (face begins to fall) Who? (dejected) Yes, yes, just a minute, please. (steps away from the phone) Bill? . . . It's for you!

As Bill steps up to the phone, Catherine slumps to the floor.

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