WEST WING CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY – DAY TOBY-Remember a month ago when I asked you if I was the President’s first choice? C...

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WEST WING CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY – DAY TOBY-Remember a month ago when I asked you if I was the President’s first choice? C.J.-We’re back to this? TOBY-And you called me paranoid? C.J.-Yes. TOBY-And a nudnik. You called me a paranoid nudnik. C.J.-Toby, for the 48th time, you are not the President’s second choice. TOBY-What about David Rosen? C.J.-What about David Rosen? TOBY-Mandy was just in my office, and she said she was happy David Rosen passed on my job. C.J.-Carol, we’re gonna start in a few minutes. Give ‘em fair warning. TOBY-David Rosen. C.J.-I don’t... Toby, I know nothing about David Rosen, and I don’t know where this is coming from. TOBY-He’s about to have a press conference. Let me talk to him about the gun thing .We’ll just leave Hollywood for some other time. C.J.-Since when do you need help talking to the President? TOBY-Since all of a sudden I became the kid in the class with his hand raised that nobody wants the teacher to call on. C.J.-That’s silly. TOBY-No, it is not. C.J.-Toby... TOBY-Just help me, please.