Blockchain Technology flyer A5 Landscape 04

TECHNOLOGY IN FINANCE, LAW AND REGULATION The conference explores the use of technology in financial markets from the pe...

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TECHNOLOGY IN FINANCE, LAW AND REGULATION The conference explores the use of technology in financial markets from the perspectives of finance, law and regulation. The event covers payment systems, cryptocurrencies and property law, digital tokens, sustainable finance, regulatory technology and the use of artificial intelligence for financial regulation.

Venue: 9th floor, Pankhurst House, London School of Economics and Political Science, Clement’s Inn, WC2A 2AZ

16th May 2019 8.30am-5.15pm

Organisers Eva Micheler (LSE Law, SRC) Jon Danielsson (LSE Finance, SRC) Registration free event, open to all, pre-registration required

Speakers Tomaso Aste UCL Iris Chiu UCL Jon Danielsson LSE Anna Donovan UCL David Fox UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Daniel Gozman UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY BUSINESS SCHOOL Jonathan Liebenau LSE Robert Macrae LSE Eva Micheler LSE

Andrew Murray LSE Philipp Paech LSE Francisco Rivadeneyra BANK OF CANADA Matteo Solinas VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON Priscilla Toffano IMF Andreas Uthemann LSE Kathy Yuan LSE Dirk Zetzsche UNIVERSITY OF LUXEMBOURG

The conference is supported by the BARAC (Blockchain technology for Algorithmic Regulation And Compliance) project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) [Grant number EP/P031730/1].