! Year 11 – prepara)on for working life – revision support
! Past papers and mark schemes -‐ h0p://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/work-‐and-‐life-‐skills/aqa-‐cer>ficate/ prepara>on-‐for-‐working-‐life-‐short-‐course-‐4800/past-‐papers-‐and-‐mark-‐schemes This is a good way of gaining some understanding of the way ques>ons are set out and how they are marked. It also gives you a good understanding of the amount of detail needed for the different style of ques>on i.e. Sec>on A = one possible answer; Sec>on B = one or two sentences required in your answers; Sec>on C -‐ detailed answers requiring in depth answers that demonstrate a sound understanding
! Sec)on A All ques>ons in this sec>on require you to know the meanings of some technical terms/words. Below is a list of the most commonly occurring words in the last 4 years. Some you will know, some you will not. Learn as many as you can and it will be 10% of the paper in the bag! Get someone to test you. Keep your score and challenge a friend to beat you!
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Employee = worker
Employer = boss
In DRABC what do the le0ers stand for?
D = Danger R = Response A = Airways B= Breathing C = Circula>on •
Bonus = extra money paid for good work
Mentoring = ge[ng support and advice at work from an experienced worker
Superannua>on = pension benefits
Gross Pay = earnings before stoppages
Net Pay = earnings a]er stoppages
P45 = a cer>ficate showing pay and tax details when a person leaves a job
P60 = a cer>ficate showing pay and tax details at the end of the year
CAM = Computer Aided Manufacture
CAD = Computer Aided Design
Tax Code = the amount you can earn before paying Income Tax
The le0ers PAYE =
P = Pay A = As Y = You E = Earn •
Health and Safety Act was passed in = 1974
Carbohydrates are needed for = energy supply
Trades Unions = represent workers in a company
Managing Director = person in overall control of a business organisa>on
A referee = someone who writes in support of a person’s job applica>on
! ! ! Sec)on B Ques>ons in this sec>on require a bit more explana>on and thought. You should try and give as much detail as you are able. Below is a list of the most commonly occurring ques>ons in the last 4 years. Copy the ques>ons, try to answer them and check to see how well you got on – if in doubt come to the next revision session and check with me •
What does Net Pay mean?
What does Gross Pay mean?
Peter has a tax code of 303. What does this mean?
Sally is made redundant. What does this mean?
What do the le0ers PAYE stand for?
Which Act of Parliament made everyone responsible for Health and Safety in the workplace?
What do the le0ers CAD stand for?
Give one advantage of a debit / credit card
Give one disadvantage of a debit / credit card
Give two different roles of trades unions
Give two ways of adver>sing job vacancies
To treat a worker differently because of their na>onality is best described as?
What is the job >tle of the most senior person in a company?
What is a P60 and what does it show?
Give 3 examples of good body language at a job interview.
Name the 4 aspects of Health
What does bullying and discrimina>on in the workplace mean?
What does the term ‘minimum wage’ mean?
Give one advantage/disadvantage of having a new factory in a given area?
! ! Sec)on C
On average, ques>ons in this sec>on are awarded about 9 marks so it is important that these ques>ons are answered well.
! Tip 1: Read the ques>on carefully – are you 100% sure that you know what you are being asked? Tip 2: Plan your answer BEFORE you write it down – have you included all the informa>on you know? Have you used any technical terms? Are you answering the ques>on? Common themes:
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Health and Safety – you will be given a sketch drawing showing a selec>on of poten>al hazards in a work place. You must iden>fy the hazard and then state what the risk is.
Do this ques>on well and you should pick up 12 marks
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Enterprise ac>vi>es – you will be given a descrip>on of how a couple of students either plan to sell something they have made or plan to organise an event of some kind
! What kind of things do they need to consider? ➢ Cost of materials ➢ Time it takes to make an item ➢ Who is their target audience? ➢ What is the cost of the final item? ➢ How is it to be adver>sed? ➢ How much profit will they make? ➢ Where/when/how will it be sold ➢ How will they assess how successful they have been
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What kind of skills and a[tudes will students in this team require?
! ➢ Good team work ➢ Good communica>on skills ➢ Good numeracy skills ➢ Posi>ve a[tudes ➢ Hard working ➢ Commi0ed ➢ Good sense of humour ➢ Conscien>ous ➢ Methodical ➢ Honest and reliable
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How can you impress at an interview?
! ➢ Arrive on >me ➢ Know the name of the person interviewing you ➢ Stress smartly
➢ Do not smell of smoke or look unclean ➢ Good body language – e.g. shake hands; make eye contact; do not chew; do not mumble; ➢ Consider your answers before you speak ➢ Look interested and enthusias>c
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How can employees improve their performance at work?
! ➢ Take part in regular training ➢ Work shadow – spend >me with an experienced/qualified member of staff and watch how they do the task ➢ Mentoring – have someone experienced you can turn to ask for help or advice ➢ Appraisal – regular mee>ngs with your line manager to get feedback on how well you are doing and what you can improve upon
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Explain why it is important to be able to budget for your future?
! ➢ Need to know exactly how much money you have each month so you don’t get into debt ➢ Plan your essen>al expenditure – e.g. rent; hea>ng; food etc ➢ Plan your non-‐essen>al expenditure – e.g. holidays; nights out; entertainment etc ➢ Start a savings account ➢ Think about a pension plan ➢ Look at areas you could make some cuts in what you spend
! ! If you take on board all of the above there is no guarantee that you will pass but you will put yourself in a very strong posi>on to do so. What will also put you in a strong posi>on is if you a0end all your Careers lessons and the revision sessions which will start in March. Good luck Mr Davies